Thursday, August 23, 2012

Time's a Flyin' ~

I can't believe I've been home from rug camp for a month.  This is what my rug looked liked when I left camp, and I'm sorry to say this is what it still looks like today :(  I have not even pulled one loop, but I hope that will change this evening!  (The colors are a bit washed out in the picture.)

I have been hooking ~ having a ball hooking pumpkins with hand torn strips.  I've hooked five of them.  These are about 13" wide and 12" tall with the stem.  Now if I will just finish them "Betsy style" before fall . . . sigh.  I'm just not very good with the finishing part.

I still have my Annie.  Quite a few events are coming up and hopefully she will find her furever family!  How could you not love this face?

Another week is almost over and August is coming to an end.  I am sitting here scratching my head wondering how that happened!

Last evening I met Lee from Falling Star Primitives.  I had bought a couple of her cross stitch patterns at "In the Spirit of Friends" show at Malabar Farm in years past, but I guess we had really not "met".  We live about an hour apart and decided to meet for dinner.  It was like getting together with an old friend!  What an enjoyable time we had.  She is a pattern designer, cross stitcher, rug hooker, does wool applique (wool appliquer?), etc.  Check out her website for some great patterns!  I swapped one of my necklaces for a couple of her patterns.  I think I got the better end of the deal :)  She also gave me some really cool notecards ~ photos of some of her stitcheries.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I love your rug Lauren. It will be so pretty when it's done.
    I hope to see you at Malabar this year. I think I am going to Quailcrest Herb Fair too, are you?

  2. Lauren I too love your rug, I think the colors are just perfect, your pumpkins too! Annie has such an adorable face, I hope the little sweetie finds her forever home soon. How true the saying "time flies" I on the other hand am very happy Autumn is just around the corner. Hugs from Maine, Julie.

  3. Hi Lauren, wow you have been busy. I've been busy but not in hooking. I still haven't picked up my hook all Summer and Fall is around the corner already. How come Summer went so fast?

    I'm looking forward to seeing the cross stitch sampler that you exchanged from your talented friend Lee.

    Your little pumpkins looks great. I'm not too keen on finishing my projects either unless I have a deadline.

    Have a great weekend. Hugs. JB

  4. I really like your camp rug. Now, with the pumpkins, what is Betsy style?

  5. That is something I hope to do someday and that is meet some of my online friends. I know it would be so much fun. Not to mention sit and hook with them.
    Your rugs look fantastic. So does your pumpkins.
    I do hope your friend Annie finds a perfect home. She is so cute.

  6. Lauren, Your pumpkins are WONDERFUL! I can't wait to see how you finish them off. I finally had time to dig into my new stuff from Sauder Village. I washed my wool and it turned out perfect - Thank you for all your advice! ~Ann

  7. Love your pumpkins and can't wait to see your rug all finished!!

  8. I love the colors you are using in your rug, really beautiful piece and your pumpkins are fun, nice idea to hand rip to get a more prim look.


  9. Hi Lauren, love your rugs so far, those pumpkin colors are really great. Oh, I wish I could have Annie, I love that face,pray she finds a good home soon. Blessings Francine.

  10. Love those pumpkins and your rug is looking great...Now who couldn't love a face like Annie's!

  11. I love the colors you have chosen in your rug camp rug, Lauren...can't wait to see the whole thing finished!

    Your pumpkins are wide are the strips you used?

    Annie has a cute little face, and I hope she does find her "furever" home soon!


  12. Love all of those pumpkins, Lauren! The falling star primitives designs look very nice!

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. your pumpkins are so great! I envy you getting together with another blogger. I wish we lived closer all the time I know we could have a few laughs.
    I am off to visit her.
    At this point I bet you are very attached to annie.

  15. Lauren,
    Your rug is coming along the colors! Pumpkins colors are great, too. You have been very busy! My Annie would love your Annie! In a few years, when our travels with Mr.M.'s professional board ends, we would like to get a furry friend.
    Have a great weekend,

  16. Surely someone will fall in love with that sweet little Annie's face! She has such character!

  17. That little Annie is so sweet looking. Perhaps that forever home is just around the corner.

  18. Afternoon Friend
    I love your rug.
    I especially love looking and seeing your pugs. I want a PUG so bad.
    We have a 2yr old chocolate puppy who I love. My hubs always wanted.
    So one day I hope to get a pug until then thank you for sharing yours.
    Happy Friday

  19. I love your rugs, They're great.As usual you have the colors just right.Hugs Cheri

  20. Oh my ~ I love your pumpkins! Like all the others, waiting to see how you finish them! :)

  21. great rug so far. love the pumpkins too.

  22. Lauren,
    The colors in your "what nots" rug are absolutely gorgeous! That is going to be a stunning piece!
    The punkins are sweet and I hope you share how you give them the "Betsy" finish!
    Annie's face is so precious..... but then she is a pug right! Hope she can meet a family who falls in love with her!!!
    Cathy G

  23. Oh....I'm experiencing pumpkin envy something fierce. These are great Lauren - and with that quirky patchwork finish on the back, they are going to be incredible!! sure are one "out and about" kinda gal. How, on earth, do you ever find time to hook anything?? Hope your weekend is off to a great start....and hey, I think I'm finally caught up here again - so your email will stop dinging. ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)