Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Pleasantly Surprised ~

I used to be so good at keeping track and logging all the rugs I hooked.  I kept a log on the date the hooking was completed (not including the binding), the size and where the rug ended up (given as a gift, give-away or kept).  This year I have failed miserably.  I lost part of my log.  I know it is here somewhere . . . sigh.
I tried to do a quick tally today of the rugs/mats I hooked in 2011.  I was surprised to find that I had completed over twenty of them.  Granted, most of them are not very big and more than half of them were given away. 
Here is a sampling of what was completed.

I have never hooked a really big rug.  There are just so many smaller things I want to hook and I really enjoy giving them away.

I finally started to take down the Christmas stuff today.  I got four boxes done and have many, many more to go.  I will be doing it for a while longer . . . ugh!

Thanks for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. wow 20 that is a lot. I usually go for the large rugs not sure why.
    I had no Christmas up except a few snowmen so nothing to take down.

  2. Nice rugs!! I'm in the process of putting my Christmas decorations away. It seems like I just put them up. LOL!

  3. Impressive! I'm working on my first hooked mat. I can't wait to finish and start another. :-)

  4. Hi Lauren,
    I've been hooking the small things this past year too. It seems to daunting to take on such big projects! I like being able to give them away too!
    I'll be thinking of you while you load up those boxes with Christmas...... whistle while you work! :-))
    Cathy G

  5. I remember some of them, they are all just great. I no longer commit myself to long/big projects. I have found I just will not complete them.

  6. Wow, you've were a busy gal last year!! Love the all but the jack-o-lantern is my very favorite!

  7. Mmmm...such wonderful rugs! I finally got the last of my Christmas decs put away today. Whew. Why is it that they go up so quickly and it seems to take forever to take them down?!!!

  8. Your little rugs look just wonderful. They add up quickly and how nice of you to give so many away!

  9. Lauren, I am going to try my first hook rug this year, a small one. After I saw ALL yours they look PERFECT. They are beautiful.
    I watched a video on hook rugging and they make it look SOOOO EASY, it it as easy as I saw?????

    I am very sick with a very bad cold so I am home bound, So my husband knows there is a place at a antique mill we go to and there are small starter kits, maybe this weekend he will head over there and pick up one for me.

    I still haven't put alot of Christmas away but it is getting done slowly, with help of Hubby.
    Happy Hook Rugging a BIG one, I know you can do it., but if you go to my blog amd leave a comment to me to let me know is it easy t hook rug or do you need to keep watching videos of hook rugging.

    To me it looks like you are a PRO!!!! H-E-L-P!

    Happy Hook Rugging,
    Tricia XO

  10. Oh my girl just beautiful.Might of even drooled for a second.LoL..Really they are wonderful.I leave my pumkin mat out from you year round I love it so much! Warm Blessings!~Amy

  11. I'd say you had a VERY productive year in the rug hooking department Lauren! I have so many I'd like to get done this year. I definately love using 8.5 to 9.5 cuts. They go so much faster and I love the look. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Lori

  12. HI Lauren!
    I love all your pieces. I too am trying to get all the Christmas stuff put away not a fun task.

  13. Lauren, they are really cute rugs and the recipients must have been elated to receive something from you special made with your hands for them.

    I'm sure you'll find that list; it is probably under a piece of wool. That is usually where I find things that come up missing here.


  14. my goodness you were productive - love "revisting" the creations too! Happy New Year to you!

  15. WOW! You're so productive! Wish I could say the same! LOL Love all your projects!

  16. Lauren, I'm not sure I can pick out a favorite - they are all beautiful. I really like the background wool in the second sheep rug. Thanks so much for sharing. ~Ann

  17. I love all of your mats that you have hooked up this last year! My resolution for the new year is to hook up some small mats and give them as gifts but.... The rug I have started is not very small! Lol
    Hopefully I will finish it up in time for a gift! I just need a bit more time in a day. Happy hooking!

  18. Hi Lauren - isn't it impressive when you put them all together to see?
    And they are all exceptional.
    Tomorrow's heirlooms!

  19. You've had a lot of great finishes Lauren - YGG - can't wait to see and hear about what you'll be up to in 2012. Happy New Year belated to you ! Mel

  20. Hi Lauren~

    Love all your rugs, but really like the pumpkin one. I'm amazed at what you get done. I just keep on checking out blogs & don't get a whole lot of anything done.

    Have a wonderful evening~Becky

  21. What fun to see the whole year's worth of rugs. I just started to hook smaller mats. It's nice to actually finish something!! LOL I still have two rugs in the process...and now I'm cross stitching. I'm hopeless!
    Thanks for the mini rug show!

  22. Wow you have been a buzzy girl this past year. My cherished little primitive kitten is all hooked but I'm only halfway done whipping the edge. I use it as a chair cover for quilting and it keeps my butts warm and cosy.
    I think of you each time I see it. Too much blogging time and not enough hooking time. JB

  23. You were busy! Love all the rugs Lauren. What a good idea to log all the rugs that you complete in a year. Your pumpkin rug turned out so good! So glad you chose the colors you did. Maria

  24. Hi Lauren,
    Happy New Year!
    I have started my first big rug ... but, I'm keep a few small ones going so when I get bored ... Hope I finish it.
    Love ALL your mats.
    Have a great week.

  25. You did this just to make me feel guilty, didn't you??? And, NO, I haven't hooked nary a worm on my welcome there....I beat you to the "beat up" phase.... ;o) Seriously good stuff there my friend. I don't do "resolutions" and that sort of thing - but I have chosen a word for the year - and that word is "balance" - and I so hope part of achieving that will be to get back to some of my hooking, punching, and stitching...because, in the end, I'm more balanced "with" those in my life than without....Just have to get through the next couple of months first. And Christmas will be up for a while here in Nod....'cept for the tree - me thinks that needs to go soon....Have a ridiculously happy weekend! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

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