Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Heartbreak ~

Tonight grandson Jake and I went to dinner here.

I don't know what made me look at the receipt.  This is what I saw.  Now, I like to save as much as the next person, but this just broke my heart.  I am afraid to find out at what age one qualifies for this discount!

Happy hump day to you.
Hugs :)


  1. If anything I hope you saved a bundle! Have a good evening, Julie.

  2. My husband's birthday is tomorrow, he has been getting AARP junk in the mail. He is freaking out that someone will ask about his senior discount. That is so funny. I will have to show it to him. You know the adage you are only as old as you feel. Right. I think you are pretty young. :)

  3. Hello Laurewn, hope it keeps money in your pockets, tee hee. Hugs Francine.

  4. what is a halloween senior discount were you wearing your costum again??:)

  5. LOL, I will take it, and usually BIll gets it without question, so that is what happens when your hair turns white;)


  6. My Dear Hubby is 32 days older than I am ~ we're both 54 years old. He gets senior citizen discounts all the time ~ cracks me up! It's almost like a private joke amongst ourselves. I say - take the money and run!!

  7. *****the upside is that you can get a senior
    discount on used wool clothes at salvation army or goodwill!

  8. Lauren, Look on the bright did get a toy!

  9. I'll take that discount as often as I can get it. But then I AM old enough to get it.


  10. ROFLMAO!!!! I'm going to Wendy's tonight!!!

  11. I know that your 1st time is hard Lauren,but very soon you'll begin to appreciate it and yes at some point even demand it. We gotta take everything we can get!!! My Periodontist even gives a Senior discount!!!!

  12. Lauren...something similar happened to me at Goodwill when I was just 46 years old!!! I looked up at the clerk and said..."Are you kidding me? Do I really look that old?!!" I was a already going a little grey then, but I like to think it was because the wool blazers I was buying looked like they were for "older" folks :) ...who knows, but I was devastated by it at the time. Tina...PS, Enjoy the discount, like Sherry said, we should take everything we can get!! :)

  13. OMG that cracks me up! Now use that extra money for wool.....See there is always an upside!

  14. Gosh - usually people will ask you if you qualify for the discount. Although it always cracks me up when they say "You don't qualify for the senor discount, I'm sure?" But you know they're telling you that you probably do, but just being nice about it. I used to get offended, but now I take advantage of saving money. My kids crack up when I do it.

  15. It said Halloween Senior Discount. You're good till Halloween. Go back for more discounts. JB

  16. Well, maybe they're on to something!
    Growing older certainly is scary enough!

  17. Aw, lol. I don't think you quailfy yet. The comments are hilarious.

  18. LOL.. I am floored that they gave you a discount without you having to ask. I am old enough - and trust me I look old enough- but I always have to ask if they give a discount everywhere because they just don't give it .. they want all they can get too $$..

  19. "1 Halloween Senior Discount"??? Perhaps anyone over trick or treating age qualified??? Just trying to help.... I was asked once...and only once....I don't think the poor clerk will ever be the same.... Smiles & Senior Hugs ~ Robin

  20. dang i like wendys but will be afraid to look at the receipe! my #2 grandson calls me his older g-ma cuz i have white hair..i want so badly to explain to him his other g-ma dyes hers..but..will be nice and smile!! enjoy your evening and yes more money for wool!!


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