Sunday, March 10, 2013

Gift from a Friend ~

The other day in the mail I received the most perfect gift!  Something totally unexpected and totally wonderful.  I received this little pug quilt from Gayle, the Middle Sister, made especially for me :)   It's temporarily hanging from one of my wool cupboards until I find the perfect place for it.  It will have a place of honor in the hooking room since that is where I spent the most time.

Isn't it too sweet?  It measures about 9 1/2" x 11 3/4" . . .

. . . these little blocks are just 1" square.  

I am not a quilter and just in awe of the talent needed to make this.  Gayle, thank you so very much.  I am one lucky blogger!!!

What a gorgeous day today on Ohio's north coast.  I hope we get many more ~ soon.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Beautiful quilt, Lauren.... I am not a quilter either but I so appreciate the talent! What a special gift...I love the look of your hooking room. Nice and cozy!

  2. Hi Lauren, What a lovely addition to your beautiful home. Blogging friends are simply the best. Julie.

  3. Ooh, that is so sweet. A very nice surprise.

  4. That is so wonderful and a cute idea, I do have photo fabric to use.


  5. S.W.E.E.T. So perfect for you and I love the little quilt size.

  6. Oh my goodness, what a sweet little quilt. You are a lucky girl.

  7. Wow! What a great quilt! It's perfect!

  8. Morning Lauren, that is so so sweet, love the quilt Puggy, how great is she......Blessings Francine.

  9. What an adorable little quilt!!

  10. Oh my, I LOVE the pug quilt that your friend made you. It is perfect!!! What a sweet gift to make a friend and send. I always show my husband your furbabies because we have 3 small
    poodles and our oldest is 16 yrs old and can't hear and it is so hard becasue Mocha grew up with our 2 sons. Our oldest son is 21 ans our youngest is 18. Then we have Marissa and she is my only girl in the house, she is 14 yrs old and then we have Koko and he was my MIL's furbaby and I took care of her for 4 years before she passed away and she bought Koko a year before she went home with the Lord and she asked my husband and I if we would take Koko and we did. She was a Mother to me, I was a very lucky girl to have her in my life for and I been married to her son for 23 beautiful,wonderful years.
    My FIL is like my Father and we take care of him, he is 86 yrs young.
    So he loves to come over and be with all the furbabies they bring such joy.
    Your pugs are the cutest I have ever seen. I told my hubby if we ever get another furbaby alot later on it would be a pug, I just fell in love with yours!

    So I babbled.
    Have a blessed day,
    Think Spring,

  11. Your new pug quilt is soooo cute!

  12. That is so nice!! So darling a pug little quilt!Cheri

  13. Hi Lauren - that little quilt looks right at home in it's new surroundings. So glad that you like it!

  14. What a wonderful gift! And so you.

  15. I'm so excited to be the winner of the sampler. Thank you so much Lauren. I've sent my mailing address by private email.

  16. What a sweet puggy quilt, nice gift . Wonderful talent, great friend :)

  17. How perfectly sweet is that?!! I love it!! Great colors...and those teeny, tiny, blocks get me every time!! Can't think of anyone sweeter to be so gifted!! Robin


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