Friday, June 1, 2012

This 'n That ~

Last evening was hooking at the Farm.  I was hoping to see Andi’s new rug she is working on from a class she took with Katie of Kid'l de Divey woolens, but instead she was working on the cutest little knitted baby hat with bunny ears.  A new to the Farm hooker, Valerie, was working on a footstool cover, using the most wonderful colors.  I was working on Henny Penny but  I only put maybe 6 worms in my hooking bag so I quickly ran out of wool.  Do you think I remembered to take out my camera?  If I didn't remember to pack my wool, why would I remember to take pictures?  Not much progress has been made.

I was the lucky winner of a give-away from Ginger of  Primitives by the Light of the Moon.  No special reason for the give-away ~ just because it was time, she said.  She was giving away a sweet little hooked mug mat and a journal she made with a hand  watercolored cover.   In addition she gave me two of the sweetest  pin cushions, a beautiful piece of hand dyed wool, a heart pin made from a quilt scrap, and a hand crocheted dish cloth & scrubber. 

Now I've never seen one of these before.  It is a sheep "needle nanny".  It is just adorable and what a great idea!  

Even the outside of the box was doodled upon.  I wish I had half her talent!

Ginger, thank you so much for your generosity!  I will treasure my items always. 
* * * * *
Three years ago yesterday, I took the plunge into blogging.  I had only been reading blogs for a few months and figured I’d give it a try.  I must say I’ve enjoyed blogging more than I ever imagined I would.  I have learned so much and made so many new friends.  I’m amazed how much I’ve rambled on and that so many read what I have to say.  THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!  In honor of three years, the first of my give-aways will be for one of my vintage spoon necklaces.  You can choose what you’d like it to say, but I have a limited number of charms (dog related, sheep, sun, cat, sewing machine, knitting needles, eagle)  and the maximum number of letters in a word is about seven.  Monday evening I will pick three winners.  Entering is simple.  Leave a comment on this post only and if you don’t have a blog, be sure to leave me an email address.  You can also send me an email with "give-away" in the subject line.  You don’t even need to be a follower but of course I’d love it if you were :)  {{Please don’t post this on your blog.  It’s just for people reading my blog ~ but of course if you are a new reader you are most welcome to enter.}}  Here are a few examples.  You can enlarge the pic to see them more clearly.

Thanks so much for stopping by!
Pug hugs :)


  1. I recently started following your blog and enjoy it very much. I'd love to enter your giveaway. Congratulations on 3 years of blogging!

  2. What wonderful goodies, so fun to win and receive gifts from a fellow crafter. I like the needle sheep, I am always losing mine and dropping them, very clever idea.


  3. HAPPY 3rd BLOGIVERSARY Lauren. How fast the time goes when you 're blogging.

    Your spoons are very eye catchy, I love the dirty hooker one and those little sheep on the top are so adorable and those doodles are just too cute. I think that I should stop working so hard and start doodling.

    I hope that you have a lovely weekend. Hugs. JB

  4. I for one am very happy you blogged 3 years ago! I made a new friend thru it! Congrats on your win! Ginger issssss so talented and such a sweetie! No need to enter me as I have a wonderful necklace already made by you!

  5. Happy blog anniversary. I'm so happy you took the plunge and I got to make a new friend :)
    No need to enter me in the draw as I am already a lucky owner of one of your sweet necklaces.
    Hugs, Kim

  6. Henny Penny is looking great! Love all your goodies...especially the needle nanny sheep. The Wool Lover necklace is my it!
    Have a great weekend,

  7. Wow! She was so very generous to you! I'm happy you won! Love Henny! Please toss in my name too.

  8. Hi Lauren,
    I'm so glad you are a blogger and that I got to know you through blogging! It is a special thing we have going here! I too have one of your beautiful rug hooker necklaces and will cherish it always! I hope someone else can win one to enjoy!
    What neat things that Ginger is always coming up with! Aren't her doodles the best! Congrats on winning and on the three years of blogging! Let's hope we all can keep the posts coming!
    Big hugs!!
    Cathy G

  9. Hi Lauren I am so glad you started your blog three years ago! Love your posts and please enter me in your fun giveaway!Cheri

  10. Lauren, so glad you liked the little goodies! I just love stopping by your blog it's so uplifting and the grandson of your's is a cutie!

    Love your spoon necklaces so throw my name in the basket, too!
    Happy 3rd anniversary :)

  11. Happy blogaversary! I just celebrated my first year in May. I came across your blog on Notforgotten Farm's blog. I am just getting started in rug hooking; I've cross stitched forever and a moon. Your Henny Penny is super cute, look forward to seeing your progress. Congrats on your giveaway win; looks like Ginger isn't the only creative one, your spoon necklaces are very charming.

