Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hookin' at the Library ~

There were only a few hookers at the library last night, but what talented ladies!  Karin hooks the most incredible rugs.  This one is currently listed on eBay.  Her seller ID is primitivespirits.  Check it out if you want the perfect rug for Easter disply.  As always, the colors of all these rugs are so much better in person.

And another of Karin's rugs.

And yet another.  This was from a paper pattern included in the January/February 2010 issue of Rug Hooking Magazine.

Deanna was hooking this antique adaptation in the softest, old looking wools.

I wish I had captured the true colors of Arlene's rug.  It is just  WONDERFUL!

Here's Jake getting ready to pick the winner of the kitty mat.  Typical kid ~ he has to ham it up for the camera.  It is so funny.  He got that coon skin hat for Christmas and had not looked at it since.  Today he asked where it was and it was his favorite thing.

Congrats to Janice!  She is a pug lady with two adorable pugs ~ Cleo and Winnie.  Winnie has the most beautiful grey face.  I really like those "older" ladies!  Check them out on Jan's blog.

The mail carrier left a surprise in my mailbox yesterday.  Acorn Hollow Cathy sent me this sweet little pincushion she made.  Thank you Cathy!  You made my day.  It is a great addition to my small but growing pin cushion collection.

Pug hugs :)


  1. I am getting a big smile and kick out of your little Davey Crockett! Such a sweetie pie!
    Nice rugs and the ladies sure are using some gorgeous wools and colors!
    Congrats to Janice..... she will love the sweet little kitty mat and having a piece of your work to display in her home!
    Adorable pin cushion from Cathy!! Such wonderful friends we have here in our blog world!!!
    Cathy G

  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Lauren. I am so delighted. I will find a very special place in my home for your fabulous kitty mat. I love pugs, but -yes- I love cats too and am Cat Mom to Ruby and Zorro.
    I never win I can't stop smiling. :-)

  3. Love the bunny rugs,to bad I don't deal with Ebay anymore.Jake looks adorable in the coon skin hat,yes children nowadays have alot and tend to toss aside things but good he's enjoying it now.The bucket is beautiful.Congrats to Janice! Warm Blessings!~Amy

  4. Great rugs...the urn is beautiful! I had a coon skin hat when I was little and I'm delighted to see they are still around...nothing high tech...just pure imagination taking over when that hat goes on.

  5. Jake is such a cute kid and seems to love showing that space between teeth, my grandson did the same thing.

    Congrats Janice! And you too Lauren, for your pincushion collection addition.


  6. Your Davey Crockett is a sweetheart! Love, love those missing front teeth!

    And love looking at all those rugs. They make me sign because my plan was to take some more classes from Kris this winter and I didn't get around to it. I just love looking at the ones that you post!!

  7. Congrats to Janice. That jake is just the cutest.
    You are welcome it was a little token for all of your support in the past few months

  8. The rugs from the library group are really neat and so fun to see what others are hooking. Love the one with the urn. Lucky gal who won your cat mat. You have a great weekend - Mel

  9. WOW!!! Lots of great looking rugs! What a lucky Janice for winning your mat!!!

  10. Love, love, love the kittie rug. The colors are just so yummy!!!

  11. Lauren you are so fortunate to live in an area where there is so much happening...what lovely rugs.
    Jake is just too much...he just goes into your heart...that smile is so sweet!
    CONGRATULATIONS are one lucky winner!

  12. Lauren, Love all the rugs you displayed for all of us to enjoy!
    What a handsome boy Jake is and such a personality that comes across the computer screen,Hugs Cheri

  13. lauren, thanx for sharing your time at the library! great rugs and hooking! grandbabes are too cute arent they? lucky winner on your cat mat and great little pin cushion from cathy!

  14. Those are some kind of gorgeous Love the bunnies! And, gee - I probably have that Uncle Sam you have me thinking. Oh, yeah - and great job on the guilt trip - the "Welcome Kitties" adaptation made me lustfully look at my hooking frame. Maybe, just maybe, I'll get back to it when this dang term is over....(and I do mean TERM!!) And rats for missing out on another awesome giveaway from you. I LOVE that little kitty mat!!! It's almost as sweet as your Jake Crockett!! Congratulations to lucky Janice! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  15. Congratulations Janice on winning the cute little kitty rug. I have an identical here that I won from Lauren last year but I had to hook it and what fun it was. I love mine and I know that you will love yours too.

    I'm playing catchup with blog friends and running behind again.

    I love the Davy Crocket little man, just too cute.
    Looking forward to seeing those rugs finished.
    Hugs. JB


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