Sunday, October 7, 2012

Lovely ~

"Lovely" is what Katie will say when she sees "our" rug.  I say "our" rug because Katie hooked the water in about 2 minutes flat! That woman can HOOK!  I think the colors are even brighter in person if you can imagine me hooking with such colors.  I am getting near the end.  You know the old adage, "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time."  That is how I am hooking this rug.  I make myself spend 15-20 minutes a day working on it and I am nearing completion.  The next time you see it, it will be d-o-n-e!  It has definitely been a learning experience.

I've also hooked another pumpkin with hand torn strips and hope to complete two more.  I need a couple gifts and I think the recipients will like them.

Here is the textured wool I used.  I adore textured wools.  The pumpkin is about 12" x 13" and took almost a half yard of wool, and that does not include the wool that I will back it with.

Thanks to Julia and my dear friend Wink for looking up information about the pumpkin on a stick from my last past.  It is actually an ornamental eggplant.  Whodda thunk that?  Go HERE for more information or to purchase seeds.

It is a rainy, chilly day here on Ohio's north coast.  There is an annual outdoor fall antique/craft festival the first full weekend of October that has been going on for decades.  You can always count on the weather being lousy!  Thankfully when I went yesterday the rain had stopped and the sun came out for a bit.  I was one of the lucky ones who did not get stuck in the muddy field ~ aka the parking lot.
I was glad to find a bunch of teaspoons in one booth.  A little more than I like to spend, but I was thankful to get them for what I did.  Lots more spoon jewelry to help support my habit :)

I also got a cheesy, plastic light up Santa.  He needs a bath and a new light cord, but for a dollar I couldn't pass him up!

Thanks so much for stopping by.  Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hello Lauren, love the hooked rug, the colors just pop,very pretty. Glad the sun came out for you while you shopped, nice spoons and Santa, he will look cute all a glow. Your hooked pumpkins are so charming, lucky gals to receive one. Blessings Francine.

  2. Your rug is looking great and close to completion. Goodness, half a yard to hook the pumpkin? Wow, seems like a lot, but it sure is pretty; I aso love the hooked mat that you placed your spoons on and nice colors too.

    Congrats on great buy of Santa, seems hard to believe that it is almost that time again.


  3. Your Deanne rug is looking very nice. It almost feel like a little piece of herself right there in your home.

    Again your pumpkin is mighty fine and it's so nice seeing a sample of the wool that you use but I agree that it take a lot of wool to hook and finish the piece. I don't think that people understand how much goes into making a hooked piece with wool.

    So glad that you found a good bunch of silver spoons to turn into little gems and a nice santa to add to your collection.

    Hugs, JB

  4. I just love your Deanne rug! Really lovely! I do, I do just love those bright colors! Also loving your Santa, we have quite a collection of the plastic light up Santa's for Christmas....seems we can always find a place for them!

  5. That is a very pretty rug. I like all of the bight colors and the water is pretty cool. I like your pumpkin rugs every time you make them. I know it is early but it nice you are having rain.
    I hope you have a lovely week next week.

  6. It is fun to do things that we are not used to and you did a beautiful job on the rug. I also love your pumpkins.


  7. Cool rug Missy Lauren! I don't think I could ever hook one, but they do have a unique charm....You really are stepping outside all the boxes, aren't you? But....oh....I'm still lovin' those pumpkins of yours! Enjoy your's better than the white stuff that visited us....WAY too early! Have a great week ahead! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  8. Wow, That is going to be a great little rug! It reminds me of a painting.Thinking outside the box is always interesting and fun.Cheri

  9. Lauren, I love how your Deanne F rug is coming along. The purple and yellow houses are wonderful. And the big flowers underneath are so cheerful!! Your pumpkins are always wonderful. I don't know how you manage to tear strips, I tried it and can't seem to get the hang of it. It was a chilly day here, too, but not rainy.

  10. Wonderful rug, wonderful spoons, and wonderful light up santa. We have a santa very much like that one. It has been in my husband's family since the 1950's, I would guess, with the original box! We have two adult daughters who both would like to have the Santa -- don't know quite how that will work out.

  11. Hi Lauren, I too love the way the "Deanne" rug is coming along, the blue just makes the rug come alive, so very pretty...The pumpkins are lovely too, simple muted shades. Santa is a nice find, especially for a $1.00. It has become quite chilly here in Maine, so much to do before winter arrives! Greetings to you, Julie.

  12. you know that is what amazes me with all the rugs, the patterns and wool that all the ladies put into them, and then, the finished project is just so spectacular. love the pumpkin, out of plaid!

  13. Lauren,
    I know I've been absent here with comments lately but I am reading and enjoying your posts to the utmost!! I have to say I really love your Deanne style rug! I think you are doing a fabulous job and know how hard it is to hook that way! I tried a little bit of once and boy is it hard to break out of our "normal" way of hooking! I love the colors and and the textures and the fun impressionist look of the style! I sure want to give it a try again one of these days!
    Great finds again on the spoons and the Santa! He will light up your Christmas for sure! And judging by the way the weather is here it won't be far off! LOL!
    The amount of wool it takes to hook our little creations is amazing isn't it?!
    Scary to figure the cost of new wool for a large rug these days!!
    Love those pumpkin mats and what a nice gift they will make!!
    Cathy G

  14. Santa? Ack! You're scaring me this morning!!! lol! A dollar is a serious good deal on him though! :-) Great looking mat and you know I love those pumpkins! One day before the end of this year I will pick up my hook and get loopy! ;-)

  15. Hi Lauren,
    Your rug is so fun...wonderful colors! I love that you jumped in and tried this style of hooking...I would probably be in need of some sort of therapy if I tried something like this...too much the school marm in me coloring inside the lines! I'd love to have one of your spoon you do requests?
    Have a great week,

  16. Good Morning Lauren~

    Glad to see you are "making" yourself work on the rug. It will be beautiful when finished. Love your pumpkin rug!! Had to laugh at the cheesy Santa. I had one just like it, but sold it a couple of years ago.

    Have a wonderful day~Becky

  17. Deanne would be proud. You are doing a great job with her pattern.
    Thanks for showing the pumpkin wool. It is always nice to see how a piece of fabric "hooks up". My hook has been quiet for days :(

  18. Your pattern is looking really good, but such a difference than the pumpkins! BTW, I love that fabric for the pumpkin and am amazed how something can look once it's hooked!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)