Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Funky, Folky Horse ~

Oh my goodness!  I can't believe it.  I have been blogging for just over three years and this is post #500.  Some of you have been with me since day one.  Thanks to everyone for reading my blog, leaving so many sweet comments and for being my friends.  I appreciate it more than you will ever know.
As a thank you, I'm giving away this little hooked mat.  It's measures about 11" x 13".  For once the colors of my pic are pretty accurate. As always, entering is simple.  Leave a comment on this post only or send me an email with give-away in the subject line.  Please do not post it to your blog.  I will pick a winner Saturday evening.

Once again, thank you so much for taking the time to read my ramblings.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Oh how cute Wow! that's alot of posts Lauren.I hope I win.Good luck to everyone!

  2. Hello, I`m a new follower and would love a chance of winning the giveaway at your sweet rug. Enjoyable blog,great photos of the dogs,500 posts, wow. Blessings Francine.

  3. Congratulations on 500 posts. Your rug is so cute. I always enjoy seeing the pictures of your pugs.

  4. Wow.... 500 posts! I so enjoy reading your blog.... love those puppies, especially that cute lil Annie!!
    What a great rug! Please enter me for a chance to win it.... and thanks for the opportunity!

  5. Hi Lauren!
    Love your folky fun horse! 500 posts....wow! How fast those 3 years have gone by. Thanks for the opportunity to win this cute little mat!


  6. Woo Hoo!!! The big 5-0-0!!! Wow!!! I'm impressed.....Ummmm....I'm no where NEAR that! Love this lil' horsey mat!! And would love to be entered for a chance to give it a loving home. (And, ya know, I would have even bound it myself if I were so lucky to win it.....) :o Crossing me toes, eyes, and beak (and THAT'S a serial comma!) Thanks for the wonderful opportunity (didn't you just have a great giveaway???)!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  7. Your rug is so nice and congrats your 500....,i like your rugs

  8. Wow, 500 posts! Congratulations! I'm a wannabe rug hooker, so I'd love to win your giveaway. Your work is wonderful!

  9. Congrats on your 500 posts! I always enjoy popping over to visit your blog. That's a sweet little horse! What a nice giveaway!

  10. To big milestones! I adore the little mat if I'm so lucky you could always send sweet Annie along in the box.Love that face..smile..Warm Blessings!~Amy

  11. My only "grandchildren" right now are pugs...would love to win this lovely mat made by a fellow pug-lover!

  12. Congratulations! That is awesome, Lauren! You are inspiring me to put forth more effort in my blogging and hooking! Cheers!

  13. Congratulations, Lauren! Love the horsey mat!

  14. Lauren, This little mat is SO cute - I would love to be entered in your giveaway. You are quite a bit ahead of me - I'm only around 200 posts. I really should pick it up!!~Ann

  15. Hi Lauren,
    Love that little mat, colors are perfect.
    At the rate I am going not sure when I can get back to blogging or hooking!
    So sorry I will miss all of you girls at Kingwood. I was hoping to get a cutter.
    Talk to you soon,

  16. Doesn't time fly when you are having fun.
    I follow your blog and enjoy it thoroughly.. I appreciate all the pic's and inspiration that you share.
    I would give the little horse a good home along with my hooked animals.

    Thanks for a chance.

  17. Love, love and love more your blog. I just found it this morning via blog surfing. I started at Gettysburg Homestead and meandered around. I love your pics. Several things in common and so I joined your blog. :) I am loving your clematis pics. I lost mine, and am currently searching for a light purple bluish one I saw and can't find since. I love pooches and am all about rescue and of course the biggy....prim rugs and all things prim. I would be honored to enter your contest and win this awesome rug. I've been looking for a horse prim item as I don't have anything horsey but love them.

    Thanks for your generosity. :)
    Looking forward to following your blog. Have a happy day!!! Julie

  18. Wow, 500!!!!! I had to look to see how many I've posted and that is only 260 so you have been at it a lot longer than I have. Congratulations and someone is going to be a lucky recipient for sure.

    P.S. thanks for being MY friend!


  19. congrats lauren! 500 posts wow! i have loved reading your blog and all your wonderful pictures! your pugs and rugs! enjoy your day!

  20. Congrats on 500 posts Lauren!! I love checking in with you & seeing what's new. Love your horsey rug. No need to enter my name this time. I'll let some other lucky lady enjoy one of your creations.

    Have a wonderful day~Becky

  21. Congratulations on this milestone! Beautiful mat, who wouldn't want to win???

  22. I'm a new follower and wow, 500 posts! Also, the pugs are adorable and so is the mat.

  23. Hi Lauren,
    WOW!!! Congratulations on this milestone!!! That is an impressive amount of posting!! Love all the pugs and stories and your work is wonderful too! I love your sweet mat and would be so happy to give it a good home!!
    Thank you for this generous opportunity Lauren!!
    Warm Hugs~~

  24. I always love reading your blog and enjoy your stories of your pugs. I keeping hoping Annie will get adopted but at least she is being loved by you! Love your rug please enter me.

  25. Hi Lauren,
    Thank you for offering such a sweet giveaway!! I love having my morning coffee and your blog!! Love looking at all your spectacular hooked rugs!! You inspire me! Most especially I love the pugs!! My sweet little Sydnee loves it too!!Congratulations!!
    Pug Hugs!!

  26. Hi Lauren,
    500 posts!!! Now that's a lot of blogging! It goes to show we rug hookers never run out of things to say!
    Congrats my dear friend and such a cute horsey mat anyone would love to display in her home!
    Cathy G

  27. 500??? WOW, Lauren, that is quite an accomplishment! Congratulations on such a milestone, and please enter my name for the adorable mat.


  28. 500! Wow. I've been reading you for quite some time. I actually read about 20 a day, I think I am hooked on hooking blogs. Your horse mat is CUTE. Debby from Maine

  29. Lauren - You've been so generous with your blog - we're lucky that you're able to post so often! This little horse looks like he's dancing - love it!

  30. I admire writers of blogs. I love to read them but have no desire to write. The horse does look cute. It's a great giveaway.

  31. Lauren,that is so cute! Enter my name. denise[cheermom1954@aol.com}

  32. Hi Lauren!
    I am a faithful follower and love your blog wow 500. Your horse rug is great! See you Saturday.

  33. Wow 500 posts way to go and thanks for sharing!!! I love all of your pug pictures they are the sweetest dogs.
    I would love to be entered in your give away of the sweet little horse.
    Thanks so much

  34. Lauren,
    What a great milestone for you. Just think, 500 posts and how many rescued pugs? You are doing great in helping these cutie pies find the right home. I applaud you for both. And given that I have had to give up my horses, I would love to win your cute horse rug and display him in my new home!
    Congrats my friend,

  35. Hi, Lauren,
    Hope I'm not too late to enter. Congrats on your anniversary, I love reading your blog. The little horse mat is adorable, I love his head and mane! So primitive!


  36. Am I too late to enter???? If not, count me in! EVERYBODY needs a horse rug!! Congrats on the anniversary.

  37. Oh, I hope I am not to late to enter your giveaway, I love your sweet little rug, it is prim perfect!!!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)