Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween ~

My heart goes out to all those who have suffered through Hurricane Sandy.  I cannot even begin to imagine the effect it has had on so many lives.  I lives 500+ miles from the Atlantic coast and the wind and rain we received was impressive.  Last evening about 6pm I ventured down to Lake Erie to try get a few pictures of the waves crashing on the breakwalls.  It was still so windy I could barely stand and could not hold the camera steady.  On Monday they were predicting waves up to 30' and sustaining winds of 50-55 mph gusting to 70-80 mph, and this was 500 miles to the west!!!  Many trees and power lines came down.  I was fortunate that my power was restored in less than a day.  I must say it was mighty chilly sleeping Monday night and for once I was happy to have Annie as a pug blanket and the hot flashes were most welcome!

Have you ever seen sea gulls sitting in a strong wind?  They all point in to the wind.

When I tried to get closer for a better picture, most of them decided to take to the air and I decided to quickly return to the car and not have any fly overhead :)

I will leave you with a few of my Halloween decorations.  I can't believe it's already time to take them down and bring out the turkeys.

A gourd I painted years ago.  Please excuse the shadow but the one taken with the flash was much too bright.

Gifts from dear friend Wink.

Happy Halloween!
Thanks for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Happy Halloween Lauren and Puggys........I`m also feeling so sad for all the people and animals affected by storm Sandy......terrible.....Blessings Francine.

  2. The storm was no treat!!!
    I hope there are no more winds like that for another century.
    Can't believe you had so much disturbance in your area.
    Pugs or cats, any additional warmth was welcome!

  3. So glad your power is on, I love the gourd. I forgot to take the one I made out until today. Gosh it seems Halloween got her so fast. Your pictures are incredible.
    So glad that storm is over but the effects will be felt a long time I am afraid.

  4. Happy Halloween Lauren, your Halloween decorations are all wonderful and it seems a shame to have to put them away for another year.

    I'm glad that you haven't suffered any damage or lost. We got wind, thunder storms and lots and lot of heavy rain and it seeped into my basement a little but no damage or power outage and we are thankful.

    My heart goes out to the millions of people who lost property in this nasty storm.

    Happy Halloween to you and your pugs, your husband and that cute red head grandson of yours.

  5. Happy Halloween, I feel for the people on the east coast.I love your decorations they put a smile on my face. Hugs Cheri

  6. for once Florida didn't get your halloween decor! denise

  7. I too feel for all those people who lost so much during this terrible storm. Thanks for sharing the pictures of your Halloween goodies and of the water!!

  8. Cute Halloween decorations and I like your painted gourd as well as the cat above it. Very wise of you to skidattle to the car after they took flight or you may have been as white as they are.


  9. I hope you had a good Halloween. Yes, time to get out the turkeys!

  10. stopping in to say hi lauren.. im always trying to catch up.. yes terrible storm for so many, and i have been sending many thoughts and prayers.. love your halloween decorations! yep now time to start on the thanksgiving.. enjoy your weekend!!


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