Friday, August 17, 2012

A Good Day ~

I made my annual trek to the rug show at Sauder Village.  It is always so inspiring to see what others have hooked.  There are MANY talented hookers out there.  The day was spent enjoying the rug show, doing a little shopping and chatting with many friends I have met through hooking.

Ann from 1803 Ohio Farm Baskets and I made plans to meet for the first time.  Ann is an amazing basket weaver (and cross stitcher and rug hooker and who knows what else) and I asked that she bring one of her wool baskets for me.  Let me tell you, this basket is beautiful ~ and huge.  That stool is 18" wide so you can see how big it really is.  It will be perfect to carry supplies to hooking and will just look darned good sitting out at home.
I felt as if I was meeting up with an old friend.  (Well, I am the old part . . . lol!)  What a fun day we had together.  She is an absolute delight!  Of course I thought about taking a picture of her as she was driving out of the parking lot.

The funny thing is that I brought her a few pieces wool to add to her stash.  I put it in a red bag with crow tissue paper.  This is what she gave to me . . . a red bag with crow tissue paper.  How ironic is that?

And this was in my bag!!!  This is the other basket I wanted from her but thought I'd better only buy one since I knew I'd be buying some wool.  It is just the sweetest basket with the cutest clothes pin feet.  THANK YOU, ANN!!!  You can check out her wonderful creations in her etsy shop.  You won't be sorry!

Late in the afternoon they had what I believe was called a "moving" exhibit.  It was a challenge put to hookers to hook a mask.  Some people are very creative!

Thanks so much for stopping by.  I have LOTS more to share.
Pug hugs :)


  1. What fun!
    Oh and I love that big basket, I saw it on her blog and was drooling.
    The little basket is too cute with those clothespin legs.

  2. oh fun meeting anne. yes she does a great job of basket weaving! she also seems to get alot done! sounds like a great hook in and love those masks boy hookers are creative! enjoy your weekend lauren!

  3. How great you and Ann could meet up.The basket is lovely and sweet she surprised you with the little one.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  4. Love the baskets. The masks, however, are a bit frightening!

  5. So glad you sweet ladies got to meet, I have two of Ann's baskets, they are definately addicting. hugs, Lecia

  6. Glad you are having fun. What a talented lady Ann is...her baskets are works of art. Those are some funky masks! Enjoy!

  7. Ann is a sweet girl for sure! Your basket will look great with or without wool ~ love the label on the front! Good to see you, as always ~ it was a jam packed day!

  8. Very nice! I've had my eye on both of those baskets!!! I just may have to....

  9. I never cease to be amazed by the imagination and creativity of rug hookers...GREAT masks! The lady about half way down with the colorful leaves looks like April DeConick, the lady who sponsored a rug guild that I attended years ago. She now lives in Texas.

    Ann (1803 Ohio Farm Baskets) is a truly talented woman...and very sweet and generous. I have one of her baskets which I dearly love. I know you two had fun at Sauder. Thanks for sharing your trip through pictures.

  10. WOW, those hooked masks are AMAZING!!!
    Alot of talented women.
    I loved everyone one's mask they made.

  11. Hello Lauren, wow, those masks are great, love the big basket also. Blessings Francine.

  12. Wow those masks are just amazing. Such talent. The baskets are so wonderful.
    Don't you find that with bloggers, we become so close. I thought the red bags and crows just illustrated the point so well. You always do the most interesting things. Things I never knew about. You keep widening my horizons. :)

  13. Wow Lauren, thanks for showing us those amazing hooked masks. What creativity. The baskets are so cool too. I love baskets and they're everywhere in my house.

    Hugs, JB

  14. Lauren, wow!!! those are some creative masks, which one was your's? I really like the elephant mask. What a wonderful basket you are coming home with, lucky girl. It certainly will hold lots of rug hooking supplies. Hope you are enjoying the weekend, hugs Julie.

  15. Masks were fantastic and creative! Yesterday when I first read your blog I immediately went to the link you provided and almost purchased the basket with the denim pocket. And then decided to wait until the immediate temptation had subsided. Since I have SO MANY baskets in my house already, the last thing I need is yet another vessel in which to put more worms. But OH do I love that basket you got.


  16. Those masks are absolutely AMAZING!! The work that must have went into them!!! I really love that sheep with the "shades" one....and the left one in the last photo....Oh, heck...too many incredible ones!

    Ann is so very sweet. Too funny about that big basket....I've had that "favorited" in her shop for a long time...and in a weak moment went to purchase it, and it wasn't there! Gee, now I know why! Sweet little basket too - those clothespin fee are adorable.

    Why do you get to have so much fun? ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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