Thursday, March 15, 2012

Hookin' at the Library ~

Last night was hookin' at the library.  Arlene brought along a finished pumpkin rug.  The colors are absolutely WONDERFUL!  The colors in the close-up are more accurate . . .

. . . but I wanted to show how long it is.  It has to be at least 4'.

Melissa is doing a great job on her Magdalena rug.

Karin is always working on something wonderful!

Isn't this just the sweetest rug ever?  Sylvia is working on it for a great grandbaby.  What a special gift!

Penny is a hooker I had not met before.  She is doing a super job on her house!

I am getting very close to finishing my Magdalena rug that is not very Magdalena-like.  I know, I know.  I should have at least added some squiggles of colors.  Next time.  Honest!

I can't believe it's Friday again tomorrow.  Woo hoo!  Time's a flyin' and our weather is still unbelievably gorgeous.  I hear it rumbling as we are supposed to get some storms tonight.
Thank you for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. what great rugs! I think the time flies by so fast I too am always happy to see friday to come by.

  2. Wonderful rugs and I love the crock piece, really nice detail.


  3. Lauren, the rugs are all great and your M rug is coming along very well! I like it! Kathy

  4. Great rugs! Karin's rug has my curiosity going... is it her design or a pattern? Crocks (and the designs on them) get me all the time! lol! Have a super weekend!

  5. Sorry I missed it. Love the pumpkin rug. You are really moving along on yours.

  6. Love all the rugs! What great work. I like how your rug is coming along!

  7. Great variety of seeing the different types of rugs people are drawn to hook. Your M.B. is looking good.
    Have a great weekend,

  8. Loved seeing all the rugs Lauren, Thanks for sharing! Great way to sit and enjoy my cup of coffee this morning :)

  9. Oops, that was me above. Forgot to sign out and sign back in after my update early this morning!

  10. Hooking at the Library! What a great title! And what great rugs!! It's so much fun to view what everyone is working on!

  11. What a great collection of rugs! I agree with you about how quickly the times goes by. Where did this week go?

  12. glad you have wonderful weather for the weekend Lauren - so do we ! A little too warm for March but it's still in the 50's at night. Great photos from the library gang. Enjoy your weekend

  13. Looks like a group loaded with talent at the library. I love seeing other people's projects. Your rug is coming along great. Hope your weekend is full of good weather.

  14. I can't believe that we are already over half of March gone and it will soon be spring.

    You got lots done on your rug and everybody also have been so busy hooking. Everybody but me. Sigh... I never seem to find enough time to work on that old quilt. It's gonna rot on the friggin frame soon before I get it done.

    We got the storm here too on Thursday with about 6 inches of the white stuff. It's raining today.

    Have a great weekend. Hugs. JB

  15. Gorgeous stuff!!!
    Hookin at the library....hmmmm...I keep trying to think up a come back for that but brain is fried and won't work!!
    Karen & the Hounds

  16. Do you have to be quiet when you hook at the library? I'd find that very hard to do. ;o) Some great hooking going on there...Love the pumpkin rug and that crock is amazingly detailed. And I love your M rug....I've thought about doing one too lately (no wise cracks...yes, I'd finish the cat one first) - but I think I'm a little to OCD to handle it.....You hook so pretty....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  17. Hi, just found your blog. I have been looking for a crock hooked piece for ever! I love the one that Karin did years ago. Does she or anyone you know sell the finished piece. I would be so interested in someone making this for me. Thank you! My email is My name is Karen Ernest. I would appreciate any help. I am not a rug hooker. Just a huge fan. Thanks so much.


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