    Look forward to following your blog.

  12. I love following your blog and happy anniversary.

    I would be tickled pink to win one of your creations. I like anything with the hooker sayings or the wool sayings and the little sheep.

    Thanks so much for a chance.

  13. iwould love to win one of your neclaces. i've been reading the blogs on APP for almost 3 years now. i would love to learn to hook. denise[]

  14. Congratulations, Lauren! Your blog is always interesting and versatile ~ people love you blog!!! That was a great gathering gifts from Ginger ~ love that little journal!! Blog on, friend and I'll see you at Kingwood! And your chicken rug is looking good!!

  15. Hey Lauren!

    What a wonderful stash of goodies and congratulations on 3 years of blogging!! I'd love to be entered into your giveway! Your spoon necklaces are very cool!

    I always enjoy you blog!!


  16. Wonderful treasures from Ginger! She really is a super talented gal! :-) I already am lucky enough to have a couple of your spoon necklaces, so don't enter me in the giveaway... Have FUN! And thank you for sharing some of your life experiences with us through blogging! :-)

  17. Hi Lauren!
    So glad I found your blog I really enjoy it! HOpe you have a great weekend! I love the dog paw charm.Hope to see you at Kingwood.

  18. Hi Lauren,
    I really enjoy your blog! I love the dog charm paw print! Hope to see you at Kingwood.

  19. Hi Lauren~

    Congrats on three years of blogging. Love the start of your Henny Penny rug. Congrats on your win from Ginger. She sent you some lovely goodies. I'm glad to have found your blog. I can always count on a smile when reading one of your posts. Love hearing about the pugs, seeing your rugs (and others), & some of the things you come up with~well, they just make me giggle. And who can forget that little red headed boy with the big smile. I hope you continue to blog for years to come.


  20. Happy Blogiversary!!!!
    what fun it is to read your blog, Lauren! I always enjoy your posts, rugs & pugs ~
    I'm not one that enters giveaways, but I love your spoon necklaces.
    So, I will keep my fingers crossed that I will be one of the lucky winners!
    Thanks so much for your generosity :)

    ~Lori from Notforgotten Farm

  21. Hi Lauren - since I was the lucky winner of one of your earlier giveaways - I'll let someone else have my chance. I enjoy your blog and love hearing what you are up to . Enjoy your weekend - melody

  22. Happy Anniversary. Since I'm already a proud owner of one of your magnificent spoon necklases save the drawing for someone else.

    Can't wait to see how you go forward on your rug as I have the very same design which I've not even started.


  23. Lauren.....I look forward to your blog everyday...I actually had 2 of your necklaces and then 2 dear wool friends saw them and off they went for them to wear and enjoy, so I am going to keep my fingers crossed that I will be lucky !
    Best regards, Carol in Az

  24. Love the little surprise giveaway you won simply wonderful.Congrats on 3 years! Hugs!~Amy

  25. I am new to your blog. I love seeing what you are up to next. Congrats on 3 years!

  26. Lauren, I've purchased a few of Ginger's hooked pieces and love them. She always includes the neatest little water color tags with her packages - such fun to be on the receiving end.

    Congratulations on 3 years in blog land- I'm glad we've become acquainted through our blogs. I'd love to be entered in your giveaway! ~Ann

  27. I am a follower and love to read yours and others blogs but have no desire to write one, so congrats on your 3 years. The spoon necklaces are really cute.I like the wool or sewing related ones.

  28. congratulations on your 3 yr. anniversary. I have been a follower for awhile now...I saw Pugs and was 'hooked'...I know that was a BAD combo joke, but I had a pug as a kid and loved her to pieces. Love those necklaces.....fingers!

  29. Lauren,
    Has it been that long you have been blogging? My time does fly when you get up there. I am thrilled your friend rescued that JRT. I had a shortie I was given at a horse shoe and Mollie was with me for 17 years. She was a riot and I miss her.
    Please enter me in your give-away. I would love to have one of your spoon necklaces. Since I don't blog, contact me at briarrosefarm(at)hotmail[dot]com

    thanks, trisha

  30. What a fun package from Ginger! I love her doodles and her hooking....she always uses some interesting color ways..... And congratulations on 3 years of blogging. Wow...that's a lot of typing. ;o) I didn't realize you'd been doing it that long..... Fund giveaway too - you know I adore your spoon necklaces. But since you so generously gifted me with one previously (and the sweet little sheep charm), I'll sit out and wish the others luck!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)