Saturday, February 18, 2012

A Must Have Book ~

It's a sunny but chilly day here on Ohio's north coast.  The thermometer is reading 40 degrees, but the wind coming off Lake Erie makes it feel much colder.

My first spring flowers are blooming.  



Polly Minick's new book is hot of the presses.  Love, love, love some of the patterns in the book.  I've been wanting to hook a whale for ages.  She has several in the book to choose from.  The patterns are all seaside inspired and very patriotic.  I love buying a book with patterns and this book will not disappoint!

Can I gripe for a minute?  Is any one else truly annoyed with the new word verification that blogger is using?  Having trouble reading the letters?  Is there a place to complain to blogger?

I don't know how I do it, but I sometimes make pocket calls from my phone.  I guess I pocket dialed my son in California today and this is the text I got back from him.  "U leave the best messages when you pocket dial me.  I now know the dog is not going to poop on Jake's lap."  I think I need to be a little more careful . . . lol!

Pug hugs :)


  1. Giggle..My hubby pocket calls me sometimes and usually it's from work takes me alittle to figure out the strange noises on the other end.My plants are pushing up too worried winter might stop and visit late this year though...Really glad the dog did not poop on new word verification is very hard to read but you know they have to make sure we are not robots.LoL. Enjoy your weekend sweetie!~Amy

  2. I too am having trouble with this double verification. Let me just say I hardly ever type the correct word in on the first try, but glad to know I am not alone, and I am not a robot! Polly's book looks very interesting, I'll see if the library has it on their list. Hugs, Julie.

  3. Yes, the word verification is quite irritating. I disabled mine so that followers can comment more easily. Will there be spam? I hope not!
    Oh, those first signs of spring are so tantalizing. I know it's a ways off yet, but there is HOPE!!!
    Love the pocket phone message! LOL!

  4. Funny about the pocket call. My daughter has a friend who keeps her cell in her cleavage sometimes when she doesn't have a pocket and has been accidently sending boob calls.

    Your spring flowers are so pretty.

    Ah those ANNOYING double word verification. I've disabled my word verification a long time ago and so far haven't gotten any spam.

    Have a great weekend Lauren. JB

  5. blooming, really??? Now I am ugly green....Even though we've had mild(ish) temperatures this week, we are still covered in snow - and got another layer last night. Flowers won't be poking through here for months.... Hah! Love the pocket calls....can't say I've done that, but it's a good thing cuz I say weird enough things all on my own. And, yup - that word verification is going to be the end of me. I haven't been able to blog much of late and came back to that nightmare. I NEVER get it right. Guess I'm a robot of the dumbest sort.....Happy Saturday! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  6. Lol I have left a few pocket calls and received a few very interesting messages.
    The new word verification sucks!

  7. Yes Lauren I hate the new blogger word verification, I can hardly make out the letters. So annoying. I wish they would stop fixing things that aren't broke!


  8. So is there anyplace to complain about the word verification? I struggle with it every time.

  9. Thank you, someone said it. It had to be said, the new captcha stinks!
    I get about 90% of them, I don't know how. They are extremely difficult, some of them. Ok, never mind.
    Your flowers are so pretty. I love the snowdrops. It's been very mild here and no spring flowers.
    I would love to see you hook a whale.

  10. I am having a terrible time with the word verification, as well. One word is perfectly clear, and the second is as blurry as can be.... Hate it.... and usually get that one word wrong.... Oy.

    Your pocket dial to your son made me chuckle.... you never know when you might do it -- or get a call from someone else -- too funny!

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.....

  11. I just love the pocket call story! I also hate the new word verification. If we find out where to complain, sign me up!
    Love seeing the spring blooms. It's bleak here...all brown with no snow, but no happy plants either!

  12. Lauren, Polly said she put my book in the mail to me yesterday so will get mine soon.

    I chose to not have the word verification on my blog as I know what kind of an annoyance it is to have to do that when I post on someone else's blog. Thought I'd at least be one to give a break.

    Have a great Sunday, ya'll.'

  13. Lauren, it is making me crazy! Plus I don't want to go through it to leave a comment, although I have. Sometimes it has taken longer to do the W V than the comment. My friend got in touch with a pug rescue. Thank you.

  14. I so agree with you! The word verification is a pain in the katukis! And I LOVE Polly's new book! Lots of great patterns! No flowers here in the gravel pit yet!!!

  15. Snowdrops and crocus are my favorite Spring flowers! Actually, anything with color works for me!!! Winter is so seriously blah... I have trouble with the word that has the blob on it... I hope they change it soon. Pocket dialing can be embarASSing!!! lol!

  16. Not sure if it would help or not, but when you look at where you type your two words, there is a question mark on the side. when you click on that, it gives you instructions, and then it says still need help? you can click on that and maybe voice your opinion. don't know. Good luck. I don't like it either.

  17. Hi Lauren, I tried to send you the Nesletter from Primitive Handmades Mercantile, but it bounced bck to me...
    Also...Whereabouts near Lake Erie are you ? I'm in Erie, Pa. I know you are in Ohio...I'm looking for anyshops or Primitive stores not too far away ( nothing over a 2 1/2 hour
    Give me a shout back from another Email address maybe ? I'd lve to get thenewsletter to you !
    Bird In The Hand Primitives

  18. Forgot to mention, I'm specifically looking for ay shops that sell wool also !!

  19. Thanks for the kind words on my new book, I loved doing the book. Always fun to design new rugs, I am working on a new pattern now that I am loving, and it is very primitive.
    The funny happening here, I got a new SUV yesterday and the phone cannot understand me, guess I need voice lessons - I tried to call my hubby, managed two sons and one grandson before I got Tom - actually funny, the lady on the voice just cannot understand a thing I say.
    Have to go back and change wording on my address book

  20. Oh I dislike the new verification!
    I wish everyone would disable that feature!!!! Sometimes it's so hard to read.
    What an interesting book...I may have to check it out.

  21. Oh those little flowers are so sweet! Of course it's been warm here in Florida...the ac is February!
    Love the book.. no doubt that's Nantucket on the cover...a magical stepping back in time.
    That verification mess has me crazy...I have had to give up on leaving a few comments because I just could not "get it".

  22. Such lovely've got me in the mood for spring.

  23. Can you bring the book on Thursday so I can paw (gently) through it??!!

  24. Lauren - I am dying for Polly's new book - I am fortunate enough to be taking a workshop with her next month - I am SOOO excited - I am doing the design on the cover of her Americana Collection book. I wanted to wait for American Summer to come out but I just was getting nervous about having no pattern for Sebring since I wanted to peruse thru my wools and see what I could pull out to bring along - I can't wait to see what whale patterns you pick to hook. Yep I agree the new word verification sucks -oops pardon me but it's true! I have a standard 3 attempts before i get it right - Have a great week mel


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