Sunday, November 4, 2012


Because of Hurricane Sandy, most Trick-or-Treating in the area was postponed until this weekend.  It was quite chilly but without wind so it wasn't bad.  In the first 45 minutes I had close to 100 kids. What fun to see all the costumes! 
Here is the sweetest trick-or-treater of them all.  Loocie wears the same witch costume every year because it is just so darned cute!

I feel as if I have been MIA, but with a great excuse.  I attended a creative workshop with these two talented ladies.  I have so much to blog about and so many pictures to share, but the day has slipped away so it will have to wait to wait for another day . . . hopefully tomorrow.

Ali Strebel and Maria Barton
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I can't wait to hear about your workshop. Loocie looks darling. She's obviously more receptive to costumes than Millie ;)

  2. Hi Lauren...Loocie is the cutest trick and treater I ever saw, so sweet.....Blessings Francine.

  3. No one showed up Wednesday, so I ate the candy. Found out it was cancelled and changed to Saturday. Bought more candy. No one came. Ate the candy. Vicious cycle!

  4. I am sure I would act like a fan girl. I am so excited to read what you learned. I love the costume she is so cute.

  5. Hi Laureen, 100 trick or treaters? wow...Loocie looks adorable, did you have Annie tucked away? Winslow Homer takes his yearly Halloween Eve drive to Walmart, without leaving the yard LOL. To much excitement for my old man. Can't wait to read and see what your workshop was all about. Have a good evening, Julie.

  6. Ahhhh, Loocie is the cutest little witch ever!

  7. Love the costume and so cute. Lucky you to take a class with two talented ladies.


  8. Aww how cute and I bet you had a great time at the workshop!

  9. ok more more! I need to take a class I need a creative boost.
    that is one cute pug.

  10. Yes, please...more pictures! Love that little witch!

  11. Yep Loocie is adorable! Warm Blessings!~Amy

  12. So nice to put faces to people whose names I read and hear about often. Can't wait to see all those marvy pictures and lessons learned.

    Loocie looks so cute all dressed for Hallow's Eve.


  13. Loocie looks so cute in her costume.

  14. Loocie looks adorable in her witch costume. Was she greeting the trick or treaters at the door.

    !00 kids is a lot. We no longer have kids living in our area so there was no one at the door this year.

    Looking forward to seeing those photos.

    Take care.


  15. Loocie is adorable in her costume.Needed the smile so please pass along my thanks.LOL!Wow 100 kids is a lot,bet they were fun to see though.Hugs,Jen

  16. Love that witch costume!!

    Have a wonderful week~Becky


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