Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Oh Deer!

Detail from a sampler rug hooked by Katie Allman

Do deer like impatiens?  Yesterday I discovered that my impatiens were totally gone.  In the past, I have seen them nibbled on, but nothing like this.

I live in the city, but have woods not far from me and deer are known to frequent the area.  The pots are very lightweight fiberglass, so I think if it were a rabbit, squirrel or any other little critter, they would cause the urn to topple over.  I guess it's time to go buy a few mums and hope they don't like them!

Thank you for all the kind comments about my pumpkins hooked with hand torn wool.    Saturday I did not leave them at the antique show.  The rain had stopped, but it was windy and I had visions of them blowing off the tables and being stepped on.  Sunday they were displayed among with the antiques.  I had a couple lookers but not one person even remotely interested in buying one.  Oh well, oh hell!  I guess that means I need to give one away :)  Leave a comment on this post only or send me an email with give-away in the subject line.  You do not even need to be a follower.  Please do NOT blog about this.  It is for my faithful readers.  I will pick a winner Sunday evening after 7pm.

Thanks also for all the sweet comments on "How it all began".  I really do appreciate all of you!!!
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Well, I think it should have been snapped up. I will enter your give away just because I want to see what hand torn strips look like in person. Too bad about your impatiens. I did laugh because what ever ate them really ate them. Gee whiz.
    Just a question, what kind of hook do you use for hand torn strips? Not to mention is it hard to pull through the backing. I can hardly pull 8 1/2 strips so I was just curios.
    Thanks for entering me in your giveaway.

  2. Your pumpkins are great! You just didn't have the right shoppers!

  3. Your pumpkins are great! You just didn't have the right shoppers!

  4. Love the sampler rug and I am sorry that you did not get any business, your pumpkins should have sold out, those types of things are really good sellers, must have been a bad crowd.


  5. Oh my goodness ha ha ha ha that was one hungry deer yikes! I think I have one nibbling in my tomato plants.
    oh put me in at the rate I am hooking I will never get a pumpkin done.

  6. Good Evening Lauren,I agree, that was one hungry deer, yum yum. I would have bought all the sweet pumpkins, I love them and would love to win one in your supper give-away,would make this gal very happy. Blessings Francine.

  7. I love your pumpkins! Please enter me in your giveaway.

  8. I think that I have heard that deer do like impatiens... So sorry about your flowers, but at least it is the end of the season and not the beginning. Oh how I would love to win your sweet pumpkin! Such a generous giveaway!
    Blessings, Patti

  9. Wow, I think these are the cutest! I loved the work you put into the backing. Those folks just don't appreciate a good hooker when they see one! :) I would love to be included in your give away.

    Sorry about the impatients, right down to stubs, sheesh.

    Thanks for sharing all the rug photos from the rug show, very inspirational. Waiting for my cutter to arrive, to start cutting some wool. One project under my belt, just a novice but really looking forward to some serious hooking this winter. What better way to keep warm. :)

  10. I have been admiring these pumpkins since you first begin posting about them! I love them because they are not jack o lanterns so you could use them through Thanksgiving. I feel your pain between the deer eating my hostas and my dogs digging them up I've had to resort to fencing all my beds.

  11. I love your pumpkins, I have just recently started rug hooking and would love one of them!

  12. Sign me up!!! I think they're fabulous. Bunny, deer, or groundhog - one has a full belly.

  13. So sorry about your impatiens...they look pretty sad after being nibbled by whomever!

    I would, of course, love to have one of your wonderful pumpkins. Thank you for the opportunity, Lauren!


  14. Morning
    Oh my goodness I dont think ive ever seen flowers eatten that low. My chickens are eatting away at my tomatoes.
    Love your beautiful rugs.

  15. The deer got our corn this year we only planted a little.I love the pumpkin rugs so count me in.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  16. Hey Lauren...Something happened to my impatiens also...I don't think anything ate them...I think it was the cold damp weather we had last Friday...totally destroyed them. I am going to yank them out today and start with some fall decor. I getting really tired of having to water them everyday anyway.

    I love Katy's rug. She is an awesome hooker and it's really impressive that she can hook every-which-way....she is so fast!!

  17. oh,lauren i would love one of those pumpkins! denise

  18. Bunnies ate my impatiens right down to the dirt! They also helped themselves to my sweet potato vine! Love the pumpkin!

  19. Deer are the reason I gave up on so much of my garden. I'm in a suburban area too and never thought I'd see deer here... but, they are. And, they eat everything that I buy... funny how they leave the weeds and native plants alone? lol! They ate my impatiens, marigolds, sweet potato vine, hostas, ornamental willow tree.... tomatoes (of course) lol! I think the only they left alone was daisies, geraniums and mountain purple something or others... lol! There is a mum plant in the yard that has yet to be disturbed... so I think we're in luck! :-) LOVE your hooked pumpkin!

  20. I can so relate to how you feel about your rugs. I have a small in booth in a near by town and while people comment and rave about my rugs, I've yet to sell one. I think price is the reason (At least I hope that's the case! HA) but with the price of wool, I've priced for almost the same amount it cost me to make them. SIGH Guess I'll have to stick to NP & cross stitch to make my sells. Hugs, Sher

  21. Lauren, I had this same thing happen with impatients one year.
    This year one morning I woke up to find a container of fusion petunias all eaten. I moved them closed to the house and they never bothered them again.
    I think people don't realize the work that goes into even the simplist hooked piece not to mention the cost. I think your pumkins are great.

