Monday, September 10, 2012

How It All Began ~

Karen from My Colonial Home has asked that we do a blog post about when we started blogging and how we came up with our blog name.
First I'll say that I'm a late bloomer.  I didn't even have any idea what a blog was until sometime late in 2008.  I had never read one.  I am not sure how I even stumbled upon blogs, but boy, oh boy, have I become addicted.  I wonder what I did with all that extra time that I now use to blog and to read them. 
Rugs and Pugs.  I picked out the name long before my first post.  I just thought it sounded kind of catchy and fit me to a T.  I thought I would try blogging, but then no one would read it, so why bother?    At that time I was reading Alice's, Betty's and Ginger's blogs to name a few.  My first post was on May 31, 2009.  I was so hoping that someone ~ anyone ~ would read my blog so I emailed the above mentioned bloggers and they so kindly stopped by.  {{Thank you!}}  If you've read my blog once or twice you will know how my name was chosen.  I am a rug hooker and a pug lover.  My significant other and I have joint custody of a pug named Loocie (she spends the majority of her time with him) and I foster pugs through Ohio Pug Rescue.

A few of my rugs . . .

. . . and a few of my pugs.

I closed my first post with "Please remember, what counts is the journey, not the destination".  That still rings true.  This blogging journey has been so rewarding.  I've met so many new friends and some I've even gotten to meet face to face.  I still get excited with each new follower and the comments warm the cockles of my heart (whatever cockles are . . . lol).  I have been blessed with many faithful readers.  Thank you so very much!

Pug hugs :)


  1. What fun reading your story Lauren! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Lauren,
    What DID we do with all that time before we started blogging?!! LOL!!
    I always love seeing your rugs and the pugs warm my cockles too!!
    Cathy G

  3. Hi Lauren!! So happy that we have 'met' via blogging!! From one rughooking dog lover to another!
    Karen & the Hounds

  4. And Lauren writes a very entertaining blog ~ that's why we always stop by!

  5. Delightful!
    Thanks for sharing your 'origins' with us. I'm so glad you were bitten by the blogging bug. You always make it worthwhile to stop by.

  6. we love looking at her beautiful rugs and cute little dogs. denise

  7. I for one am glad I found you when I started blogging. You are right you name does fit.

  8. Thank you for sharing.
    I sure love stopping by and visiting you and your rugs and pugs.
    Like a big hug and smile.

  9. Hi Lauren, such a great story on how your blog started, love it. You are such a talented rug hooker, wonderful rugs, that pumpkin one is so so cute. Also love all the pictures of the Pugs, such sweet faces, bless them all and you for what you do. Great post, very enjoyable,Francine.

  10. Thanks for blogging. I enjoyed the story and read your blog often. Your rugs are so pretty, but it is what you do for all the Pugs, that I admire you for. Please keep doing what you do.

  11. Hi Lauren,
    THANK YOU for joining in...I love that you TOTALLY related your name to you TWO LOVES...rugs and befitting.

    You have been an inspiration to me with rug hooking as you know.

    Lauren got me started on my very first hooking experience (hmmm, that doesn't sound so good once you write it out does it? lol). She was so kind and generous and for that I thank you Lauren....


  12. Oh how nice I am glad you shared. I like reading about how you started blogging and how you came up with the name. I am so glad I got to meet you and I really enjoyed all of your photos.

  13. Hi Lauren, Your blog is always so interesting, I learned that you have a soft spot for pugs in particular, and that you are a fantastic foster mom. I won a hooking kit from you and it was a round primitive kitten which I cherish. I love those funny jokes or quotes you share once in a while. It always tickles my funny bone.
    I'm so glad that I found you or you found me, I can't remember.
    I always look forward to reading your blog.

    Have a great week.
    Hugs, JB

  14. Your rugs and your pugs are all beautiful. JB

  15. Love seeing and reading all about your rugs and pugs, glad you are blogging!!


  16. I enjoy your blog so much! It was fun to read how you got your start.

  17. Lauren, I don't remember how I found your blog but so glad that I did. And thanks to Alice's class last Spring we all got to meet in person.
    I don't ever miss any of your posts.

  18. Hi Lauren,
    Love reading about your rugs and your pugs. You gave me a mention on your blog a long while back, and for that I am very grateful. Always enjoy visiting with you.

  19. Hi Lauren, I so enjoy reading about the pugs which have come and gone in your pug fostering life. I also enjoy seeing all your beautiful woolen creations. I hope you are enjoying this late summer's day, it feels like autumn in Maine. Blessings, Julie.

  20. Lauren,
    Your blog is one of my favorites. I try to stop in whenever I can although with this move, my computer time is limted. Last night, I took out the parts for the computer desk I bought at WallyWorld and discovered some pieces were missing. Ugh, now to repack and get another one. At least, I didn't buy it at KMart. They closed up shop here.
    Love your rugs and that you are committed to doing rescue work. I have received several of my companions from rescue groups. You are wonderful for doing all that work.
    Please keep on blogging,

  21. Lauren~ I so admire what you do for the pugs.I would be no good at being a foster mom as I'd want to keep each enjoy my visits here with you.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  22. Love your story, your rugs and your pugs! Thank you for sharing your journey!


  23. I sorta figured out that "rugs" and "pugs" things after a while. ;o) Seriously - I'm so glad our paths crossed here in cyberspace. Yours is one of my very favorite blogs....and my cockles are always warmed when you stop by and visit me too. (I always loved that strange, funny, word "cockles.") Glad you joined in on the challenge - gave me a chance to see some of my favorite rugs and pugs of yours again. Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  24. Hi Lauren~

    So glad you "found" blogging. I love reading your posts.

    Have a wonderful evening~Becky


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)