Sunday, December 2, 2012

Beautiful Weekend ~

What a gorgeous weekend we had.  Yesterday I mowed by lawn.  Cutting grass in December is a first for me, I do believe.  I figured mulching up the leaves with the lawnmower was faster than raking and bagging.  Today was another mild day though it rained part of the day.  Tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer.  Woo hoo.  I will take it.  I just hope we don't have to pay for this wonderful weather.

I concur with the rest of blogland that it really can't be December and Christmas is just a few short weeks away.  I had hoped to finish the decorating this weekend.  Usually at this time I am just starting.  I have a tendency to stress myself every year and this year I am trying hard not to.  I had intended to make a few more gifts but I don't think that is going to happen and I'm not going to stress myself in the process!  That's my story and I'm sticking to it . . . lol!

I also planned on doing the 25 days of Christmas with a quick post each day.  As you can see, that is not happening either :)  Maybe next year.

Here's the mantle in the living room.  All three samplers are antique.  The large one in the center is the first antique sampler I purchased, probably 25 years ago.  If my memory serves me correctly, I got it at a Garth's auction in Columbus, Ohio.  The sampler on the left was a Christmas gift a few years ago.  Lucky me!  The sampler on the right is very faded, but does look better in person.  I could not get a better picture without having more flash glare.

Over the years, many readers have commented on the antique postcards I have on my blog.  They are not from a collection of mine.  It is a CD I bought on eBay years ago.  Unfortunately there is no seller ID.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Your mantel looks great we had snow and rain so there was no lawn mowing but it suppose to be very warm this week so who knows.

  2. Imagine mowing lawn on December 1 ~ wish it would happen every year!!! Wish I would blog a bit every day but I'm lucky to blog every week! I wondered where your vintage photos came from ~ each one is beautiful!!

  3. I love your mantle display. I was looking at blocks and thinking I would love something like that and just realized, I can make it, duh;)


  4. Mowing the lawn in December is a first! It's been crazy weather. This morning it was minus 10 and tonight it's plus 9. So, no risk of snow. Lol

  5. Hi Lauren~

    It was so nice today that I had a great day working on outdoor decorations. Love your samplers.

    Have a wonderful day~Becky

  6. Lauren,
    Mowing lawn in December???!! So hard to believe! We had a dusting of snow but it is gone! Makes you wonder what is in store for the rest of winter!
    LOVE your samplers! They are such a reminder of simpler times! I wish you the best on your resolve to not stress and enjoy each moment this year! I'm trying to do the same..... may we succeed together!
    Cathy G

  7. Love the fireplace mantel and the old postcards, your blog is very nice and I enjoy visiting you. Have joyous Season. LenZie

  8. Hi Lauren,
    Your antique samplers are wonderful! I love the muted soft colors!
    Our live oaks produced so many acorns this year it is unbelievable! The squirrels are in a frenzy...we have not seen them this busy in years! I've been told that means a hard winter is on the way...guess we'll see.
    Love the postcards!

  9. don't stress yourself ~~ just enjoy!!!! denise

  10. Morning Lauren, love those Antique samplers so, the mantle looks wonderful.....I love old postcards, I have a collection of them, so sweet, Enjoy the holidays, Francine.

  11. Those samplers are wonderful!! The weather has certainly been wonderful!! Enjoy your time leading up to the holidays, they will be gone before we know it!! ~Cammie~

  12. Love the samples. They look very old and don't you wish they could tell you their stories.

    It's mild and I could cut my lawn here to if the grass wasn't so wet.
    I hope that the winter will be short and not too cold. I think that we already paid for this winter last year. lol...

    I'm just easing in the decorating. No shopping done yet.

  13. I wondered where you got all of your antique post cards that you post on your blog. That is amazing that you have something like that. Your mantle looks wonderful.
    I love the blocks. They look like antiques too.
    I do hope you have a wonderful week.

  14. I had wondered how you had so many wonderful vintage post cards to post. Lucky you.


  15. I love your samplers. I am listening to my christmas music too. It's a cloudy rainy day on California and I enjoying the day! Hugs Cheri

  16. We've had a couple of mild days too... but more seasonable by the weekend. Something needs to change here if it's only Monday and I'm already planning my weekend? lol! Love that sampler in the middle.

  17. Hi, Lauren,
    How are you? Enjoying the warm weather, I see. I am just the opposite, I HATE this warm, un-Christmassy weather I yearn for the days when I was little and we had lots of snow! I can remember sledding, skiing, shoveling, all the wonderful winter things! And, yes, that was here in sw Ohio. I hear you groaning.... :) I love your mantel too, the samplers are wonderful.

  18. Whooaaa...How, exactly, did I get so far behind here??? Oh, I am deeply sorry my friend!! But, I've spent a good long while here catching up (and spared you the agony of posting long-overdue comments on prior posts)...So sorry to hear about your accident. Wow - I'd say someone was watching over you. I HATE winter driving - and even more so, ICE. Your mantle with the samplers is beautiful...I adore old samplers....wish I had more money, more access, and more wall space! That one you picked up recently is a beauty - I never a saying such as that on a sampler before - with the reference to being English born.... Will try to do better with my keepings up....I did miss you so.... Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)