  22. I beleive unless you are a hooker you have no idea of the cost of materials, time and effort, & creativity it takes to do a hooking. I have done mats as gifts for friends and they have no clue... but I also do it for my pleasure so there you go.

    I would love to have one of your pumpkins.. thanks so much for a chance.

  23. I think your pumpkins are sweet, and would love to have one. Have you thought of selling on Etsy (not that I know that much about it). I do buy things through there quite often.

  24. Good morning! I am shocked your pumpkins didn't sell out! They are lovely..... I agree with the others.... you just didn't have the right group of shoppers there!!
    Please enter me in the giveaway! I would love to own one of your pumpkins.... Thanks for the opportunity!

  25. Sorry for your disappointment. Maybe the weather wasn't the best for selling that day, maybe it will sell later or as someone said maybe you should put them on Etsy.

    And MAYBE you can put my name in the draw.

  26. oh my gosh i cant imagine no one buying your wonderful pumpkins! they are so fall and so prim. i would love to own one so wonderful and a special blogger who hooked it!
    wow the deer sure took care of the flowers... i wonder if they like mums.. enjoy your day lauren! so nice of you to do a give away!

  27. Wow, that deer must have been starving. It really stripped them clean. I can't believe you still have your pumpkins! But one lucky person will be blessed.

  28. I don't know if deer like impatiens, but I know they like petunias and a type of lily that I have in my yard. I walked out into the front yard a few weeks ago only to find a deer redhanded eating the lily flowers.

    And what's wrong with those people - I think that your pumpkins should have definitely been snapped. But there loss will be some lucky person's gain!!

  29. Where I live the deer eat mums, and also impatiens. I heard they stay away from blue plants, will have to try that. Love the pumpkins, and want to see hand torn strips in person. I like the patchwork backings as well, and wouldn't mind getting my mitts on one!

  30. I was at the first Shaker Hooking Camp so didn't meet you. I still haven't made the pumpkin but love Betsy's method. Would love to win one of yours.
    Connie in Texas

  31. Lauren - Your impatiens look just like mine. My hostas also get eaten by deer before the flower spikes show, which leaves me with stalks like a bunches of flopping-outward celery to enjoy for the summer. But I like the deer more than the plants, and so it goes. I was upset when they ate my hydrangeas, however.

    Love your hand-torn-strip pumpkins. No buyers, sad to hear, but now you can enjoy one yourself, have a giveaway (thank you kindly), and still have one for perhaps a thanksgiving purpose.

    ... jan (

  32. All that beautiful work. I can't believe they didn't sell. I would love to have one . My impatiens are up nice and high in a window box so no problems.


  33. After reading your post title, I'm glad that Oh deer meant deer eating your flowers. I had visions of a deer + a car = $$$ for body work! I've never had the deer eat my mums - hope Eastern Ohio deer don't like them either. I would love to be entered in a chance to win one of your fantastic hooked pumpkins. Have a great weekend. ~Ann

  34. Well that just sucks...isn't it frustrating when you put your heart and soul into your work and people just dismiss it?
    WELL WE AREN'T...well, I'm NOT...
    Thanks Lauren!

    1. P.S.
      I forgot about the Impatience being eaten off...THE RABBITS ATE OURS! It had been so dry and the stems/flowers hold so much water that they nibbled them to the ground. They ate my HOSTAS too....never had rabbits eat Hostas before...what's up!

  35. Oh My Gosh! That must have been some kind of crowd to not fall in love with your pumpkins!! I think they are absolutely wonderful. I know I'd be happy to have one live in my!

  36. Hey I know that scamp Katie Allman - (waving to sweet Katie!) I'd love to be entered in your giveaway lauren - I love your prim pumpkin and the color is smashing. Hope you have a great weekend Mel

  37. Love the pugs! My Auntie had one so had to come and visit. Assume your deer are native? I see one here occasionally but they are escapees from deer farms. The kangaroos do not know what to make of them!

  38. Are you serious? What's not to LOVE about your Punk'ns? I loved all of them and would be happy with any of them.

    Maybe everyone is busy doing fall cleanup, doing shows, going to rug camps (uh, like me) and couldn't take advantage of the great bargain.


    Yet, I know that my October show isn't nearly as good as the July show at the beach so I decided to not do my October show this year.

    Great to chat with you again after being at camp.


  39. I would buy one of your pieces in a flash! A giveaway is good too. lol! Thanks!

  40. Lauren,
    You know I love to get in on any of your giveaways. How great would it be to have something of yours to add to my new wool room? Please consider this my official entry.
    take care,

  41. Oh....tell me I'm not too late to sign up (although how lucky is it to be the last to sign up anyway???) I would like to be gracious and tell you I'll sit this out because I've had such a hard time keeping up with blogging lately, but I just can't do it. You know I LOVED these from the get-go....The only problem is not being able to see both adorable sides at the same time....And if I'm not so fortunate to win one, I hope you would consider selling me one. Seriously. Smiles & Pumpkin Hugs ~ Robin (PS - YES, deer definitely eat impatiens....and drink from swimming pools....)

  42. Hi Lauren~

    Playing catch up. Love your pumpkin.



Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)