Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Couple Questions about Blogger ~

Is anyone else having problems leaving comments when there is word verification?  I am having to type three or four words before Blogger says I have typed it correctly.  I know I'm not the world's greatest typist, but I also know I'm not making that many errors!

Also, I want to add an icon to my sidebar that says "email me".  I know how to add the icon, but can't figure out how to link it to my email.  One time a kind blogger explained it to me, but I haven't a clue where to find that email.  Sometimes I am blogger stupid (!) so I need very explicit instructions :)

Still no prospective home for Annie . . . sigh.  How can you not love that face?

I have several bins full of woolly worms from my early hooking days.  They were all purchased on eBay before I had a cutter and before I knew the difference between good and bad wool.  These worms run the gamut of really good, okay and so-so at best.  They are an 8 cut, but we know that all 8 cuts are not created equal.  With that being said, I am giving these away.  I will draw 2 names on Sunday, sometime after 6pm, and send a box of worms to those two people.  {I see there are no green worms ~ I'll add some of those and more.}  It's simple to enter . . . just leave a comment on this post only or send me an email with give-away in the subject line. 

Once again it's winter in Ohio.  A couple of inches of snow today and more in tomorrow's forecast.  I did spend a few minutes hooking by the fire this evening.  I'm still working on my hearts.

Thanks for stopping by!
Pug hugs :)


  1. yay...i love worms! enjoy the winter weather

  2. Hi Lauren,

    I just added email me image to my site. If you'd like, come to my site and click on it and email me so I have your email, if that is ok .Then as soon as I can I will tell you how.

    I have to remember how I did it too. lol I am one who is in need of 'Blogging For Dummies' sometimes LOL

    I also have a new blog for selling out quite ready yet but I have 5 followers already...

    I have had the word verification problem happen a time or two I think not sure why its happening.

    Take care, Janet W

  3. Lol, I did it but don't remember how. I know I googled for directions though.

    And onto the worms....Since I'm a new hooker I don't have a worm stash, lol, and would love to win your giveaway. I'm so excited to really get into hooking. Why does that alway sound wrong? :-)

  4. Hi Lauren,Blogger was giving me some problems with leaving comments a couple days ago.It's O.K now Cheri

  5. I figured it out. I did one for the selling blog just now. It is a bit much to right here. But quite easy to do. Email me from my email thing on my blog k?

    Thanks for signing up to follow me on my new selling blog by the way. :)

    See ya, Janet W

  6. Hi Lauren,
    When you use the picture gadget and add your picture you want to use for your email button..... just type mailto: (and your email address) in the url space.

    Try it and if you still have problems let me know and I can try and explain it better!!

    Don't computers drive you crazy?!!
    Cathy G

  7. Me Me Me !!! Waving excitedly !! Please enter me in your wormy giveaway !! I m trying to build up a stash ...I purchased some worms on Ebay too, and like you said, some were good some so so...

  8. Wish I could help you with the the email thing but my kids set mine up.Please enter my name in for the wool worms.I am trying to learn how to hook and confess that my stash is rather small.LOL! Have a great evening!Jen

  9. Hi Lauren,
    If you can't figure out the e mail thing ... let me know and when i get home from work ... I'll walk you through it.
    BTW, I still have some of the worms you sent me ... every now and then I need just a few here or there.
    Stay warm!
    p.s. I always have a problem with leaving comments on blogger ... that's why I do it from work now!

  10. wow! i would love to win a box of worms. i think blogger maybe messed up. i'm having to use"dashboard" to read them. denise[]

  11. I thought it was me or my computer. I am having odd problems. I click on leave a comment and the screen freezes and it is only on some blogs not all.
    poor annie she needs a forever home but she has a cozy place until then.

  12. Lauren, I see from the comments you've had followers who said they would help with your email button. Let me know if you still need help and I can walk you through it.

    I would love to be entered into your wool giveaway.


  13. Whoo Hoo, please put my name in the hat. I would love to win some worms. I am relatively new to hooking so this will help with the build up of my stash.

    Winter advisory for us in Ohio starting at 5 today... get ready to hunker down for the weekend and hook.

  14. wow I'd love some worms - I have just started my second rug so I dont have much of a stash yet but i'm sure i will some day lol

  15. I would love to win your worms! I am new to hooking and I buy kits with precut wool because I don't have a cutter, I can draw out my own patterns to hook but I don't have any wool so I would love to win and make a nice rug to show you once complete!

  16. Hi, Lauren. I would love to win all of those worms so that I can start rug hooking.
    Annie is so darn cute, I'd be so attached to her if I were you.

  17. Hi, Lauren. I would love to win all of those worms so that I can start rug hooking.
    Annie is so darn cute, I'd be so attached to her if I were you.

  18. Yeah, I'm in the middle of my own love/hate relationship with blogger. I want to use the cute new thread commenting function but its giving me fits!
    Nice looking pile of worms there. A hookers dream!

  19. Hi, I have been having trouble with comments on my blog too!!! Please enter me in youe "worm" giveaway!! I am new to rug hooking. Would love to have a stash!! Now lets see if i can post this!!! Good luck with blogger!

    Hugs, Mona

  20. Hi

    Yes Orange Sink said it in the easiest way. Me, I would probably get you more confused.

    Add a gaget....put in your picture..clear the http:// out of the box above and put in mailto:youremailaddress then save and the is all. Then check your picture on your blog. :)

    Took me a while to figure it out even when I was told how.

    Take care, Janet W

  21. Lauren, I would love to give your worms a home! Annie is just so sweet, I'm sure her forever home is out there just waiting for her. I'll keep my fingers crossed. I too have been having trouble commenting on blogs. A white page appears and nothing more. I hope this issue with blogger is resolved soon. Have a wonderful weekend, blessings Julie.

  22. Hi,Lauren,
    After seeing that you just joined my blog, I went to your profile and saw that you have a blog! I just love it, Rugs and Pugs is just about the cutest expression I have ever heard. You should copyright it! The pugs are adorable and your rug hooking is gorgeous! I'm looking forward to following your blog.

  23. Poor little Annie, I hope that someone with a big heart will adopt her soon.

    I haven't had any problems with posting comments on any blogs but I sure hope that you have everything figured out. It can be so frustrating.

    Hooking by the fire looks so cosy. I would like to skip winter and go straight to spring. I had enough of winter already. Never been much of a fan in my old age I'm afraid.

    Lauren, I would love to have my name in the draw for your wool worms. They looks so well behaved. I would give them a good home.

    Have a great weekend. hugs, JB


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)