Thursday, May 24, 2012

Colors of Spring ~

I took a vacation day tomorrow to have an extra long weekend.  There is so much I want/need to get done.  I had planned on getting a load of mulch delivered, but that didn't work out.  (I think I am secretly happy about that.)  I need to edge, mow, weed, plant a few things, etc.  It would be nice to get the yard back in to shape.  Lots of errands to run.  A small cookout.  I'm sure I'll run out of weekend before I get to everything on my list.  I hope I make a little time for some fun stuff!
Isn't this a gorgeous peony?

Siberian iris are one of my favorite flowers.

A neighbor's blue spruce.  I just love the color and the feel of the new growth.

A few days ago I took a quick trip down to the beach in search of glass.  It was a good day.  Isn't it amazing how many different shades of green I found?

These are some of the largest pieces of glass I've found to date.  The amber piece is larger than a quarter and quite thick.  I love the small amber piece in the shape of a heart.

Happy Friday to everyone!
Pug hugs :)


  1. gosh isnt nature just amazing! love the peonies! mine are about ready to bloom so i have lots of vases ready! i have never seen beach glass..another amazing great thing to spend time searching for!enjoy your long weekend lauren!

  2. Lauren,
    Just love your peony! I don't think I have ever seen beach glass either, what will you do/make with it?
    Are you having an awful drought up there also? It is just terrible here and the next couple of days are to be in the 90's.
    Enjoy your weekend,

  3. Hope you get to check off everything on your "to do" list, Lauren...but make SURE to save some time for the fun stuff! Happy Memorial Day to you and your family.


  4. Enjoy that extra day off! They go so quickly with so much to do! The beach glass is wonderful! Something you never see here and if we did I'd be sure to collect it!!!
    Happy Memorial Day weekend too!
    Cathy G

  5. Your flowers are beautiful my iris are blooming but only buds on my peony.
    love your glass.
    this is my first 3 day weekend for fun in a year.
    have fun this weekend.

  6. Have a wonderful weekend!! Love the flowers!!

  7. Have a fun & productive weekend. We hope to work in some yard work as well. ~Ann

  8. I love that heart shaped piece of sea glass! And peonies are one of my favorite flowers. I bought a big one this year and it's ready to pop right by the front door. I probably have 100 things I want to do in the next 3 days...sigh.
    Have a super weekend!

  9. Hi Lauren,
    such beautiful flowers.

    I remember when I was very little, growing up almost every yard had Peony's in them and I said I'd never have them...they are so ugly...but NOW I LOVE THEM and the varieties are just beautiful.

    This past weekend we saw some at the Perennial Farm that was a really newish color...almost a Salmon - so pretty.

    Have a wonderful Memorial Weekend.


  10. Your peony is gorgeous! They don't grow down here but I have been buying them at the market...a different color each week. Love the sea glass...there is such a "romance" to it! Enjoy your long "Honey Do List" is growing by the minute.

  11. Yes Lauren don't forget to schedule some fun into your long weekend..I have a long to do list to but hoping to get it all done today so I can enjoy some lazy and family time.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  12. Yes, a lovely peony. Simply beautiful. I enjoyed the rest of your photos, too, as always. Have a wonderful weekend...perhaps ignoring that "To Do" list. ;-)

  13. I love how peonies scent the house and wish the flower would last longer. That little amber heart would be sweet around the neck. I'll putting down bagged mulch since I can't get anyone to show up with a load. It's easier anyway. Home Depot's 4/$10 this weekend can't be beat! Have a great weekend!

  14. Those flowers are beautiful. My dog loves biting my iris flowers off. I don't know why, but he loves them.

    Hope that you have a wonderful weekend and get everything done that you want to.

  15. Hi Lauren~

    Love the flowers!!

    Have a wonderful weekend~Becky

  16. Oh lauren, I looked for Sea glass when I was in Washington no such luck. Their beautiful!

  17. Gorgeous peony....mine are just budding - they have been looking somewhat sickly the past few years, and I've lost many. Don't know what's going on there. But, after the tornadoes on Thursday, and the sever storms yesterday and last night, I guess I'm fortunate to have anything left.

    Love the new beach glass additions! The amber is particularly gorgeous.....

    Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin (PS - I still absolutely LOVE the photo of Sam.....He made me giggle all the while I was writing this....) ;o)

  18. Beautiful beach glass! Great finds. My girlfriend and I hunt for it up here in Maine. Mostly in Bar Harbor, but has some great finds in Harpswell, ME too.


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