Monday, March 26, 2012

So Many Birthdays ~

March is a big birthday month in my family.  Earlier this month I posted about my #2 son's birthday.  Somehow this weekend he avoided being in any picture.
My sweet Chicago niece Elise and two daughters decided to make a quick trip to Ohio to celebrate our birthdays.  And by quick I mean quick.  They arrived at 2 am Saturday morning and left at 5:15 am Sunday morning.  She is a flight attendant so when flying standby, especially with three people, you don't get on the most ideal flights.  I do appreciate her efforts and it was great to see them.
Jake absolutely LOVES his cousins. Sophia is eight and Alexis five.  Check out Jake's left arm.  On St. Patty's day, he decided to take a flying leap off a swing and ended up with a broken arm.

He was so excited about turning seven.  You'd think the poor boy never received birthday gifts before!

Much older brother Bill (all of two years and eleven days!) also was celebrating a birthday.  Here he is with Elise.

Even Annie joined in the celebration.  I'm not sure how it was determined, but her records indicate she turned two today.  She was not too fond of her party hat.

I also celebrated a birthday.  This is what greeted me when I got to work on Tuesday.  I know it's only a number, but it's a REALLY BIG number and this one bothered me, but there's not a whole heck of a lot I can do about it and it sure beats the alternative!

We were so spoiled with the warms temps the last couple of weeks.  I suppose we are now experiencing normal temperatures and it feels so cold.  I wanted to cut my grass today, but no way am I going to do it with gloves and a winter coat!
Tonight I hope to finish my little punch needle piece that needs to be done sooner rather than later.  I am anxious to get started on Auntie Peanut.
Thank you so much for stopping by.  I hope your week is off to a great start.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Belated happy Big One!!! I turned 67 yesterday so be happy, girl!!! It could be worse!!

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAUREN, 60 isn't that bad. Here when I hit 65 last fall they appeased me by giving me the Old Age pension. That wasn't too bad either.

    Happy Birthday to everyone and even Annie. I love the tongue sticking out.

    Jake sure looks like he likes his cute cousins. I hope that his arm heals real fast before the heat strikes again. Love his green cast.

    It's cold here too but the grass is still a bit brown.

    Hugs. JB

  3. Happy belated Birthday. Thanks for sharing .

  4. Happy belated Birthday! Loved seeing all the family pics.Hugs,Jen

  5. Lauren,
    Maybe that is another reason why you seem to be a kindred spirit....I'm a March baby as well! Our family has 3 March, my brother and my grandmother! It's such a great month!

  6. poor jake I hope his arm is good soon. Happy Birthday! You are right it is only a number. I can't wait to see what you do with aunt peanut.

  7. Happy Happy Birthday Lauren! You don't look 60 and anyhoo....60 is the new 40!!!


  8. Happy Birthday wishes sent your way! Love Jake's green cast and Annie's party hat. Always fun to have family around even for a short visit.

  9. I wanna be part of your family! Oh...that's right - I technically am, and so, Good Twin??? Once again - happiest of b-day wishes. Looks like fun was had by all - especially Jake. Yikes! Just love the light in his eyes!! And Annie - oh, dear Annie - At first I thought she had a noisemaker hanging out of her mouth - then I realized it was just her wayward tongue. What a tweetie pie! Smiles & Happy Hugs ~ ET

  10. A big Happy Birthday to you and all the March babies in your family! You have such a great family and all with beautiful warm smiles! We were having high 70 for a couple of weeks too... and this morning it is 30 degrees... Spring will be back soon!

  11. Happy Birthday! Annie gave me the giggles this bet Jake actually likes the cast gets lots of attention.Looks like he enjoyed his cousins.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  12. Cute pics! Happy birthday to all! I sympathize with Jake. I broke my wrist in the 5th grade. He looks like he's handling it well tho. Hugs, Lori

  13. Happy Birthday Lauren!
    Where is your pic with a Birthday hat on.........hmmm?
    The kids are all so cute, having fun for sure.

  14. Poor Jake, that sure slowed him down a bit I guess. I wished you a happy B'day previously but will do so again ~ and hey, I'm the BIG 70 1/2 so you're just a mere child in my eyes.

    It is mighty chilly here in Delaware too.


  15. I enjoyed seeing all the jolly birthday pictures...lots of fun going on. And Happy Birthday to you. I'm loving the 60s and hope you will, too.

  16. Happy Birthday, Lauren! (And to all the other March birthday celebrants, as well!)

    My husband, daughter and granddaughter all have birthdays in March, too.

    Love the picture of Annie in the hat.

  17. Happy birthday. Don't fret about the number, just celebrate another year. Poor Jakes arm, but that little guy always looks happy, even with a cast. He will keep you young at heart!

  18. Happy birthday old lady!! I'll have cake for you on Thursday night. :)

    I get ya!! Birthdays had never bothered me before,but on the 60th I felt really sad. Didn't want anybody saying "Happy" in front of Birthday. Now as almost daily reminders are coming in the mail that I have to make a choice of Part A or Part B for Medicare (which I don't have a clue about)before my BD in August,I feel that just can't be possible. In MY mind I'm 30!!!!
    BD HUG!!!

  20. Aw 60! Wish I could say that's all I am. lol
    Happy Birthday Lauren and hope you enjoyed your day.
    Our temps too are already in the 80's.
    Scares me thinking of summer temps

  21. Happy Belated Birthday Lauren!! Hope you had a good one!!



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