Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day ~


I was never happy with the face on this rug. I didn’t like it then, and I still didn’t like it now. I don’t know why I didn’t reverse hook then . . . I guess I thought I’d learn to like it. I did not, so finally yesterday, I tried to improve on it a little. Let me just say that I found it VERY difficult to hook not being able to put it on the frame. I think it’s better, but still not great, but I think I can live with it. If you think you can live with it, let me know because I’ll give it away on Thursday evening. It's a small little mat, about 8 3/4" x 10 1/4".  I’ll have Jake pick a name around 6 pm and contact the lucky (?) person. Leave a comment on this post only or send me an e-mail with “give-away” in the subject line.

I am up to 248 followers. Thank you to all my followers, both old and new. I am humbled and appreciate you taking the time out of your busy lives to read my ramblings. I’ve never insisted that a person be a follower to enter my give-aways and I don’t plan to start now.  This give-away is only for the people who are reading this so I'd appreciate you not mentioning it on your blog :)

I purchased this cupid from Olde Lady Morgan.  Isn't she just a hoot?  I also purchased a "dammit" doll.  You can read about them on her selling blog.

My Sweetie gave me roses and cash for some hooker's crack.  (Thanks, Kim!)

Life is good!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Happy valentine to you Lauren.

    I'm sadden that you don't like the kitty rug. I look at mine every day and I cherish it.

    Mind you, I still have to finish whipping it but I'm undecided what I want to do with it. I was thinking of adding a piece of wool under it and make it bigger for my chair seat but I'm on hold because I'm quilting.

    Hugs. JB

  2. I was hasty on pushing the publish button again... I just wanted to say how lucky you are to have received red roses for Valentine. JB

  3. roses so wonderful I got dinner made for me which I love.
    I love your kitty rug.

  4. Roses and hookers crack......what a perfect gift. Very sweet of your honey. Your little kitty is darling. I feel bad that you don't love him.
    Hugs, Kim

  5. I love this rug! We had a black cat for 18 years until he passed and it reminds me of him. But I understand what you mean... sometimes you make something that you just quite aren't happy with. But believe me - I would be :) Love your cupid and your roses :)
    Happy Valentine's Day!
    Blessings, Patti

  6. lauren, i love your kitty mat and i love kittys! i think its great! cute doll and beautiful flowers sounds like you had a perfect valentines day!

  7. Well, this kitty would come to a home with 3 live-in cats (I would say kitties, but they are more mature). Your valentine flowers are beautiful. My husband, who has a Valentine's birthday, gave me red tulips that are very wonderful. You are very sweet to have this give away.


  8. Hi Lauren,
    Adorable rug.
    I would love to be entered into your giveaway.
    Love your Cupid by Marie.

    Happy Valentines Day!


  9. Happy Valentine's Day Lauren!
    Your "hooker's crack" comment made my day, too funny!
    I love your little kitty mat, it's very prim looking and I would adore to have it in my home :)

    Great cupid doll btw! I think I need one. Now I'm going to check out those dammit dolls, LOL!


  10. The only cat I can have would have to be this cute one on a mat with attitude.....my Bouvier has no tolerance for fast footed kitties that refuse to be herded! I enjoy your fun blog ~ thanks for the giveaway offer! Happy Valentines Day!

  11. Lovely roses...and Happy V Day to you! Thanks for your Go Bears support: I won't give up. I think your kitty rug is charming. Please put my name in the pot. :-)

  12. i would love to be the winner of the little mat. it's just too cute. denise[cheermom1954@aol.com]

  13. Lauren~ I love the little mat.Hope you had a wonderful Valentines Day.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  14. Love all things kitty, and your little mat is precious, and I would love to own it. Please enter my name in your giveaway. Carol(dlacount@netnet.net)

  15. Pretty flowers you received for Valentine's Day!! And cash is always good..... :)
    Your little kitty mat is so very cute -- please throw me in the hat for a chance to win it!

  16. Lauren, it is very difficult to hook without a frame I think. There were two rugs that needed changes and I walked on them and by them for about 6 years until I finally couldn't stand it any longer. I'm glad that I made the changes but it was very difficult to fo wit the rugs sitting on my lap and not a frame.

    Yet, I understand there are those people who don't use a frame and just tuck the excess under a thigh to help keep it taught and I know that Polly Minick uses a hoop. That is also difficult for me to do.


  17. I love your sweet little kitty mat Lauren, I would be happy to give it a home. I so admire anything that is created by Old Lady Morgan. Glad you had a lovely Valentines Day. Blessings, Julie.

  18. Happy Belated Valentine's Day Lauren. Love your little kitty rug. Marie's dolls are wonderful. I thought about buying that cupid doll, but am trying to curb my spending.

    Have a wonderful evening~Becky

  19. Hi, Lauren: I hope you had a sweet day yesterday. I love your kittie rug even if you aren't happy with the face. The OLM doll is adorable!!
    Enjoy your roses and your hooking money.

  20. I love the rug--it is so sweet. Also love the diaper on the cupid.

  21. Ha! We are kindreds!!! I got one of Marie's cupids and dammit dolls too!! (And I'm using the dammit doll as I type over missing out on your darling kitteh mat giveaway!) :o) Robin


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)