Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Crazy ~ Crazy ~

~ weather.  Here in northern Ohio, it's been in the low 60's the last couple of days.  I've had daffodil bulbs poking through the ground since December, but now they are growing entirely too fast and may be in for a rude awakening.  Tomorrow should be about 35 degrees colder than today.  They say if you don't like the weather in Ohio stick around for 24 hours and it will change.

Winter aconite is quite hardy and hopefully will fare okay.

Ditto for snowdrops.

I've finished hooking another simple mat, but of course the binding is not yet on.  I think this one measures about 6" x 8".

Not a good day at work today.  My three annual reports are due tomorrow.  Our new copy machine that arrived on Monday kept jamming and no one could get it to work.  I called service by 8:30 this morning.  They were supposed to be out in the morning . . . and then this afternoon . . . and now it's tomorrow morning.  That really messed up my day!!!  

Friday I'm off with hooker friend and partner in wool crime Melissa for a two day hooking retreat at Sauder Village.  It will feel so good to get away.  Hopefully I'll get lots of hookin' done and have lots to share.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren,
    Those daffy daffodils! You must really have much milder weather than we do here! It's so heartening to see those shoots of green though!
    Have a great time at Sauder V. as you deserve it after having that copy machine almost put you over the edge! LOL! Love your hooking and the calming and neutrals in that heart!
    p.s. enjoyed your email today...even got Dave to laughing! LOL!
    Cathy G

  2. Hi Lauren. Oh my, what beautiful flowers already,,,love Snowdrops, so pretty....Lovely rug, have fun this weekend, Francine.

  3. Your flowers are pretty! Maybe they will bloom now and then in spring?? I have the yellow flower, like you, that are blooming. I hope we don't blow away. Have fun hooking, can't wait to see your pictures.

  4. MUST share when you get back from Sauder....Many, many pics !!! Gotta have that eye candy !Love your mat ...and please...relax and enjoy yourself !

  5. Here is wait 5 minutes and the weather will change, lol.
    I would love to go to Sauder, I hope you have a wonderful time.


  6. Love you hooked rug patern! I have been the Sauder many years ago and really enjoyed it.
    We stayed at a B and B called Stone Cottage?
    Your flowers will be in shock today! BRR!

  7. Cute little heart mat!!! Have fun at Sauder ~ silly me, of course, you will!!!

  8. The last two days temps were in the 70's and last night had horrible winds with tornado watches in effect. Needless to say made for a no-sleep night as I can't fall asleep with all that noise.

    Please share pictures with us from Sauder.


  9. A hooking retreat...what fun! Have a great time.

  10. Lauren, we use that same saying about the weather here in Tallahassee. Tonight it will be a hard freeze but Tuesday, it was in the 70s!!
    Have a great time at Sauder and I expect tons of wonderful photos. I'll be thinking of you there pulling up loops.
    Have fun and don't do anything I wouldn't,


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)