Wednesday, March 28, 2012

New Old Treasures ~

Hooker friend Jane (no blog) is moving and is having a tag sale.  She is changing her decorating style so is selling lots of good, old stuff!  I had early buying privileges ~ woo hoo.  I did pick up a few treasures and may have to go back for more.
I have a weakness for old spice cupboards.  I think this is #7 for me.  I also got a couple pieces of vintage tin Halloween.

Vintage turkey candy containers from the Fanny Farmer Candy Company which I believe was a Cleveland, Ohio company and a wooden bread board.

Old Santas.  (LOVE these!!!)

I had one old pewter plate.  Now I have an official collection!

I also got an enamel pot for dyeing wool (if I ever do . . . lol), the Mary Emmerling flag book, a Zoar crock (not old) and a few other odds and ends.
* * * * *
My early daffodils are already done blooming, but there are so many other things bursting with color.  Living close to Lake Erie, I was spared a frost but a bit more inland, people are worried about damage to the fruit trees.  Hopefully little damage was done!

Kiss the kids and furbabies!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Holy Moly...we really are twins from different mothers.....Had I been invited to that sale, the only thing you would have left with would have been the turkeys - not because I don't love them, but only because I have so much Halloween to take down, and so much Christmas to put up, that I gave up decorating for Thanksgiving. Wow!!! Great haul! Beautiful blooms my friend (should have had you take photos for me for yesterday's display chain - it was hard find anything in bloom....) We had a good freeze Monday night (? - Days are mixed up this week); and it's supposed to freeze again tonight....Poor, poor, plants....Happy tomorrow - whatever day that is.....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  2. Hi, Lauren,
    What great stuff you got from your friend ... love the pewter, the turkeys, the spice cupboard it all!
    You have 7 spice cupboards? I'll have to be on the lookout for one. Your daffodils are so pretty. Most of mine and just the plain yellow variety.

  3. You did good!! Love all the stuff you bought! That Santas are great ~ how fun was that ~ and you did a good deed by helping her weed stuff out!

  4. Don't you love being able to pick a friends sale early? I LOVE your treasures!
    The daffy's are beautiful..... there's a few tulips poking through the ground here... no where near blooming but the weather has been wonderful!!
    Enjoy the weekend Lauren!!
    Cathy G

  5. Lucky you...such wonderful treasures you were able to buy at your friend's sale.

  6. wow,you hit the mother lode! love the vintage Halloween. denise

  7. Love that spice cupboard and those pewter plates! What fun to be able to do the pre-sale!

  8. That'a a great friend who lets you have irst pick of such wonderful goodies. Though it makes me wonder what decorating style she is changing to? What's better than country antiques???
    I t was only 27 degrees yesterday morning and none of our plants have seemed to suffer.I hope your's are OK too!

  9. OMG! What amazing things you got the santa amazing. Lucky lucky you.
    We have yet to see our flowers patiently waiting.

  10. Beautiful blooms! Your new findings are awesome. Lucky you.

  11. Lauren,
    How neat you got first pickins! You got lots of nice goodies. The flowers are beautiful. Have a great day. Hugs, Lori

  12. Nice bunch of goodies you grabbed. Those vintage Santa's will look great added to your collection.
    You have a lot of blooms already. I am proud to announce I have a few inches of tulip leaves above ground (temporarily covered by snow the other day)

  13. Awesome goodies you got from your friend - lucky duck! I love spice cupboards too. The flowers are so pretty! I am enjoying seeing the earth come back to life too.

  14. Hello,my my you are a lucky ducky at first dibs. Great haul,love the old santas and spice cupboard. The pictures of your flowers are so pretty,thanks. Blessings Francine.

  15. Lauren..>SKIP SKIP SKIP SKIP...can you hear my heart skipping all those beats??? Look at the goodies, I WANT IT ALL!!! LOL!!! LOVE THEM!!! Yikes, lucky you!!!
    Missed a few posts here, happy belated b-day too!!! I hope it was a wonderful day! OLM

  16. I'm glad that you got first pick on these treasures. I have a bit of envy at your blooming spring flowers. Have a great weekend. JB

  17. Lucky for you to get first dibs. All your new old treasures are great.


  18. Such a lucky girl you are! Loving the turkeys.I have thing for gobblers.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  19. Wow! I haven't found any new 'old' treasures for a long time - yours are GREAT!

  20. Oh wow you did well!!! I love everything and the flowers are so pretty!HUgs Cheri

  21. Lovely flowers, it looks like spring in your neck of the woods. What wonderful treasures, love them all, especially the santas. Hugs from Maine, Julie.

  22. Great things you got from your friend. I think that those santas are great!

    We've got a lot of plants up here too - tulips, etc. Seems so odd to see everything come up so early. Especially when I drove in about the worse hail/sheet/rain/thunderstorm I've even been in yesterday when I picked my son up from school. We counted 83 ditched cars, accidents or flip overs. It was a whit knuckled drive. And tomorrow is going to be in the 70's. Go figure!!


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