Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dried Pineapples ~

Last year I found directions on how to dry a pineapple here.  Now when you click on the link it says that it is open to invited readers only and I guess I'm not invited :(
Last week Aldi's (discount grocery chain) had pineapples for only $1.19 so I decided to give it a try.  I think they came out pretty good if I do say so myself.  I learned that it's really hard to scoop out the insides from a hole in the bottom and nothing is really salvageable to eat!  They also shrink ~ ALOT!  I think they were about the same size to begin and now only about 1/3 the size they started out.  One seems to have shrunk more than the other.  The directions also said it took about 8 hours to dry in the oven.  Mine were in for 24 (at about 200 degrees) and still not totally dry.  Maybe I didn't scoop enough out.  If you'd like more information, I'd be happy to oblige but I don't want to step on any one's toes.

The weather is still phenomenal in Ohio with temps in the upper 60's.  I've done a bit of yard work 3 days in a row.  I don't ever remember cleaning out the flower beds in March, but I'm not complaining!  Just so we don't get a hard frost!!!  The daffodils have started blooming.  I just love me some daffodils.  The jonquils come a bit later and I love them even more!
Thanks for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. So what are you going to do with the pineapples? How long will they last? They look very funky, I'm sure you have some fabulous plan for them.
    This morning I had a clear lawn, tonight it's covered in snow again. Ahhh March, you are so fickle.

  2. Wow that is a long time in the oven. lol
    Interesting post but I don't think I will try it sounds like too much for work for me. Gosh did I just say how lazy I have gotten.
    Great that the weather is so nice that you can clean out flower beds so early. I too have been outside every day working well except for the weekend it rained the whole weekend.
    Enjoy this spring weather

  3. The weather is great isn't it? I think this is one of the earliest I've worked outside too. Today I seperated daylillies and transplanted rhubarb. It's a start.
    I saw how to dry pineapples on Pinterest,yourslooks good!

  4. You did amazing Girlfriend! I love those dried pineapples - saw a few blogs that had shown them - and a few ventured to say how they did them; but, yikes, I have a hard time with pineapples. I even got one of those corer thing-a-ma-jigs and can't get at them. I had carpal tunnel surgery on both hands and they're pretty useless strength-wise. The weather has been amazing here too - we're supposed to be in the low 70's tomorrow. WOO HOO!!! I cannot believe it!! The snow won't be gone, and we don't have daffodils - but I'll be taking it!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  5. I love baking pineapples. Takes too long to dry them, so i put slices in the oven on low, but high enough to cook a bit and leave them till they start browning, wonderful snack food.


  6. Lauren ..I am going to be going right outside of Willoughby Ohio and then on to Berlin to Country Cupboard ...is there any where else you could suggest ??Mostly looking for wool, but I'd love to peek in to a shop that sells primitive wares also ...???

  7. Thank you, Lauren. This is a great project. I bet the house smells wonderful. The pineapple is a symbol of welcome so I'm sure I could find a way to use the drieds.

  8. They look great when I worked for a florist they were really expensive to buy. No yard work for us yet we still have snow but the weather is amazing. You are always busy creating I wish I could say the same.

  9. Lauren, I think Dan, from Yesterday Once More had a tutorial on drying pineapples too. (In case you want to see what he did). Isn't this weather wonderful? The kids have been wearing shorts to school & today I broke out capris. Now if it snows......


  10. I did dried pineapples,but didn't scoop out the inards.It took forever like three weeks in the dehydrator and they were so little at the end..Really cute though.I gave mine away and don't know if I'll try them again. Sometimes at the farmers market they have them for $2 so I might be tempted to do some for me.Yours turned out nice.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  11. Very good job on the Pineapples Lauren - I've seen lots of girls have done this. Something I haven't tried yet.
    I did not know you had to scoop out the innerds! lol Now had I tried this without reading some directions it probably would take mine a year to dry! lol

    Our weather is fantastic too!


  12. I also tried to dry a pineapple a few months ago...it shrunk A LOT! Now it is just a shell of it's former self, and I may just chuck it. Mine took nearly 2 days to dry and I did try hard to scoop it out. Yours looks good though!

  13. I'v'e never heard of drying out a pineapple but I guess it would be worth a try. I wonder how long they last after you've done that.

  14. Your dried pineapple looks wonderful! Scooping out the insides, however, sounds like a tedious job...to much work for this lazy person.

  15. Drying pineapple sounds like something I'd love to try. It's always fun to try something new.
    I dried some apples and lemon slices a few years ago and I love the scent it makes in my buffet. JB

  16. Gee, I like fresh moist pineapple a lot and can't imagine the dried being better than that. Sounds like a lot of work and waiting. Hope you enjoyed your efforts.


  17. Your pineapples turned out awesome! I seen a couple bloggers have done this. But I don't have the patience to wait that long for them to dry, Lol! Thanks for sharing!

  18. Lauren ~ they look great ~ looks like a lot of work though!

  19. I'm glad you had a go at my tutorial.It is really worthwhile and IMO,not that much effort for the results.Although I have closed my [a simpler time] blog,I have seen my tutorial on Pinterest and other places so glad people are still using it.


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