Saturday, August 25, 2012

On With the Show ~


What fun to see the same pattern hooked four different ways!

There were many rugs at the show hooked in a very fine cut.  I would guess this was hooked in a 3 cut.

What detail.

The hooker of this turkey said that upon seeing the antique postcard that was so ugly, she just had to hook it . . . lol!

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hello Lauren, once again I`m amazed at the talent these ladies have at rug hooking, my oh my. They are all beautiful, I do love the turkey one, love Turkeys,I do I do. Thanks for showing, enjoy, Gobble Gobble Francine.

  2. So beautiful. I love seeing the same pattern hooked by different people.

  3. It is so amazing to see all of those different styles of rugs. That gorilla is just amazing.
    I enjoy seeing all of the different rugs you saw.

  4. Lots of wonderful designs and so fun to see the show, since i cannot attend.


  5. What fabulous rugs! I wish I could have seen them in person.

  6. That gorilla rug looks like a labor of love but then I think that all rugs are a labor of love.

    When comparing the first four rugs, I like the first rug better as I'm not a strong and bright color person but they all have their own appeal.

    Thanks for sharing these pictures with us. Hugs, JB

  7. Hi Lauren!
    Really have been enjoying your blog posts. Full of beautiful rugs, since I couldn't be there this is the next best thing. Thanks so much for sharing!

    woolly hugs

  8. Such talent. I have so enjoyed viewing all these amazing rugs, truly a labor of love. How interesting to see a hooked rug with each individual interpretation. Thank you for sharing. Greeting from Maine, Julie.

  9. Love the large hit or miss style rug hanging on the wall display. I want to go next year...sigh.

    Thanks for sharing your photos, Lauren!


  10. Loved seeing the rugs and it is amazing how one rug can turn out so many different ways.

  11. I enjoyed the rug show... so many blogs are showing rugs from Sauder Village and I'm still seeing different rugs. Makes me want to hurry and get started on a rug to show in Long Beach, next year!

  12. Just amazing! As I just getting up to my knees wet in hooking I am inspired by all this beautiful work! Thank you for sharing. I was very impressed with the Black Lab, you could see the feeling in his eyes. And I liked the ladies inspiration to do the turkey post card. Lovely work and creativity by all.

  13. I absolutely love that turkey! So many talented hookers out there...thanks for taking us along on this fun trip to Sauder.

  14. Loved the tour of Sauder rug show, thanks. Was the Gorilla done by Jon Ciemiwicz?
    I too enjoy seeing variations of the same hooked rug.


  15. Thanks for all the eye candy Lauren! The rugs are all spectacular, but I have to wonder who would want a gorilla rug hanging in their house? LOL! (not me, but then I'm not an animal lover)

  16. Wow, wow....and more wow. Like I said, I think it's a good thing I can't attend a show like this or I would never hook again. Such amazing talent....but I seem strangely drawn to the bird rugs as of late. Thanks, once again, for's a great deal of working taking all those photos, uploading them and posting them....we truly appreciate you. ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin (PS - People who hook in fine cut scare me.) ;o


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)