Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I believe I've mentioned before that if you looked up the word "procrastinator" in the dictionary, you just may find my picture!  After 2+ years, my mother's house is officially on the market.  I am not sure if this is a Christian thing or just a Catholic thing, but it seems almost sacrilegious to me.  When trying to sell a home, the seller is to bury a statue of St. Joseph in the yard, upside down, facing the house.  There are differing opinions on where to bury him in the yard.  My DSO found me The Authentic St. Joseph Home Sales kit.

Burying him in the front garden.

Now I must hope and pray for a buyer!

Thanks to Kathy of Briarwood Folk Art for her mention of this on her blog.  I had forgotten about it.  Click here for more information (thanks, Dolly!).

So glad you stopped by and say a little prayer for a quick sale!
Pug hugs :)


  1. I will be praying for you to find a buyer. But at least it is done now. When my grand parents passed away it took us just as long to finally do every thing that needed to be done. It is just so hard.

  2. I think it is a catholic thing. My aunt did it and she sold her house who knows if it works can't hurt. Good luck with the sale.

  3. They say it works. It is a nice house! Hope you sell it fast!

  4. Very cute house! love the trees in the yard! Hope St. Joseph will bring you some serious buyers! It can't hurt to try!
    Cathy G

  5. Good luck on the home sale Lauren.

    Have a wonderful night~Becky

  6. Our house is for sale! Do you think St. Joseph would work for non-Catholics?

  7. Sending up a prayer it sells quickly.They say it's a buyers market right now.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  8. Well for heavens sake...I have never heard of this either...I pray it works.

  9. I have never heard of this but certainly can't hurt to have faith. Good Luck!

  10. Hi Lauren, saying a prayer for you sweet friend, Blessings Francine.

  11. Make sure you dig it up after the sale. A year after we moved into our house I found a St Joseph figure while digging in the flower bed. The house had been on the market for over 2 years. Good luck to you.

  12. Hmmmm...never heard of that, but if it works, that's wonderful. Will be adding prayers for a speedy sale.

  13. I have never heard of that before. I'm surprised as my MIL is very religious and it sounds like something that she would do to help sell her house. I'll have to mention it to her, but it definitely is new to me. I hope that it helps.

  14. Well I've never had to sell a house before but I've heard of burying a statue of St Joseph to sell a house. I looked it up on the web once and yep, there's such a thing. I didn't know that there was a market for the statue of St Joseph especially for selling a home.

    I believe in prayers and faith but a statue is just a piece of plastic or what ever it's made of. There's no power in it. It's just a money making thing in my opinion.

    I'll pray that the house sells quickly. Hugs, JB

  15. well my sister tells me to pray to i think st anthony when im trying to find something..i didnt know there is a st for selling houses! wow..good luck! im sure it feels good to have it on the market.enjoy your evening lauren!

  16. *****st. joseph is invoked for many things...a
    happy death, selling your house, a heartfelt
    wish...even a sunny day! so, when the house sells...dig him back up and put him in a window
    on a day that you wish for sunshine. no, not much help with warding off snow...just in case
    you were wondering!

  17. Wishing you lots of interest of potential buyers!


  18. Good luck Lauren. I had never heard of this until I read someone else's blog. There must be something to it because her house did sell. Have a good evening, Julie.

  19. I'm not even Catholic, but I've heard of this before - and have had friends who swear by it. Me, I'm still wondering if that other saint (is it Anthony?) who helps you find your lost stuff would help out a good ol' Missouri Synod Lutheran....???? I've been on a roll lately.... ;o Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  20. PS - Wishing you the bestest of luck! r


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