Tuesday, March 6, 2012

On the Frame ~

Today was the first day upon arriving at work the security light did not come one.  How ironic that in five days it will once again be totally dark on the drive to work, but I am looking forward to the time change.  I would much rather have the daylight hours in the evening.
* * *
I am hoping the only "rules" in hooking a Magdalena Briner rug is that there are no rules :)  Melissa hooked a version of this rug while at the hook-in at Sauder Village.  (You can see her rug here.)  As Saundra pointed out, because of the age of Magdalena rugs and the design being in the public domain, there is no copyright on her designs.  Melissa gave me the templates.  I enlarged them and put them on linen.  The rug I've drawn is 13" x 21".  I don't hook LARGE rugs ~ the largest rug I've hooked to date was another Magadalena rug that was about 16" x 46".  It's funny because on the Woolley Fox website they referred to rug (I don't remember which one) that I think was 23" x 39" as a small rug.  I guess it's all relative.  Anyway, here's what I've done so far.  Kind of flying by the seat of my pants.  I'm not yet sure if the background will be light or dark.  I guess I will be deciding soon!

Here are the wools I used for the animals.  The colors aren't too bad except for the last wool.  It is the raspberry crumb wool from Betsy's most recent mailer and it's much more subtle in person.  I've hooked the animals in two evenings which is pretty fast for me!

We've had some more crazy weather here on Ohio's north coast.  Two days ago we had a few inches of snow and tomorrow the forecast is for temps in the low 60's.  The wind has been howling for several days, but thankfully we have not had the tornadoes and devastation of other areas.  Let's keep those in our prayers who have lost so much.
Pug hugs :)


  1. You are fast! I like the raspberry ~ you never know till it's hooked how pretty it will be!

  2. I am loving the colors that you have used for the animals.Hugs,Jen

  3. Lauren, Thanks for showing the pieces of wool that you hooked into the animals/birds. As a relatively new hooker, I need to see these plaids hooked. I know they add so much interest to the rugs, I'm always just a little scared to use them. We have wind advisories for today - but it's supposed to be 60. Being an hour west of Toledo, we don't really get any lake effect like you do. ~Ann

  4. It's so cool that some of us are hooking Magdalena's at the same time. I have really enjoyed working on the dog. I love the wools you've chosen. I'm planning to order some Betsy wool very soon. I've attacked every texture in my stash for my current rug and I'm eager to get more to play with!

  5. Love it. Great colors you are hooking so fast you are can now go through a large rug in no time. It is funny I prefer large pieces and I am not sure why. I am in a hooking slump it is so good to get some inspiration keep showing your work.

  6. Great colors Lauren. Can't wait to see it all done and you've made some great progress on it already.


  7. lauren, i love the rug your are hooking! fun design and great colors! enjoy!

  8. I love those wools!! I thought solids were used but I can see how the patterns give such interest. I think I need to watch a few videos on hooking. I better type "rug" in too.

  9. I'm looking forward to the time change too. Means warmer weather is on the way, although it's going to be close to 60 today! Really like your animals. I've always found it interesting how a piece of wool plays on a piece when it's cut up. I love the variations, especially in the bottom one.

  10. What a fun new project Lauren! Funny - my hooker pal Cathy just designed some new Magdalena type patterns and I was sooooo tempted....but I have a cat rug waiting on me. ;o) YES, I haven't forgotten - but it will have to wait until next week. I'm trying to live through end of term this week (writing assignments to read/comment on/grade; final exams to grade; final grades to calculate and post, etc.....Throw in my mother's move from hospital to nursing home, and I'll be glad when this week is done....) Happy Hooking.....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  11. Love your rug! I am binding away on my rug dreaming of the next....going to be much smaller rug that I want to work on! :) Here in Texas spring is sprung! Only problem is the heat will come early! LOL
    Happy Hooking! Elaine

  12. My Lauren, that wool is gorgeous. Your rug is coming along real fast. I like the texture you get with this plaid.
    I'm. I love how your animals turned out. I'm looking forward to see what color you chose for your background.

    I'm with you with getting more daylight in the evening. Hang in there Spring will spring up sooner than later.
    Hugs, JB

  13. Wonderful progress on the M Briner rug...I love it. Now that I know there is no copyright I want to copy one out of the new book. I am thinking double horses, but I already have so many horse rugs!!

  14. Looks great so far. Can't wait to see how you hook the background. I love that blue wool (in the middle)

  15. Hi Lauren!...
    Aren't you enjoying this weather? I'm very happy with the forecast coming up. I'm sure yours is very similar to ours in PA. I can't believe it's time to change the clocks! I'm with you and also looking forward to the later daylight hours.

    Love your rug so far (really love that blue!) Can't wait to see the finished piece.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!
    Warm hugs,


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