Sunday, June 3, 2012

Trying to Figure Out ~

What the heck happened to the weekend?  As I sit here trying to figure out where it went and what I accomplished, I am at a loss.  
Friday evening, I went with friend Judy who was adopting a Jack Russell Terrier from a local rescue.  Her name is Ellen, but I think she is more of an Ellie or Ellie Mae (think Clampett).  She is a little 10 pound dynamo who is recovering from surgery for a luxating patella.  (Hence the shaved areas.)  Judy, thank you so much for rescuing her!

I also did a little hooking ~ very little!  Not much progress on Henny Penny.

This morning I was supposed to take Annie to meet a prospective forever home, but once again, it wasn't meant to be.  Long story short, it was cancelled before we went.  One of these days someone will fall in love with this face!

Now this face I'm not so sure about . . . lol!  Doesn't it look like she's had "one too many"?

I also did a little yard work.  Got the little "pond" cleaned out and my sweetie got my fountain running.  The yard has been neglected and there is so much to do!  Thankfully we got some much needed rain a couple days ago.  It is too early in the season to have cracks in the garden.
There's still time to enter the give-away.  See the previous post.  You don't have to choose one of the examples shown.  I will custom make one for you.
Thanks for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lol. Makes me wonder what you are putting in Annie's water dish...... :)

  2. OMG! Ellen... hahaha it was good meeting you the other day. Who knew I followed your blog :-)

  3. Oh the time does fly by, doesn't it??? Like the rug you are hooking.

  4. Hahahaha...i agree with Kim! What ARE you putting in that drinking water?

  5. Oh, my...the continuing saga of Annie. That forever home is out there somewhere.

  6. Lauren, the dark background is really going to showcase the rest of your rug! Love it already!

  7. Love that funny photo of Annie. She's something else!

  8. I certainly love Annie's face.I can't believe people keep backing out,good though that they decide before she gets settled and they change their minds.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  9. Both doggies are so sweet! I Love that Annie girl!

  10. Well, when you figure out where the weekend went, lemme know....Perhaps that will also explain where April and May went. Yikes....this getting old business ain't for sissies. Awwww.....sweet, sweet, Annie....I don't know how anyone could resist her - and I wasn't born a "pug" person. Somehow, when she does find her furever home, I have a feeling it's going to be a really, really, special one. Happy Monday! Smiles & Hugs Robin

  11. Hi Lauren~

    Love that pic of Annie.

    Have a wonderful evening~Becky


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