Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Crazy, Crazy Weather ~

What a weather roller coaster it has been.  These were taken yesterday about 10:30 am.  By 4:30 the majority of it had melted and by this morning, not a flake remained.  Today's temps were near 60.  They've begun to fall and we are supposed to be in the low 20's with high winds tonight.  WELCOME to Ohio!

Yesterday Jake and I headed to Disney on Ice in Cleveland.  It has been at least {big gulp} 45 years (I'm how old???) since I've taken the train downtown.  It was actually much easier driving half way, hopping on the train and avoiding the hassles of finding a place to park ~ cheaper, too :)

This year all the stories were princess stories.  Many young girls arrived in their princess outfits.  Too cute!
What a racket!  $12.00 cotton candy (with a Styrofoam crown) or a snow cone (in a plastic character cup) or a bargain priced box of popcorn for only $5.00.  $20.00 t-shirts and flashlights.  You get the picture.  I got off really easy.  I had Jake bring his Christmas money and gave him the choice of buying something there or saving it to buy a Nintendo game.  He opted to save his money for a game and didn't bug me to buy another flash light to go with the one from last year that he never plays with . . . lol!
We did have a good time and I'm so happy he's still at the age where spending time with grandma is great fun.

Wishing for spring!
Pug hugs :)


  1. are you sure you were in Ohio and not Florida? that's the kind of weather we have here.hot one day and cold the next LOL!! denise

  2. Wow! Looks like you and Jake had a blast!
    My brother who lives in MN said he saw some people ice fishing on a lake and half a mile down the road there were more people fishing in boats! This is really really strange weather!!
    Cathy G

  3. What a fun day! The weather in my corner of Ohio isn't any different - today it is only 25 where yesterday morning it was 51. ~Ann

  4. Looks like you and Jake had a fun day!He sure is a cutie.I have to say that I think old man winter has went a little wacky this season.Hope that you have a great day,Jen

  5. Fun day! He's such a cutie. I'll bet he's fun to hang out with.

  6. Mr. Fix It has been keeping me posted on the weather in Indiana that I am missing!! Weird. Glad you and Jake had a good time, you are such a great grandma!!!

  7. lauren, what a nice grandma going to dysney on ice. it wont be long and i will be too, my grandson is 6 and he'd probley enjoy it now. the lights and custumes look great! lauren i love the floral rug you are working on and the heart mat. makes me want to get hooking. i have to many projects going on...i have only been to one hook in and look forward to many more. got to meet laurie from wooly red rugs so was really excited. i also bought a townsend so need to get hooking!! hope that weather settles down for you. its been cold here in minnesota the last few days. enjoy your day lauren!

  8. Jake looks like such a nice kid.What a great day with grandma. Keep warm,Cheri

  9. Jake is adorable. I remember when I took my daughter to see Disney on Ice 18 years ago. It was so much fun. And Sesame Street on Ice, too.

  10. Nothing better than spending the day with your grandson who adores you. It's great that he made the choice of saving his money for something that he will have more use of than impulse buying. The show looks great.

    Stay warm and safe. JB

  11. Did you wear your princess dress Lauren and if so, why no pictures?? Looks like great fun.

  12. What a cutie! One of my grandmothers would sent my kids money at Christmas & we used the money one year (with her encouragement) to take the kids to see Toy Story on Ice. They LOVED it! But yeah--the price on toys there is ridiculous!


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