Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Busy ~

My grandiose plans did not come to fruition.  In the back of my mind, I knew they wouldn't, but a girl can dream, right?  I had really hoped to finish my decorating on Sunday.  I came kind of close, but the best laid plans of mice and men . . . sigh.  Now it's Wednesday evening and it still is not quite done.  Every evening this week I've had other things to do.  Oh, how that day job gets in the way!  
Half the lights on a 3 foot tree have decided to go out.  Of course they are a strand I silicone-dipped a few years ago, so off to Home Depot to buy silicone.  I will have to un-decorate at least half the tree to either find the problem or to add a new strand (once I find the time to dip them).  I also dropped two of my vintage ornaments and they did not survive the crash to the hard wood floor.  Why couldn't new ones have fallen off?  Murphy's law, I suppose.
My decorating style is very eclectic.  Here's one of my cheesy plastic Santas that brings a smile to my face.

Last night was hooking with Katie of Kidl de Divey Woolens.  Here's Valerie working on her latest rug.

Melissa finishing up a Christmas present.  

It's for her mom and dad and the date is the year they were married.  I believe this in an Anne Nichols pattern.

The ever-sweet Katie . . .

. . . working on her daughter's Christmas gift.  Katie is speed-hooker.  I joked that she probably started it on Sunday.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Happy hump day!
Hugs :)


  1. You are miles ahead of me. Maybe the tree will get up this weekend...maybe not! It's a coin toss ;)

  2. Lauren,
    It's still early yet! Plenty of time for decorating! LOL!
    Love the cheesy Santa..... you can't help but smile when you see him!
    Oh my goodness.... the ladies are hooking some mighty fine looking rugs!! Great colors and nice hooking!!
    So glad you snapped some photos! Love them!!
    Cathy G

  3. Happy humb day right back. I don't know if we will get a tree up or not but I have been pecking away at getting things out.

  4. Lauren, so sorry about your vintage ornaments. How disappointing to put the lights on and then they don't work and to have to tear down the tree.
    Hope that you have better luck tomorrow.

    The ladies are doing some nice hooking. Thanks for showing us the pictures. Wishing you a more pleasant day tomorrow,

  5. That light thing?? Happens EVERY freakin' year here!! It is very traumatic as MR. Crow HATES putting on lights....and when he does it, he does it so it TORMENTS me....Last year, I swear he intentionally tied the strands in knots so when I tried to "fix" his artful arrangement and replace the burned out strands, it took me 4 hours to undo the knots. Sick man.'re way ahead of me....The last thing I have time for these days is blogging, but I joined that "Merriment Chain" just to ensure that I would get some things up sometime.... And what you see, it what's up....NOTHING more! Shopping? Baking??? HA! Smiles & Cranky Hugs ~ Robin

  6. Ah...I hear you; but somehow it all gets done every year.

  7. I tossed all my lights this year...only half the string would light on several of them. Splurged and bought all new at Target.
    The rugs are amazing...I'd really like to get a little hooking in over the holidays...I haven't pulled a loop in ages!
    Love the jolly Santa!

  8. Don't stress, there is plenty of time to finish your decorating!! Sorry to hear about the vintage ornaments!! I wish I lived closer, I would love to come and hook at Katies and go to the hook-in she posted she posted for June. Maybe since it is not until June, I could plan a road trip!

  9. Oh Ya, I hear ya about lights, same thing here, Grrrrr......Great hooking happening......Relax, all will prevail......Blessings Francine.

  10. We had a rainstorm on Sunday evening, and ever since them the lights on the front of the garage aven't worked - such a pain when they won't behave!

  11. Lauren, you're further along on your decorating than I am, as my house needs to be cleaned before I do that.

    It was very interesting to see that Katie hooks a lot of background up to her motif before hooking the flowers.....very interesting.


  12. My day job gets in the way too!!!! lol! At least I can read blogs here when no one's looking... ;-) Magically enough.... all the decorating and shopping seems to get done every year, so no need to panic. Love the colorway of the turkey rug!

  13. Lauren, I love those Geezy plastic santas!!!
    and those wonderful rugs, oh my! OLM


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