Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men ~

Okay. Wasn’t Christmas just a week or so ago? And now it’s January 15. Holy smokes. Where has the time gone? The good news, though. Spring is only 9 weeks away. Yeah!

* * *

Woo hoo! A three day weekend! I was going to accomplish miracles.  All my Christmas goodes were finally going to make their way to the walk-up attic.  I was going to hook to my heart’s content and take a friend to lunch for her (belated) birthday. There was also a cross stitch shop I discovered about an hour away I wanted to check out. Oh, the plans I had, but the weather had other plans for me. I work for the city department in charge of snow plowing and when the guys work over, sometimes I must, too. Friday I worked four hours over and then worked eight hours on Saturday. Well, that still left Sunday and Monday, I thought. {{Big sigh.}} I got a call this morning to come to work.  I’m not complaining . . . well, maybe a bit. The extra $$ will really help, but I so enjoy my time away from work.  The extra $$ will pay for my mini hooking retreat at Sauder Village at the beginning of February. It is two days of hooking!!! Is anyone else going? I’m going with Melissa and we’re meeting Bobbie there. Heidi will also be there with friend Jane, but I betcha Mr. Taylor has to stay home.  I've never been to anything more than a one day hook-in so this sounds like great fun.
I've made some progress on my Berk's County Floral but have set it aside to hook a few small heart mats for Valentines Day.  I wish I could capture the true colors of this rug.

I've gotten two little mats started.

I love this piece hand dyed wool I bought at the ATHA Biennial.  It is much more subtle in person.

Here's Jake reading Annie and me a bedtime story.  Tomorrow we are off to see Disney on Ice.

I have been reading everyone's blogs, but just haven't had the time to leave many comments.  I hope to get caught up soon.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren, Sorry your plans didn't work the way you wanted...but that extra $$ - Yeah. I love the way that plaid hooked up - very nice. ~Ann

  2. Have fun at Sauder! I didn't know there was anything there until the summer. Lucky girl. :-)

  3. Working can sure cramp a gals style! But you have the right attitude! You will have so much fun at the hook-in!
    I love that plaid wool.... the hearts are great! And your rug is really looking fantastic!
    Jake steals my heart every time!!
    Cathy G

  4. Hi, sorry your plans didn't work out.

    Cute pictures. Your floral is looking great and I love those hearts.

    I hope you can get a lot of it done tomorrow, well today (Monday) :)

    Take care, Janet W

  5. Jake is so the crown! Hooking looks great...the plaid heart is wonderful!

    Enjoy your day off,

  6. Lucky you going to saunder.
    well the extra money can buy something wonderful.
    your followers are really getting up there. I get 3 and 2 go away. I don't know. I love the flower mat so pretty.
    stay warm it was 1 degree this morning.

  7. I'm learning not to make plans. Every time they come out of my mouth, something interferes. If I just think them, I have a better shot lol. You'll now have extra spending money for your class. Sounds like a lot of fun!!
    Love your hooked hearts and flower. Great job! Jake is such a cutie :)

  8. Lauren,
    Bummer you had to work but wonderful you will have the money for the hook~in. Love how your rug is coming and the hearts too! How fun you get to meet those gals at the hook~in. You will have so much fun!!
    Your Jake is the cutest. Every time I see him he reminds me of my son when he was a boy. Have a great day, Lori

  9. I have to work a fair amount of overtime too. It sucks at the time but is nicer on payday.
    Nice rugs. It is perfect hooking weather (when you are not working)

  10. Hi, Lauren - it'[s too bad you had to work so much but if it paid for the retreat that's a consolation.
    Any word on Annie getting a permanent home, there was a lady that was going to call?? She's such a sweet looking dog. The rug you're working on is looking beautiful already. The little heart mats are pretty.

  11. You are a fast hooker -- and I mean that in a good way. You just started that floral rug and look how much you have done!!

  12. Ahhh sorry you had to work - always something! Love your little rugs - they look great! Sauder sounds like fun - can't wait to hear the hooking tales! Jake is quite "Kingly" in his crown and spongebob!

  13. Your Berks County Floral is looking really good. I think the little mats are superb, I love the the subtle colours.

  14. Hi Lauren,
    THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR NICE COMMENT ON MY BLOG...I passed the BD greeting along to Doug.

    Well I'm just as behind as you with blog hopping...actually opened yours up the other day and something happened and I never got back to here I am again.
    LOOOOVE your second heart hooking...goodness the colors are awesome.
    I am so sad that I don't get any hooking time. I love what I have started but I'm sure they won't see the light of day for weeks yet - (sad!)

    Oh your retreat sounds wonderful!! Ann from 'A hole in the basket Primitives' goes to things at Sauder Village...I wonder if she will go to that retreat.

    Adorable photo of Jake...I hope you are making a memory book for him! Too cute.


  15. I so love your Berk's County piece. I think I'm approaching the coveting stage. ;o) That plaid heart is yummy too - can't see what you end up doing with it. Ahhh...if we could just hook all day every day - do you think we'd tire of it?? Nahhh...I didn't think so. Love the photo of Prince Jake. Too, too, sweet. Wishing you a happy Tuesday! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  16. Hi Lauren~

    Love the Berk's county rug so far. Simply beautiful!! Sorry you had to work & cancel your plans. Jake sure is a cutie with that crown.

    Have a wonderful day~Becky

  17. Great picture of Jake reading to Annie. That is priceless! Sorry to hear that nothing came out of the day at Petco for Annie. Loving this crazy weather. Cher & I took a nice long walk today. Pug hugs from both of us. Dolly

  18. Anonymous! Yikes...

  19. Oh how fun! A retreat at Sauder Village. I have gone once to Sauder Village but that was many years ago. I am sure you will have a wonderful time! : ) Love, Love all of your hooking.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)