Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday Stuff ~

Happy end of November to you!  How can it be?  
Living only a couple blocks from Lake Erie is advantageous in the fall.  (It's just the opposite in the spring.)  Things tend to grow a little longer.  I still have a couple stray blooms but this is the last of them.

I love that Thanksgiving was early this year.  It gives us an extra week to get ready for Christmas.  I am knee deep in decorations.  Here are some ornaments, some vintage but mostly newer, waiting to be hung on my antique feather tree.  

Even though I wanted to make some Christmas gifts, I have not gotten my act together.  A couple weeks ago I needed something to take to the Farm to hook.  I just grabbed a piece of linen and a bag of worms.  This is all I've gotten done in 2+ weeks and two of those nights were at the Farm.  I think I could make a dozen of these and not even put a dent in the worms.  (Of course this is photographing too bright!)

I started this little sampler by Country Rustic Primitives, but didn't plan too well.  She said the model fit in a 5" x 7" frame.  Well dumb me did not think about thread count and got more than half way done when I realized my linen was not cut large enough.  I've eliminated the row of numbers but don't have a frame it will fit in.  I guess it will join several other pieces waiting for some type of finish.  I really did know better.  I bet I won't be making that mistake again soon :)

Happy Friday to you.  Thank you so much for all your sweet comments about my accident.  I am very lucky and very thankful.  What I thought was "minimal damage" to my little SUV, is really $2700+.  I am just happy they did not total it!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Love all those shiney ornaments! I really should do some work control and hook up something like what you are doing. The sampler looks very pretty. Just can't beat those soft browns and blues... have you seen Stacy Nash's Holly Berry Farm Christmas Sampler release? Oh my....

  2. Those vintage ornaments brings me back to my childhood. Nice memory when life was so simple and so were the pleasures.

    Lauren, I'm sorry that the damage to your car was so expensive but like I said, glad that you were not hurt.

    I usually learn better from my mistakes too. lol. This is a great way to use up those excess worms though. I swear that mine multiplies when I'm sleeping... because my rug is not advancing but the worms are.

    Your sampler looks lovely. Are you planning to frame it?
    Have a great weekend.

  3. oh My Lauren! I love those ornies! can't wait to see your tree... I think finally everything has died off here... frosts were late this year.. OLM

  4. Hi, dear Lauren,
    Sorry to hear about the hefty bill on your car, thank heavens for insurance! I love all your antique glass ornaments, be sure to post a picture of your antique feather tree all decorated. As far as your sampler goes, very pretty, you don't say whether it is turning out too small or too large for the frame. If it is too large to fit in a 5 x 7, you could stitch a simple border around it, maybe using one of the border designs already in it, say in the brown color, and make it big enough to fit in an 6 x 8 or 7 x 9 or 8 x 10. Just an idea...

  5. Love those ornaments! You have the best decorations. Is that a Christmas pickle I see??

  6. Evening Lauren, I also love the old glass ornies, I have been collecting for my tree to, so pretty, to bad about the big bill, but.......Your sampler is wonderful, Blessings Francine.

  7. Love that sampler Lauren.

    Have a wonderful weekend~Becky

  8. Your ornaments are lovely and I saw a pickle ornament and know it has a special meaning but for the life of me cannot remember what it is.

    Somehow I missed the previous post about your accident and must say you were one lucky gal. Hard to believe you slid across 3 lanes, hit a concrete barrier and came out unscathed. Your guardian, your angels or the man upstairs was definitely looking out for you.


  9. I loved this photo of the rat's... LOL where do you find all of these vintage pieces of art that you share with us?

  10. Hi Luren, I'm behind on my blog reading.
    Just read about the scary slide that ended in an accident. I hope you are OK. I can imagine how shaken you were! Thank goodness someone was looking down from above!
    Blessings and hugs to you!

    I'mlooking forward to seeing pictures of your trees and decorations. They are always so lovely.

  11. your ornaments are wonderful I have not dug those out yet and I too could hook a rug like that for the rest of my life and not be done with my worms.
    have a great weekend.

  12. I love all of your ornaments. They looks so pretty. I also like your little rug hooking like that. You know there are times I just want to hook and not have a pattern. I need to do that.
    I like your counted cross stitch it is really nice. I really do enjoy doing cross stitch.
    Wow, that is a lot of money. I am so glad too that they didn't total your car. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  13. Those adorable ornaments will look so lovely on your feather tree.

  14. Loved seeing those vintage ornaments Lauren. Stitching a sampler YEAH ! it was so much fun to see - how about making a primitive pocket for that sampler since the fabric is a bit short? Those are really neat to hang on one of your many pretty antique pieces. You might could even back in wool - how novel ! Look on Faye's (Carolina Stitcher) blog - she has done some wonderful unusual finishing lately. enjoy the season! mel


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)