Sunday, January 27, 2013


I really shouldn't plan to give away a hooked mat that has not been completed.  I got the hooking part done, but of course the binding is not yet on.  I really do have a good excuse.  Or two.  Or three. Work, work, work.  I had to work late Friday because of snow.  I also worked Saturday and today, not because of snow, but because of annual reports.  On Friday I was told they are due this Thursday.  ACK!  I was still several months behind on my data entry, so I spent my weekend entering daily reports.  Can you say boring?  Every year I promise myself I will not get behind, but every year I do.  So much for my promises {sigh}.  The data entry is done but I must now compile the reports.  Hopefully that won't be too bad.  So anyway, the winner of the heart mat must be patient and give me a couple days to "finish" it.  Gayle, (The Middle Sister), can you please do that?  Thanks to all who entered.  I am humbled by my blog friends who would like to win one of my mats.  {This is showing up way too orange on my monitor.  Trust me, it's not!}

Ellie's mom is doing a bit better.  Her C Diff is still contagious, but she is out of the hospital and back in to rehab.  Please keep her in your prayers.  I did sneak Ellie in to the hospital while she was there, but now that she is back at the nursing home, we can visit on a regular basis.  Pet therapy is wonderful!
* * *
Ellie loves to burrow under the covers at night.  Here she is this morning after I got up.  I think she's making herself quite at home.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pugless hugs :)


  1. Congrats to Gayle!! Ellie is so darn cute. Hope work evens outfit you soon.

  2. So happy for Gayle! She'll enjoy the mat for years and years I'll bet!
    Ellie is a honey!
    Erica :)

  3. Ohhh...what a sweet little mat that turned out to be!! Congratulations to lucky, lucky, Gayle!! Hope you've gotten caught up on things...and wishing you a snowless week ahead. (We just got about 5" dumped on us the past few hours and now, for good measure, we're getting freezing rain...Oiy....) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  4. Morning Lauren, sweet sweet rug, Congrats to Gayle...Glad to hear Ellies mom is better, so cute peeking out of the blanket....Hugs Francine.

  5. It turned out wonderful! Congrats to lucky Gayle! Hope Your friend gets better soon it's good she can visit with Ellie.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  6. Congratulations, Gayle!!! What a wonderful rug! I hope you get everything done soon. It is never fun to run behind at work. Have a great week!


  7. Congratulations Gayle!

    Must admit that Ellie is a cute pup but know it will be nice to have her back with her mom.


  8. Ellie is such a cutie! My kitty loves to burrow under the covers like that. Glad her mommy is doing better. :-) Just this morning my son was talking about his eagle scout project and wanting to start a Hug A Pug program at hospitals. :-)

  9. Congrats to Gayle!It is a beautiful rug.Ellie is such an adorable pup!Glad to hear that her mom is doing better.Hugs,Jen

  10. Congrats to Gayle, What a cute little dog. Great picture it gave me a big smile.Hugs Cheri

  11. How in the world did I miss this wonderful giveaway...Congratulations to Gayle! I am happy to hear your friend is gaining and heading in the right direction to wellness. You are such a wounderful friend. How is Annie faring? I hope she is doing well too...Hope you are staying flu free!! It is snowing in Maine. Hugs, Julie.

  12. Cute pics of Ellie! I'm glad to hear her mom is mending.

  13. Lauren - I'm SOOOO excited to have been chosen the winner of your generous giveaway - I love how this little heart mat isn't done in the traditional red & white - makes it much more versatile and usable year round. Can't wait to receive it in the mail. Thanks so much!

  14. Congratulations Gayle on winning a Lauren's beautiful heart rug.
    I'm glad that Ellie's mom is doing better and Ellie is looking quite t home in your bed. How nice that you can go visit her mom often.

    I hope that you get caught up on the year end reports... I'm the same way. I'm still filing papers and I'm dragging my feet a bit but I'm much more organized than last year and I'm ahead a bit. Next year I think that I'll even will be a bit better organizes as I bought 2 more of those plastic towers drawers for filing papers at the thrift store and I even found a grey wool skirt. Have a great week.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)