Sunday, January 1, 2012

A Low Key Day ~

New Year's Eve was perfect!  I chose dinner at Five Guys and then we went home for a quiet evening of watching "It's a Wonderful Life" and hooking.  Do you get the impression I am not the party girl? 

I hope everyone has had a wonderful New Year's Day!  It has been pretty much a do-nothing day for me.  I wanted to stop by one of the antique malls, but it was not open so I stayed home, did some hooking, blog reading and worked on an order I have for some spoon necklaces.  Pretty low key which is nice for a change of pace.  I could have started putting Christmas stuff away . . . sigh.  Even though it comes down much more quickly than it goes up, I still dread the task! 

I did make some progress on my rug, though not as much as I had hoped.

My favorite "boys" came for dinner (DSO, son & grandson) and Jake is spending the night since I am off work tomorrow.  After his bath, Jake told me he was glad he had such a nice grandma.  Oh, that made my heart sing!  At bedtime he read ME a story.  Here he is hamming it up for the camera.

One of my amaryllis plants has started to bloom . . .
. . . and the cyclamen from Dolly (Eema's forever mom) is just gorgeous.
Dolly also gave me the most wonderful memories of Eema.  In addition to one of her paw prints, she made this book of Eema's happier days.  I get all teary-eyed every time I look at it.  Eema's and my life became richer the day we met Dolly!

As I start this new year, I want to thank everyone who reads my blog.  I have learned so much and met so many wonderful friends because of blogging.  It is much more rewarding than I ever imagined it could be.  THANK YOU!
Pug hugs :)


  1. I agree that blogging has enriched my life too..... it is hard to stay away from the computer because of that!
    What a little sweetheart that Jake..... reading you a story..... doesn't get any better than that!
    I'm looking forward to another great year of posts from you Lauren..... It's been so great getting to know you and sharing your life with the doggies like Eema and all the others!
    Sweet Blessings and all the happiness you deserve in 2012!
    Cathy G

  2. What an adorable grandson you have. I've enjoyed blogging so much and
    I have met the most marvelous people.
    I think your rug is coming along
    nicely. The book for your Eema is so

  3. I don't know what I would do without my blog buddies either. :-) Your rug is looking good!

  4. Wow, your rug is coming along nicely. Maybe I should get back to doing that. It has been a long time since I have made one.

    Jake is cute. Reading you a story, I love that. :)

    I love reading blogs. I have met wonderful people here. I am glad that I decided to start blog.

    Happy New Year to you and everyone out there in blogland. :)

    Take care, Janet W.

  5. Mmmmh...5 guys is a great place to go. We finally got one about 30 miles from us and we like it quite well.
    Just love Jake's smile he is just such a cute guy!

    I've met such wonderful friends across blogland and it has really enriched my life so much!

    Have a wonderful week and enjoy Jake for the day!

  6. Love the rug your working on.Glad you had a nice time with your 3 guys.Hope you have a wonderful New Year!~Amy

  7. Sounds like a perfect couple of days! I got to see my boys yesterday. Very nice. I agree that blogging has enriched life...there's inspiration and cheering squads and lots of humor! It all keeps me going in the right direction!
    I love the rug!

  8. Good morning Lauren,
    Your New Year's sounded pretty much like mine/ours...we are not party people either so our time was spent much the same...except for no grandchildren staying over.

    Your HR is coming along beautifully.
    I have a sheep one in the processes (well before Thanksgiving) and every time I pass by it in the craft room it calls my name but I keep on walking by it - one of these days it will be complete.


  9. That Jake sure knows how to turn on the charm and melt hearts. I just love that he read to you this time :)

  10. I think Jake has a very nice grandma too! Loving your project. Did you get all of the designs when you were at ATHA?

    Regarding Eema, I too get all teary eyed when I see pictures of Shadaw. Perhaps I should be sure that all the pictures of her are on my flash drive and then remove them from my computer as I get sad every time one of her pictures come on the screen.

  11. Mmmmmmm Five Guys! Best burgers ever! :-) The picture book of Eema is such a thoughtful gift! And LOVE those flowers!!! Time to start planning this year's garden! :-)

  12. I love reading your blog.. HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and yours.

  13. Lauren,Jake looks so cute and happy!Your rug is looking really nice. What a thoughtful friend to make that book. Have a good week! Cheri

  14. Lauren, Your grandson melts my heart. He is too cute! The colors in your rug are terrific! I spent part of the weekend thinking about cleaning my basement now I'm off to actually do a little cleaning and organizing. Happy New Year to you. Maria

  15. Love that rug and that red head!!!!

  16. Hi Lauren~

    Love your rug so far!! Fabulous gift from Dolly!! What a beautiful remembrance of Eema!! I am so glad I discovered blogging. I've "met" so many wonderful people.

    Have a great day~Becky

  17. Sounds like a perfect night. I love jake's smile with those 2 front teeth missing.
    have a wonderful new year my friend.

  18. Lauren,
    I can't image not blogging anymore and losing touch with all of you!!!
    YUMMO to 5guys!!! Love their burgers!! And that rug, WOW!
    Happy New year! OLM

  19. Hi Lauren,
    Love the pictures of Jake. Thanks for sharing your day. What a sweetheart & a perfect start to the New Year! You are a nice grandma ;-) Best wishes. Dolly

  20. Don't you just love those burgers at Five Guys?!! That Jake is certainly a his jolly smile and how nice that he has such kind words for his grandma. We can never have too many sweet words from our grandchildren. Your indoor blooming plants are so cheerful and lovely.

    Happy New Year! I so enjoy your blog.

  21. Five Guys + Three Guys = One Happy Hooker. (Not that I've ever been near a Five Guys, as I live in Nod and there are no such places....) - but, all in all, sounds like a wonderful way to spend the holiday and start a new year. I really, really, love that rug you're working on - I know I've said it before - but something about the colors and the design that is so, so, me. And your hooking is so meticulous - your numbers are amazing. My numbers and lettering always turns out so kittywampus - that's probably what got me started in the "prim" direction in the first place - at least I could pretend it was intentionally prim, rather than just plain funky. Hope your new year is off to a wonderful start....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)