Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday Stuff ~

Welcome friends!  Thank you so much for stopping in.  I have been trying to do a blog post for several days, but the mind was a total blank and I couldn't think of a thing to blog about.  Don't you just hate when that happens?

* * *
It was a gorgeous day in Ohio today!  I went down to Lake Erie in search of beach glass for the first time this year.  The air coming off the lake was quite chilly, but for March 11, I am NOT complaining.  I found numerous pieces, even a couple pieces of cobalt blue and one tiny piece of red.  When I got home I planned to go in the house and do some hooking, but seeing neighbors out doing yard work guilted me in to doing some, too. 

* * *
This was the headline in yesterday's local paper.  I'm sure glad that wasn't my picture :)

My #2 bad boy J (Jason) turned 31 today.  How can that be when I'm only 39?  He is still wearing his "winter" face, but with temps nearing 70 by mid-week, he probably will be sporting his "summer" face soon. 

I finished my punch needle piece.  The finished size is 5" x 6".  It is a pattern from the August 2008 issue of Create & Decorate magazine.  

Progress was made on my Magdalena Briner rug.  I guess this is "Magdalena my way" because it looks nothing like her style.

Pug hugs :)


  1. I'm sure glad that newspaper article wasn't about you! LOL! Lucky you to find some beach glass - wish there was some on the shores of the Great Salt Lake, but no.... Your punch needle rooster is cute, and your rug is looking great!

  2. That newspaper headline is hysterical. Are you sure you didn't photoshop that cover to conceal your identity?? Lol. Your projects are awesome. The rooster looks so cheerful - great color combos.
    Have a great week.

  3. Yep I'm with Kim- are you sure it wasn't you? LOLLL too too funny - What a sweet little rooster! I like what you are doing with your rug!

  4. Times are tough I guess when the "bad" hookers have to start working from their homes! LOL!
    Love the rug and pn piece...... lovely colors in both and great designs to hook! I can't blame you for wanting to be outside! Won't be long here either for yard work. This week is supposed to be in the 60's! Woo HOO!! Can it be true? Spring in nothern WI already?
    ( your son is handsome and so young looking even with the wooly winter face! LOL!
    Cathy G

  5. Us hookers have to keep a low profile and I see on your Blog page that you're proud to be HOOKER, lol. That was a close call in the paper article, I'm some glad that it wasn't you. hahaha.

    Wow, your little rooster is quite handsome. You sure did a great job on that punch needle. You seem to have a real knack for it.

    Your Magdalena Briner rug is coming along nicely. There is nothing wrong with doing it your way. That's what makes it uniquely yours.

    Happy Birthday to your son Jason. 39 hey???

    Hugs, JB

  6. Hootchie Mamma!! You sure that's not you?? ;o) Happy B-day J!!! Is that more red hair I see??? I think your Magdalena rug is looking great....much better than my kitty rug. :o Have a great new week! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  7. Oh, Lauren, that headline is hysterical. I have to show the mister. Your punch needle of the chicken is beautiful. I love the circles, I'm really wanting to do something with circles lately. The other rug is going to be lovely.
    Have a wonderful Monday.

  8. My daughter still can't help but chuckle when she says I'm really enjoying becoming a "hooker"
    Love your projects !!
    It was beautiful here in Erie too, and should be warm all week...a little rain in the forecast but then sunny and warm again...
    Enjoy this peek at Spring...

  9. Love that headline!

    We had temps in the 50s yesterday and they are calling for 60 today. I'll take it. But, I'm not ready for yard work yet!
    I love the punch needle and your rug!

  10. You have been very busy! Your M.B. rug is looking very colorful and that little rooster is cheerful. What a handsome fellow you have there...beautiful coloring there as well!

  11. Lauren walking along the beach collecting sea glass sounds wonderful.Love the punch needle I'm going to try to learn to punch this month been slowly gathering goods since we do not have a store local have to go to the next town over.Have a wonderful week! Warm Blessings!~Amy
    PS So glad the paper didn't catch wind of your hooking

  12. Big, Big Happy Birthday to Jason!! Handsome fella :)
    Love your rooster pn. I have that already transferred. Loved it when it came out, and never did anything with it. You are inspiring me...!
    Love your rug too. Looking really nice. Keep it going. It's You!
    That article is hysterical and really gave me a chuckle. Looking forward to sharing that with George.

  13. Hi Lauren,
    Always fun to come here for a might not think you have anything to say but I/we do!
    Your rugs are lovely as usual and makes me feel guilty for leaving mine just sit!

    Hey, did you hear that SIMPLE GOODS IS BACK ON??? YEAHHHH.
    Here's the link:


  14. Love that sweet rooster!

    Not being able to think of anything to blog about happens to me all the time. I suppose that is why I am an irregular blogger. Maybe I'll get something up today...or maybe not. Ha...

  15. Lauren, Everything looks so wonderful! Someone looks less then happy to have their handsome face splashed over the internet. Hugs Cheri P.S I love your colors!!!

  16. ROFLOL - I'm definitely glad that the article wasn't about you! I love both our needle punch and rug. You make me hang my head in shame every time I see one of your rugs.

    And Jason looks like all men when they have their picture taken - with a look of "Do you have to?" ROFLOL

  17. nice looken son there lauren! weird tho how they are catching up to us in age...i love your finished needle punch so funky! and i sure like the magdalena rug. my friend made me a wood piece with each of the animals and reminds me so much of that. its hanging on my fence., enjoy your evening!

  18. Your hooking is looking great and I got a real chuckle from the newspaper!


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