Saturday, January 7, 2012

Un-decorating . . .

. . . or is it de-decorating?
I don't start taking my Christmas decorations down until after the first of the year.  Three of the four evenings this week I had places to go and things to do, so there was very little time to do it :(  Thankfully they go down much more quickly than they go up, but I want it done . . . NOW!  (I am stamping my feet . . . grin!)  I am knee deep in boxes, clutter and mess. 
So how did I spend my day?  Annie and I went to PetCo where Ohio Pug Rescue was set up to promote rescue and adoption.  This young lady needs to find her forever home!


Annie had one lady who seemed very interested in her.  We'll see if anything comes of it.

Speaking of Annie, she has worms.  {If you are squeamish, it's time to stop reading.}  No, not the kind dogs normally get.  We are talking woolly worms.  (For you non-hookers, a woolly worm is about 1/4" - 3/8" wide and at least 12" long.)  I have caught her a number of times with them in her mouth and I was pretty sure she'd eaten a few.  Let me just say they do not dissolve in her stomach like I had hoped.  She has been having some "issues" the last few days and now I know for certain she ate at least two worms, one being at least 18" long.  YUCK!
Here she is on her favorite corner of the couch, worn out after a hard afternoon of having to be cute :)

I have been seeing wonderful little cross stitch pieces on blogs lately.  I am getting anxious to stitch again.  But I have so many rugs I want to put on linen and to hook the patterns that are sitting in the closet.  Check out this post of Ann's.  Marly always has wonderful stitches to share, too.  There are just not enough hours in the day . . . sigh.
I am making some progress on my Berks County Floral.  The true color is somewhere between the two of these. 

Now, if I'd just get off this computer, I'd get lots more done.
Thanks for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. The colors in this rug are my favorites... I will look forward to seeing it finished. The bits of red in the hearts add so much...and the basket is wonderful!

  2. wonderful rug! the worm thing is like having sparkly poop from your puppy (tinsle)
    I hope your sweet dog gets her forever home.

  3. Oh my, I hope that Annie will poop the woolly worms out. You may have to don a pair of rubber gloves and pull it out if it shows up. 18 inches is a bit long though. I hope that she'll be OK.

    Years ago I had a little poodle who ate some tinsels and that's what I had to do. The kids thought that it was funny seeing her prancing around with this tinsel dangling. Dogs eats the darndest things.

    My tree is still up but I started to gather some of the decorations. I had some more company today and yesterday. I showed some of my hooked rugs and my quilt but didn't get to hook or quilt.

    Thanks for your comment on my blog. I'll have to have another give away. Big Hugs for you and the Pugs JB

  4. Poor little doggie poor you.I laughed at the Pug butt shot. Lol
    The hooking is looking nice! Hugs Cheri

  5. Lauren,
    You wouldn't think dogs would eat wool worms... but the proof is in the pudding or I should we say poop.
    Anyhow.... I hope she is okay and will find that forever home soon!
    Your rug is looking fab!! You should have that done by Valentines Day?
    Enjoy every loop ( hooking not eating LOL!)
    Cathy G

  6. Hi Lauren,
    If I told you this before just ignore me...LOL. I can't remember if I told you or someone else. I love your Berks County floral. I live in Berks County, the real Berks County that this design is from so of course it's on my to-do list one of these days!!! Yours is looking beautiful!!


  7. Lauren, I got so concerned with the wool worm, I forgot to say how nice your rug is. The colors are perfect. JB

  8. Lauren, Your floral rug is awesome! I love the design and the colors are perfect...can't wait to see it all finished.

  9. Your rug is really nice, love the colors. My dogs have been eating kleenex before I can get it they swallow real fast. They don't eat worms, thank goodness because I have alot of worms here. Enjoy the weather and take your good ole time putting away your Christmas treasures!

  10. Oh poor little Annie. Hope she gets better soon.

    I still have my tree box and a tote sitting by the front door. But they are quite heavy and with my sore ribs they are going to have to stay for awhile more.

    Your rug is looking awesome.
    Of course all your creations are always gorgeous.


  11. Hi there how are you?

    Wow! Your floral is looking great. Can't wait to see it finished :)

    Have a great rest of the weekend.
    Take care Janet W

  12. Lauren, I hope Annie is ok and the worms actually make it out. We've been through that with a cat and yarn and surgery. $$$ Good thing that cat was purfect! I couldn't agree with you more about hours in the day. I've got basket orders to do, a rug that I want to hook and there's always cross stitch waiting! The rug you are working on is gorgeous. I'm off to weave now. ~Ann

  13. Poor Miss Annie...and then poor you to have to figure out how to help her de-worm! I love your rug! I'm sure I've gushed about it before...but it's looking smashing! I took all the Christmas decor down before I went back to work. I long for flowers now. Yet, I'm cross-stitching Christmas, while everyone else has moved onto Valentine's Day. LOL

  14. I had a heck of a time getting thru to your blog and still can't get to Orange Sink yet. Anyhoo, love your Berk's county floral a LOT. Nice colors.

    And watch the pup really close because I have heard that eating wool can cause death.


  15. OK Lauren let's talk about UNdecorating or DEdecorating.Since you saw my house decorated,when you're done with your's can you come do mine????
    Worm eating:Not a Good Thing!!!
    Sissy's still lovin' those Little Ceasor treats you brought her,with her usual Beggin'Strips thrown in once in awhile.She keeps askin' me,"When's Lauren comin' back??"

  16. Hi Lauren,
    Praying you find a home Annie real soon. There's always a 'match' out there isn't there?
    Oh my, de-decorating. We did that between Christmas and New Year and then the bareness just sat.
    Yesterday we cleaned and brought a few pieces up to fill in spaces but there's still more to go. Guess it's not bothering me too much that it's not getting will eventually. That time of year to just take it slow after a few months of hurry, hurry, hurry.

    Love your rug! Mine are still in limbo! lol


  17. I hope Annie finds a loving home with the lady that was interested.
    The rug is looking gorgeous. I love the design and the colors.

  18. Love the pug butt photo! and chuckled at the tale of Annie and her "worm".

  19. Wow, guess I better watch my pugs with those worms...and pugs do tend to eat everything! Love the rug.


  20. Your work is just so wonderful. You sure got a lot done in 2011 and I love your new piece. When I have the time I'd like to watch a video on hooking. Do I see Annie showing a little tongue??? LOL! I sure hope she gets rid of the woolies soon.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)