Wednesday, October 17, 2012

It's All in the Timing ~

~ and my timing is L.O.U.S.Y!!!  I know real estate values are down just about everywhere and I live in an especially depressed area, or at least it seems that way to me.  Most major industries (shipyards, auto plant, etc.) left years ago and what was once a booming downtown is now nearly a ghost town.  We have a beautiful lakefront, but no one seems to look to the lake.  Every six years the State of Ohio mandates that each county have a general reappraisal of every piece of real estate.  I just listed my mom's house last week and this week the reappraisals are out.  The house has lost an additional 19+% of its appraised value.  Maybe good for a buyer, but not a seller :(

* * * * *
On a positive note, I have finished my Deanne Fitzpatrick rug, Poppies on the Edge of Town.  I guess I'm okay with it but not too happy with my windows.  I won't say I'll never hook DF style again (NEVER say never!), but I probably won't in the near future :)

I took the easy way out and finished it "Deanne style" ~ no binding just turning the linen over and stitching it down.

Thanks to everyone who suggested where I might find some inexpensive frames.  I do not have good luck at the thrift stores, so I don't go often, and since I don't go often, I normally don't find anything.  It's a vicious cycle . . . lol!  I have on occasion found a frame or two at a thrift store or antique show, but not smaller square ones.  I did find a site on Etsy that sounds promising and one person left a comment saying they are a good source so I will have to give them a try.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Housing values are just beginning to rise here in Maine. It is still a tough economy, I am in awe at the cost of food...which still keeps going up...I wish you luck selling your mom's house, it can only get better. I love the colors in your lastest hooked rug, very pretty. Have a good evening, Julie.

  2. Your rug is really nice. I have never hooked one of her rugs.
    Good luck selling the house!

  3. Lauren,
    I really like your's sweet!

  4. You know me! I wouldn't frame it. Try tabby7 on Ebay for frames. I never ordered before but plan to. Same thing here. A few years ago my FIL's house was appraised at less than an SUV, and a friend's mom's at $14,000 in a nice area. We just took the first offer to get it over with. Our step-monsters weren't happy. Which made me happy!!! I'm so bad.

  5. Oh yikes...poor you. That's a big drop.... Wishing...hoping...and fingers crossed that things take a turn for the better. (Are you sure you didn't bury that saint too deep???) ;o) I actually really do truly like your rug. I had a preset notion that that wasn't my "style" - but I LIKE this...a lot! You've somehow added a bit of OCD "neatness" to the whole thing that works wonkily well with her so-not-OCD style that is captivating. (Does that make any sense at all???) And, actually, I LIKE your windows....they sorta "pop" and that makes it fun. Hmmmm...the more me sees, the more me likes....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  6. I love how your rug came out, really fun with the different fibers.
    My son and DIL are house hunting, even with lower prices, still hard to find something nice in their budget.


  7. The rug looks great Lauren. Congrats on hooking outside of your comfort zone.

  8. Hi the rug, hooking outside the comfort zone....good for you....So sad about your Mom`s home...hope it does sell...Hugs Francine.

  9. I love your rug! It will look great hung up.
    I can not believe your house values are still going down that much. Ours went down early on but I think at this point it is going up a bit or at least stable.

  10. I like the rug, but I can see why the windows bother you. It's that 'neatness factor' that some of us can't seem to get past. It does achieve the look of motion from the wind and waves that is so much a part of Deanne's work. It's just different from the usual primitive hooking that many of us do.

    It's real shame about the continuing declinbe of the housing market. I hope you able to sell your Mom's house soon and without too much trouble.

  11. Lauren, your little rug looks great! I am sure it was hard to hook that way, but the results wee worth it!

  12. I think it turned out nice and I do like the way you finished the back. It looks nice too.
    I never have any luck at thrift stores. Never.
    I love that picture at the top I think the moon and the owl would make a great fall rug. Boy do I know about the appraisals. It is sad. I do hope you get a buyer soon.

  13. I'm sorry about your St Joseph statue didn't help you with selling the house. I think that prayers would be of more help than a plastic statue. What a bummer that the appraisal went down just as you are trying to sell.

    Your DF rug is looking nice despite the windows not being exactly as you wanted them. I admire Deanne's work too but it's not my style so I have little interest in trying to hook one for the moment at least.

    Good luck with your hunt for primitive frames. I see some on the blog Yesterday Once More but I don't know if Dan makes them himself or where he gets them.
    Hugs, JB

  14. Your rug is so colorful! It turned out great...I'm impressed with your willingness to go outside your comfort zone! Hope you have a buyer for your mom's house soon....don't give up on ole' St. Joe...I've seen it work many, many times.

  15. I love your rug... And DFs style. There's something about the way she hooks fast and freestyle all over a canvas. Her landscapes are always gorgeous and so is your Poppy rug. The bright wool, it pops, YES!! I'm going to sign up for her next Wild with Wool online class in Feb. I have an unfinished desert landscape that I hope to pick up some tips from the course on finishing my rug. Again, your rug is beautiful. ~Anita

  16. Your DF piece did turn out lovely. I didn't realize that is how she finished the back of her rugs.

    Sorry to hear about the deline and drop of the homes in your area and unfortunately my brother and I are in the same situation, we have had our mother's house and properties for sale about 4 years now.


  17. Your rug came out great! Definitely a different style of hooking, but really nice!

    Sorry to hear about the values on the house, but I think that we're all facing that one - unfortunately. My husband has a bad day everytime we see our appraisals.

  18. Your $ luck sounds like mine. But I remind myself that I am lucky in other ways - like 2 good kids, wonderful grandkids, a roof over my head.. you know the things that reallly matter.

    I prefer your torn pumpkin hooking to the DF sytle..

  19. Lauren, I loved your rug it looks very nice,Hugs Cheri


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