Monday, October 1, 2012

Pumpkin on a Stick ~

Saturday was a picture perfect fall day for the In the Spirit of Friends show at Malabar Farm in Lucas, Ohio.  Malabar Farm is now an Ohio State Park.  It was built in 1939 by Pulitzer Prize winning author Louis Bromfield.  In 1945, Bromfield hosted the wedding and honeymoon of Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall.  You can read more about Malabar Farm here.

Aren't these just the coolest things?  The seller called them "pumpkin on a stick" and it's a real plant.  My stem only has 4 pumpkins but some had many more.  I was told it will dry nicely.

Though there were many things I could have purchased, I did not.  This vintage basket was my main purchase along with a Stacy Nash cross stitch pattern.  It's not like I don't have lots of other patterns I'd like to stitch.  I'm just having a hard time putting down my hook.

Speaking of my hook ~ here is the progress I've made on my Deanne Fitzpatrick pattern.  I made the right window a bit narrower though it still looks pretty fat.  I should have added the munton bars before taking the picture.  I am struggling with this style of hooking, but I will persevere!  Tomorrow evening is hooking with (teacher) Katie so hopefully she can help me with what to do next!

Thanks for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. That is a fun plant, fun to add to a setting. I found a basket like that, love changing the items with the season, great find.


  2. Hi Lauren, fun day, love your basket you bought, really nice. Your rug is coming along wonderful, Blessings Francine.

  3. The pumpkins on a stick are so cool. I wonder where they got the seeds to grow them.
    Your Deanne is comning along nicely! I think I'd have trouble adjusting to that style too. My OCD would be fighting it all the way!

  4. What a very cool plant. I love it.
    Love the colors you are using in your rug.
    I hope to take some classes soon.
    Happy Fall

  5. What a fun plant, I have not seen any of those. I love your basket, I have weakness for them!! Your rug is coming along nicely also!

  6. I have wanted to go visit Malabar for so long. I imagine it to be beautiful.
    I like your basket and those pumpkins on a stick are just amazing. I have never seen that color of pumpkins.
    Your rug looks nice too. I can't wait to see more progress on your rug. Have a lovely week.

  7. Love the pumpkins on a stick. I had never seen them before and curious that I am , I search the name online and it's an ornamental eggplant called Solanum Intergrifolium. Who knew. Thanks for peaking my interest.

    I love your basket, I'm a fool for basket, I just love them and have oodles of them.

    You are coming along nicely on your D.F. rug. I admire Deanne's rugs but I'm just too set in my ways to desire to try her style yet. I haven't hooked long enough to be bored with the style I've learned yet. Maybe I just need a bit of wine when I hook to loosen up.


  8. I have never seen pumpkins on a stick. I'll have to look for them at the farm markets. They are so cute.

    I love how your piece is coming out so far. Glad that you're keeping up with it.

  9. Did you mean the left window was made more narrow? The right one looks fatter than the left. Looking forward to seeing your DF rug after you hook at your next class... it's making me want to try that style IF...IF, I ever finish the projects I've started and soon to start in November.


  10. I'd have difficulty hooking in Deanne style too, but it gives a cool effect! It's looking GREAT!

  11. Your rug looks great ~ hook on! Nice to see you Saturday ~ it was a beautiful day for a fall show!

  12. welcome to my world with the stitching v/s hooking dilemma. I tend to hook more in the winter months and stitch - well ummmm - I stitch most all the time - there in lies the problem LOL - Love your progress on the Deanne Fitzpatrick canvas - it is very creative and colorful. Nice basket find. Mel

  13. Great basket find...but, haven't met many baskets I don't love. And those "pumpkins on a stick" are adorable! Ornamental eggplants, hey? I saw something similar one time on someone's blog (somewhere) and thought they were actually a tomato. Eggplant sorta makes more sense. Are you going to try to grow them? If so, you'll have to let us know how they do...not much survives the frigid temps in Nod....Robin

  14. Interesting information on Malabar Farm. I believe I have a book written by Louis Bromfield and wonder if it is the same person. Nice basket & sounds like a wonderful day.


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