Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Featured Exhibit ~ Karl & Mary Jo Gimber

More from the Sauder Village rug show.

Karl & Mary Jo Gimber, Pennsylvania.  
This husband and wife team have taken their mutual interest in American history and the love for all things old and translated it into hooked rugs. Together they have created more than 70 historic sign rugs, representing 1700’s – 1800’s tavern, trade, and farm signs, historic flags, gravestones, old weathervanes, and folk art, with political messages, historical references, religious themes, and humor.  

The twelve months of hippos.  These were F-U-N!!!

A couple of my favorites.

Thanks for stopping by!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Wow, looks like I've got to get to Sauder some year.

  2. What an eclectic display of rugs and fun to see the whimsey and the reproductions, lots of inspiration.


  3. As always great inspiration! You are so lucky to get to see all those beautiful rugs.

  4. Loved seeing all the rugs....would love to make it to Sauder one day! Thanks for sharing all the fantastic rugs.

  5. Some people are just so darn talented! Beautiful rugs filled with whimsey, I just love the last rug, Halloween Hippo, what fun. Have a lovely day, Julie.

  6. I have never heard of this place until you started posting about it. What a fun day and that just makes me laugh, A Year of Hippos.
    I bet seeing them in person is something because looking at the photos, I keep making exclamations.
    What a neat idea to turn a love of history into that. I have always liked old tavern signs anyway.
    I hope you are having a nice week.

  7. The Hippo's have to be my favorites.

    Thanks so much for sharing.

  8. Thanks so much for sharing your photos Lauren. It's great to travel along with you to Sauder. One day (when I have a different job and I can take time off in the summer), nothing will stop me from going... And hopefully meeting you! ;-)

  9. oh gosh such fun rugs! love the hippos too! enjoy your day!

  10. Lauren, thanks so much for all the fine photos for those of us way too far away from Sauder! Kathy

  11. *****yes...thankyou for all of the pictures...the rugs are beautiful.
    also, the rugs of carl are very

  12. Thanks for the pics of Karl's rugs. He is in our guild and always shows up every month with a newly completed rug!
    He and Mary Jo have wonderful stories to tell about their rugs, too. Great and talented, down to earth and just lovely...

  13. Lauren, Your photos turned out beautiful. The colors are just how I remember the rugs looking. I just now finally posted my version of our meeting. I've been just a little busy with orders - thanks, I know several came from you posting your rug hooking tote. ~Ann

  14. Oh my HECK!! It just gets better and better!! Those tavern sign rugs are incredible....I love old signage and their pieces are remarkable....the lettering alone makes me shudder! And a year of hippos?? I was almost gonna say "guess you had to be there" and then saw October's hippo. LOVE!!!

    You know, I'm thinking it's probably a good thing I don't get to go to camps and shows like this. I'd probably throw my hook in once and for all. Seeing stuff like this makes me feel just so completely and hopelessly incompetent. Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  15. I know Mary Jo and Karl. They are great folks and talented artists. They haven't gotten me hooked on rug making just yet, though.


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