Thursday, June 7, 2012

Many Shades of Purple ~

Just about everything blooming in my neglected gardens seems to be a shade of purple.  

Do you sometimes feel totally out of control?  That you don’t know which way is up?  Ack!  I feel I have so much to do and am not getting anything done.  You’ve seen my wool room.  The rest of the house is “neat” but not “clean”.  I think my dust bunnies are having babies  The garage was so bad I couldn’t get my car in it.  The vehicle has a winter’s worth of dirt and pug hair.  I think I have enough pug hair for at least a pug or two!  The basement has a path running through it.  The worse part, though, is my procrastination (as I’ve mentioned before).  My mom passed away two years ago and I’ve finally been going through her house, deciding what to keep, what to toss and what to try to sell.  It seems like every free moment has been spent there.   I wanted to have someone else do an estate sale, but two different people I’ve had come in said I do not have enough stuff to make it worth their while.   So . . . I have to do it myself and I’ve decided that I could put it off for just about forever, or have it next week,  so next week it is.  I have not yet begun to price anything.  I really don’t know what to charge, but Saturday I am forcing myself to “just do it”.  Thankfully I have someone who is helping me.  It really is mostly garage sale stuff, which is probably good because I am trying not to take too much stuff home.  And what am I doing?  Sitting on this darned machine! 

I have been hooking a bit on Henny Penny, though not enough progress to show.  I’ve also been asked to vend at the Kingwood Gardens hook-in on June 23 in Mansfield, Ohio, by the ever so dear Katie of Kid’l de Divey Woolens.  So I’ve been busy trying to get spoon necklaces, scissor fobs and key chains made. 

Here is a pic of my new pie safe.  One of these days it will make its way from the basement to the new wool room and be perfect for wool storage.

LOVE the mouse hole!

Thanks so much for stopping by.
I wish I had some cheese to go with my whine!  (Thanks for listening.)
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren, your flowers are gorgeous. I know what you mean, I've been so busy lately, I can't seem to catch up but it will all get done in it's own time. So sad to have to go thru your mom's things. I wish you luck with your sale.

  2. Good luck with the sale. Sometimes those things can be so overwhelming that it's easy to put it off.
    I think your feelings are shared by a lot of us lately. Too much to-do and not enough tah-dahs.

  3. your flowers are so lovley.You do have a lot on your plate. It will feel good to get the yard sale behind you. as for the wool room I have one that is busting at the seams.

  4. Good luck with the sale Lauren. Love the pie safe.


  5. Your flowers are beautiful. I feel overwhelmed sometimes too, I just take a deep breath. It is what it is. LOL!!

  6. Fabulous pie safe. I've been really upset with myself about procrastinating. Mom passed 4 years ago and I haven't done anything to her rooms, painted my house, decluttered, nothing! I had Salvation Army come in and take everything from my FIL's house. I threw everything in boxes and they picked it up. Just couldn't go through another sale. Take care of yourself - it will eventually get done. Spoken like a loyal procrastinator.

  7. Thats ok we all feel like the work is piling up fast than we can get to it!!

  8. Such beautiful flowers! The pie safe is a real it will hold lots of wool! My problem is that I have too much stuff, and not enough places to put it. I am in a high gear "get rid of it" mood these days and hope to continue to purge the excess.
    Good luck,

  9. Love your pie safe! I pray the mouse didn't come with the hole. Good luck with your sale. I would do price tables...everything on this table so much blah blah, instead of pricing everything. Also make a promise that everything else will be donated. Take care!
    Be blessed!

  10. Hi Lauren,
    I'd be totally overwhelmed if I was in your shoes. That's a lot to deal with. You'll feel so much better when it's behind you. I'm a procrastinator too and it's not good. Love your gardens. I have a huge hydrangea bush blooming like crazy right now and it's all blue/purple flowers. It's just beautiful right now and it's totally neglected I have to say. It will be so much fun to get the pie safe in your wool room and fill it up. Take care and good luck with your sale!


  11. Lauren~ When you free yourself of the extra stuff from your mom's it will probly feel like a weight has been lifted.Love your new pie safe exactly what I've been looking for.The mouse hole really gives it character.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  12. Sometimes all it takes is to jump in with both feet and git 'er dun! :-) You will feel so much lighter when it's all taken care of and have plenty more energy for creating fun stuff! This weekend is the weekend I put aside to organize all my projects and get a plan going for some fresh paint in the house... FUN! Good luck with the sale!

  13. Beautiful flowers, Lauren!

    The pie safe will be PERFECT for wool and look great while storing it.

    Just take it one day at a time, and you will get it all done in a shorter time than you would think! Hope your sale goes well.


  14. Your shades of purple are lovely...and so is your pie safe. Good luck with the sale. I, too, debated having one recently and wound up just donating all my excess treasures. Lazy me.

  15. Beautiful flowers! Have fun vending! I need to do the garage sale thing myself and just can't do it!

  16. boy nice to hear someone else feels the same way i doo. dust bunnys having babies! to funny. i hear ya tho... i love your pie safe! and the mouse hole too! love all your shades of purple just blooming away for you! enjoy your day lauren and just keep pluggen away!

  17. Very nice pie safe and the hole just adds character.

    Beautiful flowers and you must put a lot of effort into your garden.


  18. Hey Lauren,

    If you are to the point of pricing everything for your sale, you need to give yourself a big pat on the back for what you have accomplished to get to this point! IT' HUGE!!
    Give yourself some credit for all your hard work. You deserve it!!

    Love the pie safe! I have a mouse in my garage that is looking for a new place.......LOL!!


  19. Lauren, I don't think your garden looks "neglected". It looks beautiful...I recognize clematis, foxglove, and the perennial pretty! I do sympathize with your big chore of clearing out, I always weanie out from having a garage sale and just give it all to goodwill. The pie safe is wonderful, I have a mouse hole in mine too... so cute!
    Have a nice weekend,

  20. I love all of the purple flowers. They are so pretty. Nothing harder than going through your Mom's things. I have had to do that twice now in my life and I can't think of anything harder to do.
    I am glad you have someone to come help you.

  21. Love that pie safe...and the little mouse hole!! I feel for you about cleaning out your mom's place. I have plans to go up and help my step-dad clean out some of her things. I'm not looking forward to it...but he's grateful I'll be there to help.

  22. Beautiful flowers! I can't wait to meet you at Kingwood. :-)


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