Sunday, August 19, 2012

Featured Exhibit ~ Barbara Carroll

Sauder Village ~ 2012
(No words necessary)

Boyertown Pups, which I LOVE, is a HUGE rug.  Perhaps 4' x 4' ?

Barbara's antique inspirations ~ from her collection.

What a treat to see Barb's rugs up close and personal!

Thanks so much for stopping by.  I have LOTS more of Sauder to share.

Pugs hugs to you this fine Sunday morn.  Annie and I are off to work the Ohio Pug Rescue booth at a greyhound event about an hour from home:)


  1. Hi Lauren,so many wonderful rugs, such great hooking. Love the Pumpkin one and all the others. Give the Grayhounds a hug from me, love Greyhounds,so gentle. Thanks for sharing all those beautiful rugs,always a joy. Blessings Francine.

  2. Lauren...thank you so much for posting all those pictures! I can't believe I left my camera at home. It was a beautiful display..and how about those tavern signs?? A really cool exhibit for primitive rug hookers! Hope you had a great time...missed having lunch with you this year..

  3. Love Barb Carroll's work! Thanks for great pictures, Lauren...wish I could have been there.


  4. Lauren love all your photos! It was a great show! Bobbie I loved the tavern signs too!
    So sorry we did not get to see each other. Maybe at Malabar.

  5. Hi Lauren,
    Thanks for sharing all these wonderful rugs with us...the antique rugs are unbelievable!

  6. Hi Lauren so many great rugs! Thank you so much for the show. Wow!!

  7. Thanks for sharing, I would never get to seee these, if you weren't so generous with your time in postings! have a great day!

  8. Have a nice day. What lovely rugs. I think it would be so much fun to go see something like that in person.
    This week I got brave and I posted pictures of some the rugs I hooked this year on Face Book.
    No one that is friends with me from California even knew why I would want to hook rugs? Not to mention I got a snarky comment about not liking crows. :)
    I am living in the wrong state. :)
    Have a fun day.

  9. OMG, I saw a rug in Barb's collection that I've never seen up close and pesonal before. Thank you so much. Wish I'd been there too.


  10. I have always loved her rugs and style and so nice to see the ones at the show. Thank you for sharing them with us.


  11. Oh, my ...they are so gorgeous I hardly know what to say! So many I'd like to hook. Thanks so much for taking the pictures and posting them.
    PS: Do you know of the 1890 horse (the one with a cat and chicken) is copyrighted? I know it is an antique, but don't know whether Barb owns the original.

  12. So many great rugs how to pick a favorite. Great rugs

  13. love your pictures! so cool to see barbara carrols rugs in person! hope all went well on your pug booth at the event! enjoy your day!

  14. Lauren,
    Thank you for posting all the pictures of Barb's rugs. I would have loved to study them in person. Hugs, Lori

  15. I've always loved Barb's designs - so this was a real treat for me. Thanks so much for sharing! Wow....she has an amazing collection of antique rugs. Good thing I wasn't there....I probably would have drooled all over them. :o) Robin


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