Saturday, May 26, 2012

One Cool Dude & Auntie Peanut ~

Grandson Jake was so excited yesterday.  His helmet and seat back finally arrived so he was able to take his first motorcycle ride with his dad.  

He couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear.  Jake finally has one front tooth coming in!  Soon that sweet toothless grin will be gone.

Ohio does not have a helmet law for adults :(  Please say a little prayer that they are always safe.

I am finally done binding Auntie Peanut.  Isn't she a hoot?

All I need to do is sew on the label.  If you get a minute, check out all the wonderful patterns that Saundra offers on her website.  She also has offers some neat finished goods.

I hope everyone is having a good holiday weekend.  This was day two of four days off for me.  I feel like I died and went to heaven . . .lol!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Oh, I know how great 4 days off can be. You will feel like a new woman! Auntie Peanut is adorable. How big is she?
    Soon Jake will be able to eat corn on the cob again! Happy long weekend.

  2. Your photos aren't showing up for me but I did see Auntie Peanut. She is a hoot and has my hair!!

  3. Your "Auntie Peanut" is too cute! Love her.

    Happy Memorial Day!

  4. Love that toothless grin!!

    Have a wonderful weekend~Becky

  5. Your 2 guys are cool!! Your rug is adorable!! Enjoy your days off!

  6. Jake looks so happy. New hampshire doesn't have a helmet law either. In a few weeks thousand's of them will be here in the lakes region for bike week. Lord how I hate it it is so hard to get around the area the traffic is backed up every where.
    Love Auntie peanut the hair was the right touch.
    safe ride to both of your loves.

  7. How exciting! The first motorcycle ride. I bet he loved it! He's growing up so fast.
    Love the embellishments on Auntie Peanut. What a cute design!

  8. Auntie is the colors...lots of red! Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

  9. That Jake is too cute!! And so is the rug!

  10. Hi Lauren!

    wanted to say, that yesterday (saturday) I had the pleasure of witnessing hundreds of motorcyles on their yearly run to visit the Bedford, Virginia War Memorial for Memorial was AWESOME!!!! sounded like rolling thunder...all of the bikes were decorated with flags, most of the riders wore red, white & blue along with their black leather vests FULL of POW/MIA/VET patches....they even had the local sheriff's dept spot traffic for them in each town...a wonderful tribute...I got SO emotional & was cheering & waving for them like it was an actual parade...and each one of them waved back, honked their horn or gave me the 'thumbs up' ~

    Your 'boys' look so handsome...I'll keep them in my thoughts to always be safe on their rides together!
    Oh, & your rug is TOO fleepin' cute!!!!

  11. Jake is lucky to go on his first motor bike ride with his dad. Lots of bonding there. He looks cute with his toothless smile. I'll keep them in my prayers for their safety.

    I love your Auntie Peanut rug and your neat label.

    I'm glad that you are having some sweet R&R time from work. I so wish I could do the same. I know that I would feel like a new woman. Enjoy your weekend.

    Hugs. JB

  12. Oh, that Auntie Peanut rug is marvelous! Cut pics of Jake, too. What fun for him.

  13. You did a wonderful job on Auntie Peanut, love the bow and hair. And bless your heart for doing that label. Would love to know how you did yours. I'm wondering if you used Bubble Jet on fabic, iron to freezer paper and then thru your computer.... that's the way I do mine but wonder if there is a better way.


  14. LOVE your Auntie Peanut to pieces Lauren!! Too stinkin' cute!! And great label by the way - I assume you printed that on fabric? Hmmmm....I think a tutorial is in order. I see Saundra mentioned using Bubble Jet - and it recommends that in the instructions I found as well, but can't seem to find it anywhere. (Perhaps if I knew where to look I'd have better luck....)

    Your boys are mighty handsome there with that bike. But, oh - I'm gonna miss that toothless grin!

    Hope you're enjoying your holiday weekend and your days off! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  15. Hi, Lauren,
    Auntie Peanut it too cute! And so is your little boy. Thank you Gulf War Vet for his service, and have a wonderful Memorial Day.

  16. When I was little my step dad used to take me on his bike so I can feel Jake's excitement.Kinda odd we are forced to wear seatbelts but school buses and motorcycles have no protection required.The rug turned out wonderful,your friend will adore it.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  17. Aww that lil' redhead of yours is just absolutely darlin'....the toothless grin just makes me smile.
    Auntie Peanut turned out so cool...just love it!


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