Saturday, March 31, 2012

Underacheiver ~

Welcome!  Another month is almost over.  It seems every month I comment on where the time has gone and this one is no exception.  Today is not a very pleasant day - dreary and cold.  I think those two weeks of beautiful weather totally spoiled me, but I am thankful for all the yard work I was able to get done.

Thursday night was hooking at That'll Do Farm.  Isn't this just the sweetest cupcake?  Andrea made it especially for me.  Well, that's not quite true about the making part, but it was for me :)

It was just me and Andrea and let me tell you, the two of us need to join Underachievers Anonymous!  This is all I got done on Auntie Peanut.  Pretty sad, no?  Andrea was knitting.  Well, not actually knitting but casting on ~ 450 stitches for a VERY long scarf.  I know that's a lot of stitches but I'm not sure she got them all on!  I do hope she recounted them yet again to be sure the pattern would be correct.

Last night was not a whole lot better hooking-wise.  Those are not horns or ears sticking out the side of her head.  Honest! 

I've made a little more progress today and will post another picture when there is really something to show!

Here's the little punch needle piece I was working on.  I've probably done eight or ten variations of the bunny over the years to give away.   

Thank you so much for stopping by.  May the sun be shining in your little corner of the world.
Pug hugs :)


  1. You'll be happy to know I have 450 stitches -- not one more, not one less. I'm now on the thrid row. Speedy, that's what they call me!!

  2. Waaah! Cold and dreary here too! Good day to stay inside and UNDERACHIEVE! LOL! Remember, slow and steady wins the race, I think. I love the way your rug is looking!

  3. Lauren~ Cold and dreary here today too.Girlfriend time is sometimes better than actually getting something done.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  4. actually we got a nice little rain shower was much needed. denise

  5. Cold and dreary here to day too. Greg had today off, which is a rarity, and we spent too much of the day sleeping. He needed it and I needed to be with him so we just took a very long nap. It was really nice. Sometimes you just need that.


  6. Sorry, but reporting bright and sunny today here :) But I did under-achieve today too.
    Your little bunny is sweet. I adore the little punch you made me.

  7. Wonderful pieces, nothing like the beauty of wools and floss in our pieces, just love seeing the colors.


  8. Such a cute cupcake! Well your pulling loops and Auntie Peanut will be done before you know it! Sunny days here but as always a little breeze blowing across the prairies.
    Have a wonderful weekend :)

  9. Underachiever or not, you've achieved more than I have of late. Tonight, yes, tonight, I might pull a few worms....I love how you hook though - so precise and even. You are not only the good twin, you have to be the neat and perfect one too? Love the little punch bunny....See....Now you've distracted me - perhaps I'll start a punch project rather than hook. ;o) Sweet cupcake...Did you eat it all??? Smiles & Saturday Hugs ~ Robin

  10. Love your variations of reds ~ that is such a cute pattern!! I saw that the finished rug is for sale ~ very tempting!

  11. Hi Lauren:
    I can't wait to see Auntie Peanut all finished. And your punch needle bunny is gorgeous.
    We all feel like underachievers at one time or another, I'm going through that feeling myself right now.
    Have a sweet weekend.

  12. Gloomy weather here, too. Spring will come, but when? Love that sweet bunny.

  13. It's all good to me! I think you've accomplished quite a bit! Auntie Peanut is coming along fine and the bunny needlepunch is darling! Cute idea with the marshmallow sheep cupcake! Did you melt him in a cup of hot cocoa? lol!

  14. You seem to have accomplished more hooking than me so you're not an under achiever. Auntie is lookin' mighty fine so far.

    Just love your needlepunched bunny and yhou say you've done several variations so you are NOT an under achiever at all. Very pretty. I should pick up my needles and floss and do some but can't seem to get the Hartman out of my hand and put a small needle in it..... yet.


  15. Sorry, my dear...I'm not seeing underachieving! In fact, you seem to be moving along just nicely considering all the other stuff we have to do! Love the bunny!

  16. Loving your "Auntie" rug...and all that red!

  17. hi lauren, im trying to catch up! i love your punch bunny! and the rug you are working on. also you sure got some great treasures at your friends sale!! your grandson is sure a cutie! enjoy your day!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)