Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Good & Bad ~

Happy hump day, everyone.  Thanks for stopping by!

I have finished binding another hooked rug, this one my Magdalena wannabe that didn't quite make it :)  It's about 14" x 21".  I've finished binding 2 of the 6 rugs that I finished, but having finished the hooking on another small mat, my net gain is only one . . . sigh.  I wish I could learn to love (or even like) the binding process.

The good part about having a "hooking room" is that no one sees it.
The bad part about having a "hooking room" is that since no one sees it, it tends to get really messy, really fast.  It has once again gotten totally out of control.  Every time I clean it I vow it will stay that way, but I guess it wasn't meant to be.

Part of the problem is that I still don't have enough wool storage.  Isn't that an awful problem to have . . . lol?  Hopefully my problem is solved.  Tonight I picked up another pie safe bought from a friend.    First, though, I need to switch out my small hooking room with the larger guest room because it just won't fit in here.  Unfortunately, that won't be happening for a while.  There just aren't enough hours in the day or days in the week.  If only I didn't need to sleep!

{{To the person from the Cedar Lakes Rug Camp who sent me an email inquiring about the spoon necklaces, I haven't forgotten about you.  Somehow I've lost the email and can't seem to figure out where it went.  If you are reading this, please email me again!}}

Tomorrow is my 3 year blogiversary.  Woo hoo!  Stay tuned.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Glad to know I'm not the only one that can mess up a clean hooking room in no time! Bet that new pie safe will help a bunch :)

  2. I am drooling over all of your wool. the rug is beautiful and I love your pugs! I am a new follower.
    Be blessed,

  3. Lauren, Thank you for posting your clutter pics...bless you. My wool room is such a mess right now. It is so frustrating to come in here and see everything tossed here and there. I need to organize and re-think how to use my space more effectively.

    HAPPY 3RD BLOGIVERSARY!!! Hope you have many more. Congratulations!

  4. Mine is a mess and I don't even have half that much, lol. I have the snap together bins, but takes up more room than it stores.


  5. *****messiness only stirs creativity!!! what's MORE important is that your hooked rug is don't clean anything up...just keep hooking!!!

  6. My studio is one hot mess. Probably because I need shelves badly and most of my stuff is on the floor! I love your came out great. I'm just binding now as well. I don't mind it, but I am trying to do that crocheted edge with wool strips and I keep messing it up.
    Have a great day...the weekend is coming!

  7. I've got a craft room that is a disaster too. :-)

  8. Happy Blogiversary! Your rug is wonderful!

  9. If I had a craft room it would be a disaster. But Lauren, I would volunteer to come help you clean up some of that wool laying around.....I's just take it right out of your way! Lol

  10. I feel much better looking at your untidy room because mine is much Worse, if that is possible.:) I think all rug hookers have the same type of least you have the nerve to show yours...
    Love your pugs....

  11. Lauren, thanks for sharing pics of your craft room. Now I don't feel quite so bad about mine! LOL! I see some of these other "studios" and feel like I need to get home and really organize it, but not enough hours in the day. You said "if only I didn't need sleep" - minis is "if only I didn't have to work!" Take care and have a great rest of the week!


  12. Lauren I think it's impossible to keep things totally clean all the time - and especially when working with all those little strips of wool...we do what we can and you are very fortunate to have a room designated for this.
    Hope to see a picture of your new pie safe.

  13. I, too, have a room that is a huge mess. I call it my studio because I paint there, but it actually is more of a junk room, a catch-all for everything that doesn't belong anywhere else in the house: old books, my grow light, flag collection, holiday decorations etc. I recently did some simplifying around the house and now my "studio" is filled with odd pieces of furniture that I plan to sell at some point. I keep the door closed most of the time and pretend that this tornado room is not there.

  14. Hi Lauren~

    Love your rug!!

    Thank you for sharing your hooking room. My creating space looks about the same but instead of wool, mine is full of fabric.

    Have a great day~Becky

  15. Hi Lauren, Your rug looks great.
    I feel for you. I always to spread my wool everywhere too.Happy blog anniversary!

  16. Lauren~ I think we all have one of those Blogiversary!~Amy

  17. Lauren,
    How are you binding your rugs? I used to detest binding until I learned how to bind with covered cording. You might give that a try.

  18. Oh Lauren you have made me a happy girl ~ misery loves company and know exactly what you're talking about. I promise myself my room will stay clean and will put things away right away.....uh, but seems I lie to mysel a lot.

    One of my blogger buddies told me that it is the creative mind that has a messy (er, active and productive) room.


  19. Lauren - Your wannabe Magdelena rug turned out just fine! I think it's delightful! And I'm thoroughly enjoying the pictures of your wool room - you've got some real yummy pieces there!

  20. i love your wool room! want to come help you clean, actually would rather come play! who needs it clean! i love pie safes and i love wool! enjoy your evening!

  21. I just don't think neat and tidy can be said in the same sentence as rug-hooking. It's just not that kind of craft!! Hope your blogiversary was cool!

  22. Now that is some serious stash!! Wow, I had better not let the hubby see that. He has no idea what I've gotten myself into. Hehehe. With my stitching stash and scrapping booking now adding rug hooking it might scare him. But then again I only have the closet in the guest room, for now, soon to take over the daughter's room as my stitching room. Where as he has an oversized two car garage for his stash. Hehehe.

  23. I'm feeling very deprived. Wanna come to my pity party? What's this with everyone but me having a hooking room or studio??? What the heck??!! My hooking "room" is the chair in the corner with a basket at my feet. Wahh!! (And you do have a serious stash my friend....I wanna come play at your house!!) PS - One of these days I'll finish a rug and do a step-by-step on how I bind....I think you'll like it.

    PSS - Sleep is overrated.... ;o) Robin

  24. Hi, Lauren,
    I don't think you have enough wool!! heehee. Congrats on your blogging anniversary. The little JR is a darling, so happy she has a good home now.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)