Sunday, June 10, 2012

All Work and No Play ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ makes Lauren a dull, dull girl!

Thank you so much for all the sweet comments on my last post.  Blog buddies are the BEST!!!

The bulk of the weekend has been spent getting ready for the estate sale.  (Sounds so much classier than a garage sale, right?)  I am guessing we are about 80% done but ran out of places to put things.  I'll scrounge up a few more tables to put in the garage and hopefully in one or two evenings it will be done, or as done as it's going to get . . . lol!  I have hauled quite a few boxes out of my basement and garage and taken it to the house.  Everything that doesn't sell will be donated.  The sale is Friday and Saturday and when it is done I will definitely breathe a sigh of relief, though there will still be much to do to get the house ready to sell.

I didn't have time to hook this weekend, but did finish binding one little hooked mat.  I will share that with you in my next post.

I went out and snapped a few more pictures from the yard.  

This clematis always blooms profusely.

My miniature clematis.  I forgot to include this in my "shades of purple" post.  It only grows about 3 feet tall . . .

. . . and has the sweetest little flower.

I hate to water but everything is so dry.  A friend talked me in to this splurge a few years ago.  It spins around and does a great job of watering.

Thanks so much for stopping by!
Pug hugs :)


  1. I hope your sale goes well. It will be a combination of relief and bittersweet memories I'm sure.
    And by the way, you could never be dull!!

  2. It must of been so hard to put this all toghter with the mememories. I hope the sale goes well.
    I have the water globe.
    it does a very good job.

  3. I hope your sale goes well and you can relax and enjoy the happy memories of your mom.


  4. I don't live to far down the road from the lake and would love to come to the sale. Would you send me the area and if you advertise I will find it. Sandi at

  5. OMG I love that sprinkler!!! First one I've seen and it's so much nicer than my bright yellow plastic! I would love to try clematis. I hope the sale goes smoothly for you. Lots of work!!

  6. I love your clematis. My Grandma had one at hr house that was so beautiful each year and after we sold the house I went back the next spring just to drive by and they had no more clematis. I don't know what happened but it was sad.
    Best of luck on your estate sale!
    Be blessed,

  7. Hi Lauren,
    Your shades of purple are so pretty ...
    And I can so agree ... I also have no motovation ... I'm going with the lazy dayz of summer theme ...
    really, it is very hard to keep going ALL the time ... mind and body need rest!
    Have a great week.

  8. Lauren I hope you sale runs smoothly for you and there is little left to donate. I'm sure it has been an exhausting time getting ready for this final departure of memories and it is probably that which has taken its tole you more than the work itself.

    Wish I lived closer so I could help you.


  9. Mmmm...I love that artsy sprinkler. Hope your sale goes well!

  10. Love the sprinkler! Best of luck with your sale. ...they are a lot of work!
    Have a good week,

  11. Hi Lauren~

    Good luck to you with the estate sale. Love your sprinkler!!

    Enjoy your week~Becky

  12. I WANT that sprinkler! (Even if we don't have enough water to be able to use it.....)

    Yikes - I missed your last post, popped on and read that you're having an estate sale and getting ready to sell the house. Thought at first you meant YOUR house and I had missed some major life-changing event!! Wishing you luck with all that's on your plate right now - as well as on your shoulders and heart....Rummage/garage/estate sales are a pain in the butt no matter what - but under your circumstances, it has to be even worse. Love all your garden photos - in the last post and this one. Funny, most everything that blooms here is purple as well - few pinks tossed in for good measure, but somehow, it's always the purple I see.....

    Will be thinking of you and wishing you the best....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  13. Lauren, I'm catching up on my blog reading - wish I could drop by and help you with your sale. It is hard job to do, especially when sorting through memories. ~Ann

  14. Catching up with my blog reading, as usual I always seem to be behind! I do hope the tag sale goes well, it is so difficult to sort through family belongings, each item holds a specific memory. I love the glob waterer, looks very "arty" in the garden, especially in a garden with shades of purple. Have a lovely rest of the weekend, Julie.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)