Friday, February 24, 2012

Down on the Farm ~

Last night was hooking at That'll Do Farm.  The usual suspects were there . . . actually I should say the usual hookers.  Check out Andrea's blog for more pictures.  Here's Andrea's chicken rug.  She is getting SO CLOSE!!!  And it's lookin' SO GOOD!!!  I keep trying to convince her that if you hook in something larger than a 6 cut it goes much more quickly, but she is not yet convinced :)

Here's the latest rug on my frame.  It's a Wendy Miller pattern I bought at Sauder Village last year.  I plan to finish it rectangular, not round.  The colors in this pic are quite accurate (thanks, Andrea!).

I wanted to show the wool I used for the urn.  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that wool.  I only used the lighter area of the wool.  This should hook up pretty quickly.  I am using an 8.5, 9 and 9.5 cut.

Here are a few daffodils I got from the garden several days ago.  It is amazing how much they continue to grow!  The stems have probably grown close to three inches and tomorrow they should be blooming.  

Have a great weekend!  My next post will be a really cool give-away.  Stay tuned.
Pug hugs : )


  1. Love the rugs. I really like your new should go fast with that size strip! Can't wait for a giveaway!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. You have daffodils growing? For real? Love your rug. That wool hooked up lovely in the urn.

  3. Hi, Lauren:
    I like the chickens rug. The rug you are hooking with the urn and 1822
    I really love. Daffodils are so pretty. I always get an order from the American Cancer Society through the hospital each Spring.

  4. Lauren the Urn is lovely.Our spring flowers are up but I'm so scared we are going to get cold and they will all die.Hmmm really not sure what season we're in day to day anymore.LoL..Warm Blessings!~Amy

  5. Love that you call them the usual suspects. I Love the colors you have chosen for your rug so pretty and such a large cut I will get there I am sure I have only used an 8 I am going to try hand cutting.
    the chicken rug is wonderful

  6. Great rugs the both - but truly love your urn one.....(And, shhhh...can you keep a secret??? Tonight, rather than grade papers, read the lastest cases on Negotiable Instruments, laundry, clean, or even catch up on blogging, I'm going to see if I can remember where my Welcome Cats rug is and pull a few worms.....Woo Hoo!!) ;o) And daffodils - really??? We're getting snowed upon....Love them in that blue jar....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  7. Lauren, your urn rug is lovely. I too hook with a narrow cut as I like details. I must admit that I also like to hook with #8 I think but I don't have a cutter that size.

    I spotted a daffodil sprout peeking out of the ground in a flower bed near the south side of the house in a sheltered spot. We still have snow and ice on the ground.

    Have a great weekend. JB

  8. that chicken rug is beautiful. i've gotta learn to hook. denise

  9. Hi, Lauren,
    I really love your fraktur rug, that blue plaid wool is so yummy. I can't believe how for your daffodils are up, and you are further north than me!

  10. Lauren, I love how that blue plaid hooked up - gorgeous. So far my daffodils are still underground - I'm actually very surprised due to our warm weather up here in NW Ohio. ~Ann

  11. Love your rug.. can't wait to see it when it is finished.

  12. Such beautiful rugs...and, lucky you, daffodils!

  13. Both rugs are beautiful! The colors you chose for the flower rug or positively gorgeous! The daffys are nice too.... but the drawers behind it are wowie-wowie! :-)

  14. Wonderful chickens! Love your rug, and the flowers.

  15. Love your colors in your rug!!! Can't wait to see it finished, it's going to be beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing! All My Best ~Kimberly

  16. How wonderful to have daffodils! Spring is coming, well to your neck of the woods anyway..I love your latest hooking project and the colors, perfectly primitive. Blessings, Julie.

  17. Hi Lauren,
    That blue plaid is so wonderful! I love plaids and how they look when you hook 'em. Your urn chair pad is looking really the contrast of colors!
    Take good care,

  18. Love those chickens! The daffodils are so pretty!!!Have a great weekend, Cheri

  19. Love that new rug you are working on and yes it's a keeper on the way that plaid wool worked up! Love that things like that are always happy surprise! I love daffadils too!

  20. Wonderful new Fraktur rug...the urn wool is perfection! daffodils alread...mine are barely two inches out of the ground...


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