Monday, October 15, 2012

Can You Say Boring?

I feel as if I must be the most boring blogger around.  I've tried to think of something ~ anything ~ to blog about, but it seems I've done a whole lotta nothin'!  I'm so boring I went to a pumpkin carving party on Saturday (thank you, Jane!) and didn't even carve a pumpkin.  I mean, really!  I have been hooking, but you've seen plenty of my pumpkins with the hand torn strips.  I swear I have a little OCD in me.  I think I am hooking pumpkin #10.  I sold two (YIPPEE!) and the rest are being given away and I keep thinking of more people I should make one for.  I do believe I am hooking the last one ~ at least for now.  I am getting mighty tired of them!  Tonight I hope to finish up my Deanne Fitzpatrick mat.  

I have a question for you stitchers out there.  I am looking for some primitive looking frames, about 5 or 6 inches square, and some about 5" x 7", 6" x 8", 8" x 10".  I found one style, a 6 x 6, at a local shop, but I don't want to spend the $40 she was asking for it.  Do you know of any source?  Even if they are unfinished I could paint them.  Thank you in advance!

Thanks for stopping by and reading the most boring blog post ever!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren, I know how you feel!That's how I feel lately.I do love anything you write about so don't get discouraged.Well back to my knitting homework! Hugs Cheri

  2. hey lauren! i always enjoy your posts! you are not boring. i too get where i really have nothing to blog about. sometimes im visiting with mom/dad and jana and dont even have any thing to talk about! so hang in there! i dont know of any frames but im sure some of the stitchers out there will come up with some information for you!. i pick frames at garage sales/thrift shops and have them in a crate to pick from when i need them. the crate is getting fuller... enjoy your night lauren!

  3. lol! I haven't been blogging much lately either as who wants to read about my fall cleaning the house? lol! I did start some stitching last weekend, so something to blog about by this weekend. We'll never get bored with those hand torn strips pumpkins you have been hooking... they are gorgeous! I wish I knew of a frame source...

  4. I always get my frames at thrift stores so I am no help. never boring keep posting.

  5. The last time I bought frames they came from Lisa at The Lone Star Mercantile. They were either mustard or red distressed finish with glass and a very reasonable price. I don't know if she still has any but it would be worth checking. You will find her at
    She has her phone # listed there so maybe you can give her a call. If she doesn't have any, she may lead you to a place to purchase frames.
    Hope this helps.

  6. Hi the Halloween picture on your boring post..tee hee..not boring..still like to visit you when you post...Happy Hooking,Francine.

  7. Lauren not boring at all!! We all get in a rut sometimes. I too love coming to your blog to see what you have posted!

  8. Goodness sake lady you are not boring...we all have days/weeks when we THINK we don't have anything but then when we start typing it all flows out.
    Like thinking things but writing them are doing just great.
    See here - you had something to say about Pumpkins!
    Keep on hooing lady.
    Oh...I finally started on my hooking this weekend. I was so excited I finished a huge sheep and took no time at all - just needed the TIME.

  9. Just hang in there - your writing mojo will come back. I always enjoy your blog.

  10. I think you are always interesting, even when you think your post is boring.

  11. You silly girl....a boring blogger you ARE NOT!
    I always enjoy whatever you have to say and it's always fun! Maybe we need another dinner at Bucca's to help get you back on track!! LOL!

    Have a wonderful day, my friend!


  12. I usually get my frames at the thrift stores too - there are TONS of them to choose from!

  13. hey lauren - do you live near a michael's?? I buy their unfinished wood frames (in the raw wood dept., not the frame dept.) - they come in a variety of sizes. I paint them up with several coats of different paints, hit them with a meat mallet or otherwise booger them up, sand them and then coat with brown shoe polish. Buff them up and they are prim wonderful! I enjoy your posts and hope you get a good source for your frames!

  14. you are speaking to the choir here - but just know I never find you boring! Frames - sorry can't help you - don't know where to find any that are inexpensive! Way to go on your sales!

  15. Hi Lauren~

    I always love to read your posts. You can show me pumpkins every day if you would like. Love looking at them. Tee hee!!

    Have a good night~Becky

  16. Lauren, I haven't read the previous comments posted so this was probably someone else's thought too ~ I've seen some frames at our local thrift shop that can be purchased for a song. And some days they have half price day so could get them even cheaper. There are thrift shops in most towns and know where two others in both directions from my home. Good luck.

    Oh, 10 pumpkins? You sure are in the Fall season spirit there girl; don't think I could have done 10 in a row, good for you.


  17. Hi there - you could try Homecraft Framing, they have a website and an Etsy shop. they will make custom sizes, and have unfinished frames as well. Their prices are very reasonable, and service is wonderful. I often find it frustrating to have to pay a lot for a custom frame, and the thrift store ones never seem to fit right for me. She's a great alternative.

  18. You, ET, are anything BUT boring! What's up with THAT?!! For shame. Go photograph you laundry room and tell us a story...guarantee you you'll have a captive audience.'s the opposite...Not that I'm NOT boring - but I could blog every day I think and not run out of things to blog about....not everyone may be interested (ok - NO ONE may be interested), but it wouldn't stop me. I just don't have the time - and if I don't feel like I want to post if I can't make even some minute effort to keep up with reading the blogs I follow...Ya know what I mean? Nah...I didn't think so. As for your know I love them. And how's come you're selling them to other folks but not me??? I said in your last giveaway that if I didn't win one, I'd like to purchase looks like you have at least one more to hook, yes???? ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)