Sunday, October 21, 2012

White Knuckle Flier ~

I've mentioned before that my DSO built his own airplane, a Vans RV-12 experimental light sport airplane.  

I've also mentioned what a chicken I've become and for me to fly he has to promise me there won't be turbulence.  Like he can guarantee that, right?  In my MUCH younger days I did loops and spins in small planes and even jumped out of them.  NOT ANY MORE!  Today I put on my big girl pants and brave face and went up for only the third time.  We headed west to Port Clinton, Ohio, to the Tin Goose Diner located at Erie-Ottawa Regional Airport.  It is an authentic 1950's diner originally located in Jim Thorpe, PA.

Adjacent to the diner is the Liberty Aviation Museum where they are restoring a Ford Tri-motor airplane, also known at a "Tin Goose".  (Sorry for the grainy photo.  It was snatched borrowed from the internet.)

Flying over the fall foliage at about 2,000 feet was breathtaking.  The pictures don't do it justice.

Cedar Point Amusement Park in Sandusky, Ohio.

Johnson's Island, a private island in Sandusky Bay, is home to a Confederate Cemetery that is open to the public.

Flying over Lake Erie made me a bit nervous.  I only had to grab him once when we hit a few (minor) bumps and when he wanted me to take the joy stick, I absolutely refused :)

It really was a beautiful day for a flight!
Thanks for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. That looks like so much fun and i have never been in any kind of airplane, lol. Never had a reason to, and I am not the kind of person who likes sitting in airports, rather drive, but I think it would be fun to be in a small place to see the sights.


  2. Hi Lauren...not my fav thing to fly but what beautiful!!!! Happy for you that you had a good time...Blessings Francine.

  3. I love flying and to me it is a beautiful way to see a lot of Gods wonderful land and creations. Fly away home. hugs, LenZie

  4. Lauren, did I read your words correctly, you jumped out of planes?? Spins and loops, you go girl. What beautiful scenery. My oldest son is in the process of getting his pilots license, I'm not sure how I feel about it, nervous at best. Have a great Monday, Julie.

  5. Those photos are breathtaking Lauren! How exciting to be able to see the sights from above! You have a very good pilot and I too would have refused the joy stick! Good job!! Glad you are back on the ground and have the great memories and photos!!
    Cathy G

  6. Wow! What fun! I wouldn't do it but I'm still jealous. You had such a pretty day too. Cool diner.

  7. I'm not too fond of flying in small or big planes but I psyches myself up and hope that I won't fall from the sky.

    You were so brave once, what happened? Jumping from airplanes and doing loops.... Well dear girl, you may not be jumping from airplanes anymore but you still doing loops.

    Thanks for sharing those gorgeous Autumn colors. Have a great week.

  8. You should have called ~ we were in PC today! Love that new diner and museum! Bravo to you for flying in that little plane ~ even though the scenery was gorgeous!

  9. Those pictures are wonderful!! I too would be a little nervous about flying in that little plan. But good for you for doing it!!

  10. I love the pictures. It is so nice looking at it from up there, You are brave. I am totally impressed. I like flying though. I wonder why it changes, I was never bothered by heights and now, my legs will just tremble if I get up high somewhere. I am so glad it was a nice day.

  11. Oh my.... bet it was spectacular seeing the foliage from above!! I am not a good flyer (hate to fly as a matter of fact!), but wish I had the nerve to see the sights like that! It must have been fun a fun day for you and your DSO!!

  12. Oh my goodness, you are one brave soul! I could never get on a small plane like that. In fact, when I was younger, my father planned a vacation into Canada on a small plane. Did I go? Nope!! My hat is off to you, and I can only imagine what the scenery looked like with all the fall colors!

  13. Lauren, Those were beautiful pictures. The leaves were beautiful and the plane so pretty.Thanks for the fly over , Hugs Cheri

  14. OMG, that looks like such a fun trip!
    The scenery is beautiful. I had no idea there was a Confederate cemetary that far north. Was it part of a Civil War prison?

  15. Looks just beautiful.I know I would have not been able to fly. I know rationally it's safer than driving but I am scared to death of heights.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  16. I used to fly often on the corporate plane - I loved seeing fall colors from above - sadly in the economic downturn they decided to sell the plane - now I am bound to commerical flights or driving. I don't miss those scary flights at all but I do miss the glorious ones like you seemed to have on this day. glad you pulled up your big girl panties and gave it a go. Have a great week and PS - I think your DF finish is very nice. Mel

  17. Beautiful photos Lauren!! Glad you put on your big girl panties to go for a ride.

    Have a wonderful day~Becky

  18. Isn't it amazing how brave we get when we put those big girl panties on....Lol. I'm glad you did because it sounds like an amazing day.

  19. oh my lauren i cant believe how brave you have been and are! i flew back and forth from japan with 3 little ones by myself and i think it did me in. the kids were good but hours and hours takes its toll. i really dont care to go anywhere anymore ... unless maybe hookings involved! glad you had a nice time and beautiful pictures! thanx for sharing!!

  20. Lauren - beautiful pictures! We were at the diner on Saturday! That was our first time up there. We took a friend who is 80 up because some of her brother's stuff from WWII when he was on the PT-109 with John Kennedy will be displayed there. She is good friends with the owner and hadn't had a chance to go there yet. Food was great! Service was wonderful. She wants to go back again before the weather gets too bad. So we'll probably be going there in a couple of weeks. Lucky you to be flying and able to take those pictures!


  21. Ok...if Spidey is busy on Halloween, think maybe DSO can take me up for a midnight flight? ;o) had me worried there for a second...when I saw that you "borrowed" the photo of the diner from the internet, I thought perhaps you hadn't actually made it there. Sigh.

    Oh...and really? What the heck is a Confederate cemetery doing in Ohio???

    Smiles & Bewildered Hugs ~

  22. Loved seeing your photos of Liberty Aviation Museum and the lake! I'm from up that direction and on a visit at the end of August took some photos of the diner that you're welcome to steal from my blog: They aren't fabulous, but they aren't fuzzy. Mary


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