Monday, February 20, 2012

A Few New Treasures ~

Friday hooker friend Melissa and I headed to the wool sale at the Ault's in Shelby, Ohio.  They are downsizing their shop and are having a wool sale throughout the month of February.  Most of the antiques were already sold, but I did pick up this little folding chair.  Nothing great, but for $3.00, I couldn't leave it there.  The bear is vintage and definitely has "age".  It was mine as a child :)

Sunday I headed to an antiques show.  Last year I thought the show was really good.  This year, not so much.  If you liked jewelry, you would have been in heaven.  It was slim pickins for primitive antiques, but of course, I did manage to bring home a couple new old treasures.
I love this thread keeper/pin cushion.  The dealer thought it to be circa 1860.  It did have some damage so I thought it was very reasonably priced.  She had several others that I would have liked to have bought, but . . . sigh, I can't have everything I want or I'd be in the poor house in a nano second.

I know absolutely nothing about toy sewing machines.  This is my second one so I need one more to have the start of an official collection :)  Does anyone know if they have been reproduced?  This one just seems to be in too good of a condition and just doesn't look quite "right" for a vintage one, but no matter, I am happy it is now residing with me.

The newest pillow pet :-)

Happy Monday.  Thank for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Awww...I just love the pic of little man and doggy resting together...too cute !!

  2. did great! The little sewing machine is wonderful! I like the simple design and clean look of it. That little red headed fellow is adorable and looks as if he is full of personality! What a nice pillow for Jake!
    Love the checked couch...beautiful color of green!

  3. Lauren - Love the Pillow Pet! Couldn't get any better than that. Wish it wasn't quite so far to Shelby, or I'd stop by to check out the sale too. Did you get any wool? ~Ann

  4. Hi, Lauren:
    You found awesome antiques, the folding chair is so cute and the thread keeper is a wonderful find,
    especially if it is circa 1860.
    As for the toy sewing machines, I think your safe calling it 'antique' or vintage, I don't think they reproduced them that way. Everything is plastic, so if it's metal it has to be anywhere from the 30's to the 60's. My Easy Bake Oven is all metal and plugs in to an outlet and it's painted a turquoise color. I don't plug it in because I think the plug and wiring is not safe (I got it in 1963). Your Singer machine can't be any later than the 60s.
    In any case you're right,it's a keeper!

  5. Awe love that last photo.
    So precious.
    Love that lil sewing machine.
    Wonderful finds.

  6. That's the cutest pillow pet I've seen yet! lol! Love the pin cushion / thread keeper! The sewing machine looks fabulous! I am not sure about the repro info though....

  7. That is a lovely little sewing machine. I love the picture of your pillow pet!!

  8. Love the antique threadkeeper pincushion. Great Singer toy machine too; don't know if it is old or not but will ask Shari as she buys antique ones to put with her Santa's and elves, etc.


  9. found some wonderful treasures. I especially loved the pic of Jake and the "pillow pet".

  10. Wonderful finds while out treasure-hunting!!
    That last picture is so adorable and made me smile. A boy and his dog....

  11. Hi, Lauren,
    I just love your new sewing spool treasure, and the little machine is so cute. I have a built in bookcase in my sewing room, and you made me think how neat it would be to have little machines on it!
    Love your teddy too...

  12. lauren, its always fun to find treasures isnt it? i love the pincushion, sewing machine, folding chair and the pillow pet is my favorite!! enjoy your day!

  13. What a fabulous "pillow pet"!!


  14. Lauren, Your "piilow pet" is the best... 2nd that pin keep is really cool! OLM

  15. I love your great finds, especially the cute Singer sewing machine. What a great find. I want a pug pillow to keep my neck and head warm and comfy. Does the cute boy comes with it?
    Every night I warm up my magic bag in the microwave and bring it in bet with me. It helps my neck and shoulders relax. Hugs. JB

  16. Great finds. Your little Singer looks exactly like mine and it's in perfect condition as yours appears to be. Nice and heavy and it still works!! I have the original box and the table clamp for it. That pug tongue cracks me up.

  17. Ilove your spool keeper you did get some pretty nice finds.
    a pillow pet that moves

  18. love the pillow pet! Too cute! Also in love with your childhood bear! When I see "loved" stuffed animals at flea markets, I have a hard time passing them up. Got rid of several of mine a few years ago because they were taking up too much space, but I do still have a few of my favorites.

  19. Oh, I know I could have all kinds of fun shopping with you....'cept we'd probably end up brawling over who gets what. I have a "thing" for old chairs - especially little ones and ones that fold - and old teddys and old sewing keeps and toy sewing machines. Hmmm.... sounds like we have a lot in common! I agree, that machine looks a bit newish - don't know that area real well, but I'd be guessing 1960's??? But the sweetest of all is the pillow pet and cutest redhead around. Priceless!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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