Sunday, October 28, 2012

Shades of Khaki ~

How many shades of khaki can there be?  WAY TOO MANY!  With names like Outerbanks, Barcelona Beige, Urban Putty, Safari Vest, Tatami Mat, Gobi Tan, Woven Straw . . .  Do paint makers have staff that do nothing but make up paint names?

For the last couple of years I have wanted to switch out my hooking room with my larger guest bedroom.  I wanted to paint before making the switch, but finding/making the time never happened.  I now have the problem called TMW (too much wool) and the hooking room is totally out of control no matter how often I try to clean it.  (It's a terrible problem to have, you know!)  I finally sweet talked, cajoled, bribed, hired my son to do it.  Which leads to the shades of khaki.  I want something very neutral as a backdrop because I hope to finally get some rugs hung.  J (short for Jason) likes Sherwin-Williams paint, so I've finally decided on Outerbanks for the walls and Urban Putty for the ceiling.  
The guest room is almost emptied and boy was there a lot of stuff.  It is now in the bathroom, my bedroom, the upstairs landing area . . . sigh.  I really don't like living in chaos!  
On a neatness scale of 1 to 10, I am normally about a 9 (at least in my mind!), so I can't believe this is what the hooking room looks like and I am really showing it to you!

I did finish one of my little pumpkin mats.  It ended up being about 10" x 12".  I like the look of the beading though I still find it awkward to hook.   

I used wool to bind the edges

It is a blustery, cold, rainy day here on Ohio's north coast.  I hope and pray that Hurricane Sandy does not wreak havoc on those of you to the east.
Thanks for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hey gurlfren, I've shown the world my hooking room when it was at its worse so thanks for putting yours out there in cyberspace for all to see too. Hey, you can NEVER have TMW! Just think how wonderful your new wool room will be once it is painted and you've moved into that pristine new location. The inconvenience will be worth it.

    Like your latest and last(?)hooked pumpkin.


  2. I DO NOT like picking out paint colors. I have a couple friends who don't mind that I copy, just ask them what colors they used.
    My hooking stuff looks like yours but, I'm not painting HA!
    Stay dry!!

  3. Lauren,
    The beading is akward to hook, but so worth it! I like that as a border....might have to do that on one of my next rugs....yeah, I like it that much!

  4. Hi Lauren!
    Love your new pumpkin mat...nice finish!
    You will so enjoy your hooking room when it is done. I love the colors. I have too much wool too...but would never tell my husband that.

  5. I always find that picking out a paint color is a pain in the butt. My husband probably thinks so as well as I usually go through painting parts of a wall three or four times before I finally get the shade I want. They always look different in your house! Love your pumpkin mat!

  6. I love how you did that piece the edge and the binding.
    My room looks just as bad and I have more space, lol.


  7. Hey Lauren - I used a brown paper bag for a paint chip one time cuz I thought that would be the perfect color of khaki for the walls, but in certain lights it has a definite pink cast to it - not at all what I wanted! Sigh! Love the beading on your pumpkin mat - it adds a lot of interest. I love seeing your wool room - you should show us more!

  8. Lauren the beaded hooking is a nice touch...I'm like Tammy...wanting to add it to a rug soon...

    Looks like you have just the right amount of wool to me...looking forward to seeing it all arranged in the newly painted room...

  9. Lauren, when there is wool in beautiful colors all over the place nobody looks how messy a room is. You do have a lot of wool and such beautiful colors.
    A fresh coat of paint and your studio will look fantastic, I'm looking forward to seeing the newly painted room.

    Love the beading around the pumpkin mat and I love the wool finish edge in the back.

    A 9 on a scale of 1 to 10 is very neat.

    Take care.
    Hugs, JB

  10. ?? What is this crazy thing called TMW?? I've never heard of such a thing. Crazy talk, I say ;)

  11. Lucky you getting your room in order. I am hoping things calm down for me and I can get some closets cleaned out.
    looking forward to seeing some pictures.

  12. Urban Putty is what I think I'm using for walls. I have so much trouble choosing shades - pink cast - green cast - yellow cast! So I lay the samples on white and it helps. Then I buy the little sample jars and change my mind!

  13. Love the beautiful handwork on the pumpkin mats. Your craft room is quite tidy. I am going through boxes and boxes of craft items and putting them away into a book case the neighbors were 'tossing'...a lovely find...and also found (for a song) a double-door glass cabinet with two bottom cupboards to stash a lot of my fabric and vintage trims and laces.
    I have many friends on the east coast. I know it's going to be a duzzie of a storm.
    Teresa in California

  14. Hi Lauren,
    I wish my wool was that neat! I tend to pull it out and spread it all over my house in search of the best lighting...what a mess I make! Love the pumpkin mat...especially the beading...I love the look.
    Have a good week,

  15. Love the picture of your hooking room, messy means you have been busy!! Love the pumpkin mat, that beading adds a lot!!

  16. Sherwin-Williams seems to be a popular paint though I haven't tried it personally. I like the three colors in the middle. Your hooking room looks gorgeous to me! The more wool spread about, the better! Sandy really made that sharp left tturn and headed straight for us! Imagine the weather folks making an accurate prediction? lol! Very windy and rainy here.... the eye should be over us about 7pm tonight... I'm stitching and pretending the sun is out today... lol!

  17. Lauren,

    OH MY!!!! All that wonderful wool! A most delightful collection and so love the pumpkin mat! can't wait to see your room all finished! OLM

  18. Hi Lauren, now that is some stash of wool!!! How wounderful to have a room devoted to rug hooking. I love your pumpkins! I hope hurricane Sandy was kind to you...Happy Halloween, Julie.


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