Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sam the Work Cat ~

One day last week Sam thought the perfect place to chill was the top of my filing cabinet.

Do you know where "Oz" from the Wizard of Oz came from?
The classic tale of Dorothy in the land of Oz came from the imagination of L. Frank Baum, who made up the story for his son and a group of children one evening in 1899.
When a little girl asked him the name of the magical land with the Scarecrow, Tinman and the Cowardly Lion, he looked around the room for inspiration.
He happened to be sitting next to a filing cabinet with the drawers labeled "A-G", "H-N" and finally "O-Z", which gave him the quick answer, "Oz".

Can you believe this weekend is Memorial Day weekend?  Time sure is a flyin'!
Pug hugs :)


  1. So that's how OZ got it's name, from a filing cabinet. Pretty neat. I love it...

    Have a wonderful Memorial day long weekend. JB

  2. great story. very handsome cat.

  3. Really??? No spoofing? I am a HUGE Wizard of Oz fan (still one of my all-time favorite shows and books) and I never knew that.....Now is that really your work cat? You just happen to have a filing cabinet with O-Z too? (For some reason you have me all kinds of suspicious.....) ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin (Sam - if he's really Sam, is gorgeous.....)

  4. Handsome boy you got there. My brother's female is the same hair and color.

  5. Sam looks like one real cool cat! I never knew where the Oz came from either.

  6. Love the story!
    Also the 'Work Cat'. Why is it that when cats are working they seem to be relaxing and having a lovely time???

  7. As my mom would say "you learn something new everyday!" I never knew that about Oz. Sam sure is a handsome guy - love his color, he looks like pewter. Have a great weekend. ~Ann

  8. No, I can't believe that it's Memorial Day already...but I'll gladly take it! We have 16 more days of school...can't wait. Is Sam a Russian Blue? He's beautiful.

  9. What a handsome fellow...your Sam! Ah Memorial Day...the official beginning of Summer...time to gather hurricane supplies!!!:(

  10. Sam sure has found the perfect spot. Gets to stretch out and lounge, while at the same time having a view of everything! Smart cat.
    I hope your long weekend was as perfect as ours last week

  11. Lauren,
    Thank-you for the O-Z info! That is pretty cool! How do you find that stuff.... google?
    Sam is sure one cool dude! That picture of him on the filing cab. is a classic!!
    Have a great Memorial Day weekend!
    Cathy G

  12. Oh, your Sam is so handsome. It seems like he loves to pose for the camera.

  13. I never knew that about the WofO. That is one of my favorite movies and in all the years that I've been living I've probably only missed it twice when it's been on TV.

    I can't believe Memorial Day is here either. Where has the year gone?

  14. Why that is fun info - thank you! Sam looks like Q's Uncle! I do believe your "work cat" is the head Supervisor - right?


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